Spoilers NO SPOILERS FOR CODA - A Lit-verse Grand Finale...What We Know (Spoilers for Entire Lit-verse)

Honestly, I think the key to meaningful space travel is finding a way to break the light speed barrier.

Being able to "hack" gravity - some form of mass reduction field to mean you can get off a planet with less energy, and avoiding the rocket equation, would be transformational.

Either way, assuming Musk doesn't run out of money before delivering some financial success, I see humans reasonably occupying the moon/lagrnge/asteroids/mars for good in the next 50 years. Once that happens, we'll be on the way to self sustaining habitats.

Assuming we get Fusion in the next 100 years energy in the outer system will be fine. With population growth in space then surely at some point there will be those aiming to leave the solar system. Accelerating to 10% light speed to emmigrate to other systems will take a hell of a lot of mass.

Without FTL travel or at least FTL communication, human civilisation will diverge if we leave the solar system.
Those blurbs are, I’m fairly sure, going to be the final back cover text. If you’re looking for anything more detailed, you probably shouldn’t expect anything of the sort until after the books come out properly.
Those blurbs are, I’m fairly sure, going to be the final back cover text. If you’re looking for anything more detailed, you probably shouldn’t expect anything of the sort until after the books come out properly.
Slightly longer back-cover copy has been prepared, but I don't know when the publisher will decide to send it into the system for Amazon and other retailers. It might happen at the same time that they reveal the covers, which are being developed now.

That said, while the new back-cover copy will have a bit more substance, don't expect any of them to give major spoilers of any kind. Dayton, James, and I each wrote our own back-cover copy, and we all vetted each other's text, to make certain none of us accidentally spoil anything pre-publication.
I'd rather have a big character montage, if this is going to be the last time we see the novel characters, it would be nice to get official US pictures for at least some of them.
Slightly longer back-cover copy has been prepared, but I don't know when the publisher will decide to send it into the system for Amazon and other retailers. It might happen at the same time that they reveal the covers, which are being developed now.

That said, while the new back-cover copy will have a bit more substance, don't expect any of them to give major spoilers of any kind. Dayton, James, and I each wrote our own back-cover copy, and we all vetted each other's text, to make certain none of us accidentally spoil anything pre-publication.
Glad to hear it, it bugs me when the back cover for one book in a series spoils stuff from the books before it. I know sometimes that's unavoidable as the stories go on, but it's nice to know you guys are going out of you way to make sure that doesn't happen with Coda.
Glad to hear it, it bugs me when the back cover for one book in a series spoils stuff from the books before it. I know sometimes that's unavoidable as the stories go on, but it's nice to know you guys are going out of you way to make sure that doesn't happen with Coda.
As I said, no major spoilers. The mention of a character on the back of book two or three might "spoil" that they lived through the previous books, but we make no promises about anything or anyone for the trilogy's ending. ;)
As I said, no major spoilers. The mention of a character on the back of book two or three might "spoil" that they lived through the previous books, but we make no promises about anything or anyone for the trilogy's ending. ;)
That's not to bad. There are a few series I've come across where the back cover of one book, spells out exactly how the before it ended.