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Night Court revival

Olivia is the one i feel is trying too hard...almost feels like an SNL sketch, where they are looking at the cue cards to tell the joke.
Exactly how I've felt about her. Bad "reaction acting" IMO, especially when she is in a scene, but has no dialogue. Feels like she's waiting for a bus sometimes.
I was a little confused how that revenge was supposed to work? What was she gonna do, and why did she give up?
I thought I'd missed that little detail simply because I was distracted with dinner, but if somebody else didn't quite get it, then maybe it wasn't there.

OHHHHH!!!! It was right there in the recap: identity theft.
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Winner winner, chicken dinner!

I like the show, I hope it continues to find its legs for a nice long run, but imo, either the Judge or the DA would do well to dial back the, I don't know how to say it comfortably... the ditzyness? <throws self on the mercy of the court>
Let's just appreciate the moment in the new episode where Dan uses the Riker Maneuver to sit down.

This was a fun episode. I cannot tell you how much I love Gurgs, because I love Gurgs. Oh wait, I guess I can tell you how much I love Gurgs.

Dan is, as always, awesome. I love watched him try to navigate the waters of his past and his present. He's still Dan, but he's matured, some of it due to grief and loss, and some of it because age changes how we see things sometimes. It's so very well done, and I'm glad he acknowledges that the gulf between the two Dans does exist.

Anyway, I adore Abby, too. She's clearly in that same mindset as her dad, that sweet optimism that some people mistake as naivety, but she's very grounded underneath. She just wants people to be happy and fulfilled, and I am 100% on board with that. She's also cute as hell, and her personality pushes that.

Olivia moved up a notch for me. She still seems to be trying the hardest of the group at this point, but I did enjoy the bonding moments between her and Gurgs (who had me dying with the whole crockpot thing, and the calendar of sexy convicted felons). I want to like her character, she has that shallowness of Dan, but it's kind of like an ill-fitting suit, she doesn't really own it, she's just wearing it. John *owned* being a narcissistic, self-indulgent misanthrope. If that's what she wants to be, she needs to keep working on it. I do like her, but she has some work to do, but that's what the first season is for, and I hope she grows into her character.

Got a little more insight into Neal. I think he's funnier when he's talking about himself and his own experiences rather than making comments about others. The self-deprecation helps him seem more personable.

This was a fun episode. I sincerely hope the show continues to grow, because I am enjoying it.
This one was quite funny, much more so than the previous ones. The writing was much sharper, wittier, and zanier, with lots of hilarious asides and non sequiturs, like Gurgs keeping blueprints in the vents just in case a Die Hard situation crops up. It felt like Night Court writing, at last. I hope they continue in this vein.

The stronger material meant that the characters worked better for me too, particularly Gurgs and Olivia. Although I think part of what made them work for me this week was the underlying character story, the two different people feeling their way toward a connection.

Interesting way to tackle the issue of Dan's old womanizing ways, by flipping it around and having him feel it's all behind him -- while still acknowledging it with Dan's lines about how wrong it feels to say he doesn't want to have sex with a woman.

I really noticed the height difference between Rauch and Larroquette this week. It was weird to realize that she was standing up while he was sitting down, but their heads were close to the same level.
I really noticed the height difference between Rauch and Larroquette this week. It was weird to realize that she was standing up while he was sitting down, but their heads were close to the same level.

I'm 6'2" and I have a co-worker who is 4'10". Even when I'm sitting down at the front counter, and she stands next to me to ask me a question I'm still slightly taller. Some of the tires she installs when put on edge are taller and weigh more than her.
The third episode had a bit more of a spark to it.

Having recently watched the OS episode involving the "adult cake" for Dan's BD party they really should have gone with some joke there hinting at Dan's past.

But part of this episode felt a bit too much like the episode(s) tied to the clip I linked to above with our central judge questioning their capability and Dan being the one to bring them back.
Some of the tires she installs when put on edge are taller and weigh more than her.
Remind me not to surprise your colleague in any dark alleys. Never underestimate what women and short people (and especially short women) can do.

The current Museum Manager at the International Printing Museum is a young woman, quite a bit shorter than I am (and I most assuredly do NOT have a "basketball body"; more like a "basket-case body" [anybody get the Welcome Back Kotter reference there?]) And like your colleague, she manages to do things that defy stereotypes of what a relatively petite woman can do. Although I advised her that when she starts doing Heidelberg Windmill demonstrations, she should not copy my trick of deliberately slamming my head into the "nameplate guard" to demonstrate its effectiveness: she'd probably miss the nameplate and get clipped by a moving feed arm.
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Night Court has been renewed.

NBC immediately orders Wings, NewsRadio, Just Shoot Me, A Different World, Dear John, Blossom, Parks and Recreation, and 30 Rock to series.
Yay! So we get at least two seasons of the new Night Court!
I've been pretty lukewarm on the show so far, but, all the reviews I read have stated it gets a lot better and really funny as the season goes on.
A former coworker of mine has a petite daughter who is on the town fire department, and manages to pass all the physical strength tests. It's like she enhances her muscles with sheer determination.

A former co-worker of mine who is a tiny little Iranian woman became a police officer and when she was training she said they acted like they were sure she wouldn't pass the physical tests and then she did, with flying colors; even beating some of the men she was training with.
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