Spoilers NO SPOILERS FOR CODA - A Lit-verse Grand Finale...What We Know (Spoilers for Entire Lit-verse)

To be fair, way back in Unity, it offered a timeline of the major events of what had happened on DS9 since Avatar, and that was in a hardcover.

Though, to be equally fair, that was a much shorter period of time, both in universe and out, than it has been for post-Nemesis lit, so it would take a lot more time to put together and page count.
Are you going to include something like the trek lit reading chart for the whole interconnected universe?

There will be a 4-5 page section in Book 1 with relevant “high points” from across the different series to kick things off. Books 2 and 3 will add entries to their respective versions as appropriate. So, past events that don’t come into play until Book 2 are included, and so on.
There will be a 4-5 page section in Book 1 with relevant “high points” from across the different series to kick things off. Books 2 and 3 will add entries to their respective versions as appropriate. So, past events that don’t come into play until Book 2 are included, and so on.
That will be a very nice inclusion.
There will be a 4-5 page section in Book 1 with relevant “high points” from across the different series to kick things off. Books 2 and 3 will add entries to their respective versions as appropriate. So, past events that don’t come into play until Book 2 are included, and so on.

It would be really good if the entries refer to the book it's from
We definitely won't be doing that. However, we do plan to include some up-front material inside books two and three that will serve as very short (75–100 words) recaps of the previous books' core stories.

There will be a 4-5 page section in Book 1 with relevant “high points” from across the different series to kick things off. Books 2 and 3 will add entries to their respective versions as appropriate. So, past events that don’t come into play until Book 2 are included, and so on.
Cool. I wish other Trek books had done this kind of thing on a regular basis. I sometimes go years between books, so I've often had trouble remembering what had been happening in previous. You guys are usually good at putting enough in the body of the book to jump start my memory, but something like what you're talking about here is also appreciated.
There will be a 4-5 page section in Book 1 with relevant “high points” from across the different series to kick things off. Books 2 and 3 will add entries to their respective versions as appropriate. So, past events that don’t come into play until Book 2 are included, and so on.
It'll be just like when the "Previously On..." recap on TV includes some weird scene from five years ago, so you know that thing that always bothered you that the show forgot is finally being followed up on.
Although it's a complete non-starter of an idea, but annotations similar to what is in the Lord of the Rings would be nice and included in book three and written by a fourth writer.
I always find it helpful when a current novel in an ongoing series, like the relaunches, does a bit of a recap of 'this is what happened last week.' And in general the writers do a good job of incorporating that into the stories without making it seem like an actual recap. It's usually relevant to the particular chapter or plot thread going on.

As far as actual annotations, I mean, is that actually necessary any more. Between Memory Alpha and Beta, you could probably find most of what you need there. In a way that's their point for existence anyway. I generally find the information their to be pretty accurate, at least accurate enough for an fictional universe (I wouldn't use a Wiki site as a source for a term paper necessarily, but for entertainment purposes or general information usually they're fine).

Not that I'm saying not to do annotations, I'm just wondering if that already basically exists in some form.
The annotations are usually way more than "You may remember Rugal Pa'Dar from the episode 'Cardassians,' where he bit Garak." They're more like a DVD commentary, with information on the origin of certain concepts and characters, paths not taken, in-jokes, and other stuff a wiki couldn't have.
The annotations are usually way more than "You may remember Rugal Pa'Dar from the episode 'Cardassians,' where he bit Garak." They're more like a DVD commentary, with information on the origin of certain concepts and characters, paths not taken, in-jokes, and other stuff a wiki, by definition, would never tell you.

Yeah but you can look up the name "Rugal Pa'Dar" and get the information from Memory Alpha/Beta. Even if there isn't a specific article for the exact name/subject, it will usually give you search results where you can find that information.

It's not that I'm against the idea or anything. If they want to go ahead and do it, hell, you can never have too much information. But I'm just wondering is that already covered these days. Back when Unity came out, probably not. I don't recall but was Memory Alpha even around back then? But nowadays it might be a lot easier to get that information.