Night Court revival

Time to get me some Peacock as all I've got right now are the clips - which have been largely better than expected. The plot synopses on Wiki read well too, but seeing this in full proper form is best. The series continues to look very promising, though... The cast alone make me hopeful it will be renewed.
Honestly, I'm kind of hoping that if the show gets a second season, it follows the original show's tradition of replacing its less successful regulars until it finds ones who really click (though without any cast members dying this time, please). I think they could do better for the DA character, and I'm not sold on Gurgs yet. The clerk is starting to click for me, but I don't remember his name.

He can't be clicking too much if you can't remember his name yet ;)

Dan and Gurgs are still the top 2 for me, Abby and Neil are solid and improving, I'm still "meh" on Olivia.

Do we know how many episodes a "series order" entails? Season 1 of Ghosts (US) was 18, but they spread those out with a few gaps.

If it were possible to rewatch the original series without remembering how good it became, how would we feel about it's season 1?
Season 1 of the original was pretty rough. One of the best things about it was Terry Kiser(Bernie from the Weekend at Bernie's movies)as a sleazy tabloid reporter who always tries to get stories and dirt from Harry's court, but even he's not enough to make the first episodes all that good.
Weird how many people aren't connecting with Olivia. She's my favorite new character, even more so than Abby who I like a lot. Maybe it's actress bias since I loved India de Beaufort's character on One Day at a Time.
The knock out star who isn't named Dan is Gurgs. Actually, even including Dan. She's the only one so far who captures that classic Night Court insanity.

I like everyone else, sure. But I'm not even sure Dan would have kept me coming back at this point. Although standing Abby and Dan next to each other is never not funny to me. (You want me to be more sophisticated? I'm watching a Night Court reboot!)
The knock out star who isn't named Dan is Gurgs. Actually, even including Dan. She's the only one so far who captures that classic Night Court insanity.

I can see why others would think that, but somehow she's still not quite working for me. She just seems like she's trying too hard to be zany. Or maybe it's the writing that's trying too hard. I dunno, maybe I just haven't gotten used to her style yet. Bull Shannon is a hard act to follow.

Honestly, most of the cast is trying a bit too hard, except Larroquette, who makes it look effortless.

Although standing Abby and Dan next to each other is never not funny to me. (You want me to be more sophisticated? I'm watching a Night Court reboot!)

I don't get it.
You know, I find that Larroquette with a beard reminds me somewhat of my father, who was also over 6 feet and deep-voiced, although his hair was never as white, nor as full on top. There's a similarity of personality that I never noticed before, but it struck me when I saw the Larroquette interview with Seth Meyers, and now I see it in his performance as Dan. I guess a lot of people tend to resemble each other more when they get old.
The knock out star who isn't named Dan is Gurgs. Actually, even including Dan. She's the only one so far who captures that classic Night Court insanity.

I think they are trying way too hard with Gurgs, trying to capture the insanity that was the original.
I'm watching it, pretty meh so far. But to be honest I don't remember many details from the original as I was a kid when it aired and knew it through syndicated repeats at 5&530 pm.

It kills 20 min once a week.

I know they announced Faith Ford as Abby's mom, does anyone know is she is a recast of Christine after Post's passing?
She'd be about the right age if they're looking for a Christine Sullivan recast. But only time will tell and she might be a completely unrelated character we've never before heard of.
She'd be about the right age if they're looking for a Christine Sullivan recast. But only time will tell and she might be a completely unrelated character we've never before heard of.

Yeah, in one way it would make sense to be a recast, but they already don't have a timeline that makes any sense (42 year old Rauch playing an at most 28 year old who is somehow on her second judgeship - not a complaint, it's a wacky sitcom rebootquel to an already wacky sitcom) they might as well just go all in and make her a totally different character Harry met after the show ended.
We already know Dan never won Christine's hand in marriage so that would free Markie's character up to wed Harry at some point post-1992 but yeah, at this point it wouldn't matter if Faith Ford were a totally new character. Part of me wants it to be Christine but if it's not it's fine.