Spoilers NO SPOILERS FOR CODA - A Lit-verse Grand Finale...What We Know (Spoilers for Entire Lit-verse)


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
I think it's a pretty foregone conclusion at this point that the Lit-verse (at least the main continuity as it has been for the last twenty years) is getting a grand finale of some sort relatively soon. I was hoping this thread would be a repository of what little tidbits of info we've been teased with over the last couple of years.

I think it all started (at least to the best of my memory) with this great post by Dayton Ward...https://www.trekbbs.com/threads/new...tv-show-spoilers.295360/page-86#post-13474884

Both Dayton Ward and David Mack have since made several veiled references to wanting and planning on doing something more with the Lit-verse beyond Collateral Damage. Perhaps others can post specific instances of this.

David Mack revealed in episode 309 of Literary Treks that he would have a new Trek novel released around the end of 2021 which was "going to be something big, going to be something else!" Obviously no guarantee, but it most certainly could be related.

Before the final, newest piece of evidence we've been given, I'll say my assumptions/wish for this supposed upcoming story have from the beginning been the epic story we've been waiting more than a decade for. The destruction of Romulus. The hope/assumption for any future Lit-verse storyline now that Picard has aired was for some form of temporal reset, to wipe clean the entire 2380s in universe so that they can instead play out according to the Picard continuity. This would be infinitely better from my point of view than a repeat of the situation that occurred with the Star Wars EU.

Since we know the destruction of Romulus precipitates the creation of an entirely new timeline with the Kelvin-verse, it has been my assumption that somehow further temporal shenanigans would be revealed, and the Lit-verse 2380s would also be erased/branched off from, giving us the new canon version, but making the Lit-verse events "count" in the same way that the "Year of Hell" timeline had actual repercussions in the Full Circle novels.

So with this in mind, I had assumed we'd be getting a destruction of Romulus/Crisis on Infinite Treks/Lit-verse Finale at some point. Then comes Voyager: To Lose the Earth.

It is revealed that the DTI is taking a huge interest in the Krenim after the events of A Pocket Full of Lies. But the people on the ground know that going back to fool with the Krenim would be a tremendously bad idea. While reading this it seemed very clear that this may be the beginning of a future plot thread.

Then in episode 311 of Literary Treks, Kirsten Beyer surprisingly does everything but come right out and say that this is the beginning of the storyline which will reconcile the Lit-verse with the new Picard continuity.

"Some of [the ending] was agreed upon to service future things."

Matt Rushing: "I have a sneaking suspicion, that this may have an implication, in maybe the next couple of books that we see, where we can possibly line up the novel-verse with the Picard universe." Kirsten Beyer- "You think? Does that sound like something I would have any interest in doing? I mean do you know me at all, Matthew? (laughs throughout)"

So now I think it's actually quite clear that the Lit-verse timeline is heading toward a confrontation with the Krenim. This (not the destruction of Romulus) will result in the entire 2380s being erased, and in the new timeline playing out as is shown in Last Best Hope and Picard. So in fact, Romulus does not ever need to be destroyed in the Lit-verse. The only time this story ever needs to play out is in Last Best Hope. We've been waiting a decade for this to happen in the Lit-verse, and now I predict it never even needs to.

Once you take that expectation out of play, there is really nothing else we can even guess at. Literally anything could happen. Anyone could die. No holds barred with no repercussions. The end of the Lit-verse. And then total reset back to about 2380.

I think this is coming in about one year. I HOPE it is a multibook storyline similar to The Fall or Destiny. I hope we get epic conclusions for every series, especially DS9 which out of all the series, deserves an ending better than the place it is in right now. After this I really don't care where Treklit goes. As long as this twenty year long story gets some closure. I'm very grateful it looks very much like we're moving in that direction. I really look forward to it.
Have the Krenim been a presence in previous Voyager relaunch books? (I stopped with Full Circle.)
Don't worry. We're professionals.

I'm still holding out hope that they are going to let the Litverse continue as an alternate timeline alongside the Picard-verse. It's managed to survive for almost 20 years, there's still interest in it, and alternate universes are very much a thing in Star Trek, so it's not totally impossible.
Except there's only eight books a year now, the majority of which will likely be tie-ins for the in-production shows, of which we'll soon have three live action shows. Factor in there will always be at least one TOS tie-in novel and the fact that as of 2021 there will be TV series era tie-ins for TNG and DS9 and it would not surprise me if this is indeed the grand finale we're getting. And we're lucky to be getting whatever Litverse related material we're going to be getting. Most franchises don't bother with their tie-in continuity after an on-screen revival.
So far we've only got 2, soon to be 3 live action shows, so if we get one book a year for each, that still leaves us with 5 books for Novelverse or other books.
So far we've only got 2, soon to be 3 live action shows, so if we get one book a year for each, that still leaves us with 5 books for Novelverse or other books.

But who says there's going only to be one book a year for the new series? DISCO is only just starting its third season and we've already had four or five DISCO novels. And I would certainly expect more than one TOS book a year (not that I'm biased or anything). :)

And there's still the new SECTION 31 series coming up soon . . . .
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So far we've only got 2, soon to be 3 live action shows, so if we get one book a year for each, that still leaves us with 5 books for Novelverse or other books.
Five empty slots on the calendar, with six possible ways that could be filled with that don't necessarily mean Litverse. IE, it could be TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise or Kelvin Timeline. Also of some possible relevance, a few others have told me not to be presumptuous in response to doubts I've posted about Lower Decks getting tie-in novels.
But who says there's going only to be one book a year for the new series? DISCO is only just starting its third season and we've already had four or five DISCO novels. And I would certainly expect more than one TOS book a year (not that I'm biased or anything). :)

And there's still the new SECTION 31 series coming up soon . . . .
Oh, for some reason I was thinking we'd only gotten one Discovery book per season.
So far we've only got 2, soon to be 3 live action shows, so if we get one book a year for each, that still leaves us with 5 books for Novelverse or other books.

We're only getting 4-5 Trek novels per year now, so those slots will be gobbled up by TOS, DSC, PIC, and upcoming shows like SNW and S31. Shows like Discovery may even have two books - another USS Shenzhou prequel, and a "Before Discovery arrives in 3189" prequel. There's no room for Litverse novels.
Oh, for some reason I was thinking we'd only gotten one Discovery book per season.

Nope. Just off the top of my head, there was Dave Mack's book, Dayton Ward's book, Una McCormack's book, John Jackson Miller's book, Dave Galanter's book, and . . . maybe another?

And, obviously, I'm too lazy to look up the titles. :)