Night Court revival

The younger viewers will be tuning in for Melissa Rauch, not John Larroquette. It will all come down to her rapport with the rest of the cast.
The younger viewers will be tuning in for Melissa Rauch, not John Larroquette. It will all come down to her rapport with the rest of the cast.

I doubt "younger" viewers will tune in at all. How many 18-34 year olds still watch network sitcoms, let alone spin offs of ones that went off the air thirty years ago?
You'd be surprised what younger viewers like, and what ends up taking off as being wildly popular.

Anything’s possible, but according to Variety:
Per Nielsen (Fox’s) average primetime viewer was 57.3 years old..CW’s viewers were slightly older: the average primetime viewer each day was 60.8 years old…NBC is the next youngest behind the CW in L+SD at 61.1, followed by ABC at 61.4 and CBS at 66.1. In L+7s, NBC and ABC tie with a median age of 61.2, and CBS skews oldest at 65.5.​
Anything’s possible, but according to Variety:
Per Nielsen (Fox’s) average primetime viewer was 57.3 years old..CW’s viewers were slightly older: the average primetime viewer each day was 60.8 years old…NBC is the next youngest behind the CW in L+SD at 61.1, followed by ABC at 61.4 and CBS at 66.1. In L+7s, NBC and ABC tie with a median age of 61.2, and CBS skews oldest at 65.5.​

Young people download shows illegally, and watch it on their phone.

Young people sold their TV to buy weed.

Young people wait till season three or four until they are willing to accept a recommendation that a show is good.

Looks like they've retained Dan's redemption which is a really good sign. Hopefully that's a reflection of the show moving forward and growing with the times.

I'll definitely be checking it out even if I was more of a passive fan, as in when it was on Nick at Nite or something else, I'd always watch but I didn't go out of my way for it.

So do we know a premiere date yet?
January 17!

Looks like they've retained Dan's redemption which is a really good sign. Hopefully that's a reflection of the show moving forward and growing with the times.

I'll definitely be checking it out even if I was more of a passive fan, as in when it was on Nick at Nite or something else, I'd always watch but I didn't go out of my way for it.

January 17!
There's enough there that it looks really promising. I am crossing my fingers. I'd love for this to work.
I doubt the show will get good ratings but if the show is good and fun to watch then that is all that matters.
I doubt it will be funny because you can't do Night Court humor these days but it could be pleasant feeling and not cynical with likeable characters.
The actress isn't who I would have gone to for the role. I feel like Felicia Day would be the perfect daughter to that character.