new Shogun adaptation coming...

There's so much more to the story that happens after the events covered in the book, but the show ended where the book did, so I'm curious to see what they do with it.
Sanada is about the only actor they need back.

Mariko is dead.
Fuji is a nun (dead in the book, although it is set to happen a few months after the books ends)
Kasigi Yabu is dead. (Yabushige)
Blackthorne's story is told.
Naga is dead.
Toda Hiromatsu is dead.

They really need to just adapt Tai-Pan with a new cast, and then redo Noble House.
There's so much more to the story that happens after the events covered in the book, but the show ended where the book did, so I'm curious to see what they do with it.

What is happening? Toranaga's/Tokugawa's win ushers in more than 250 years of peace in Japan. There are some events still to come such as the ban of christianity a couple of years later and when Tokugawa consolidated power after his major victory at Sekigahara but after that it's an unbroken rule and peace for centuries.

I am very sceptical that this can even be as remotely good as the initial show because major elements like Mariko will be missing and i have serious doubts that lightning will strike twice ( or more, depending how many seasons they will do).

I am also disappointed in Sanada for signing off ( though one reason may be that he wants to show off and push Japanese culture even further) and the producer team for apparently going in when they all have said that the story is done. Wiggling out of it by saying the book story is done just seems cheap.

Once again the studios can't help but try to ruin a massive success by thinking more of it means more profit when in reality they run a high risk of tarnishing a perfect product. Then again this means nothing to them if they have financial profit.
What is happening? Toranaga's/Tokugawa's win ushers in more than 250 years of peace in Japan. There are some events still to come such as the ban of christianity a couple of years later and when Tokugawa consolidated power after his major victory at Sekigahara but after that it's an unbroken rule and peace for centuries.
Sekigahara was in 1600, but Tokugawa's grip on power wasn't firmly entrenched until after the last resistance to his rule was crushed in the Siege of Osaka, in 1615.

I would prefer it if they didn't continue beyond the events covered in the book, but they do have more to work with.
My understanding is that they are extending it as a "regular series" in order to score more awards, which they sure could score a lot at least for this year's Emmys.

Future seasons might not be based on Clavell's writings, but for me, that's good thing. A Japanese story actually being led by actual Japanese people, but Americans are actually learning it? Seems like a win for me.

I trust the crew -- i never read the original novel, but it seems like they had a handle on both the ficiton and the history/culture....and that's what I am interested in.

This is also technically historical ficiton, so they can play a bit on the history , so we MIGHT see some twists... including perhaps Toranaga being outwitted at last and/or the intrigue of power after his death.

I am totally interested in where this goes.
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Been chipping away at the series over the past few weeks. Finished the last three episodes over the weekend.

Wow. I think I can comfortably call it the best show I've watched in a long time (a long time). In spite of the universal praise it received, it still blasted past my expectations.

I went in knowing nothing of the period or the book. Not long after starting the show, we read that S2 / S3 were on their way. So, watching the final episode, I naturally assumed the pieces were being moved into place for S2 on the chance it was greenlit (which it apparently has).

Only when I read up on the show upon finishing it did I discover it was originally produced as a limited series, and the book had already been covered in its entirety. It's a pity; I wish I could have watched the final few episodes with the awareness that it was intended as one-off. No matter, though.

Given what they achieved in S1, I'm prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt going forward. I certainly understand why others may feel differently. I hope they know what they're doing.

edit: Read the thread in full - thanks everyone for the insights, in particular @Jedi Marso. I'm going to track down the original series and get my hands on the novel.

Really can't overstate how much I enjoyed this!
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I certainly have high hopes for the next seasons... and what I think will be happening is that instead of a white author, modern Japanese writers will really make this feel more authentic while also connecting with a variety of audiences. But they will definitely need some new and interetsing characters (with actors who can match)...but here's hoping... and I wonder if they will somehow create an alternate Japanaese history, and what that will look like.
I found the comment clip (supposedly from page 3 of this thread) "The only good thing about Buntaro the abusive wife beater, still being alive is - that hopefully and fingers crossed - Mariko will end his ..." That doesn't seem to be here anywhere - does anybody remember what it said?
I found the comment clip (supposedly from page 3 of this thread) "The only good thing about Buntaro the abusive wife beater, still being alive is - that hopefully and fingers crossed - Mariko will end his ..." That doesn't seem to be here anywhere - does anybody remember what it said?

it's been a while, but I posted that. the word that is missing and has the placeholder ... is: life

I was initially hoping for Mariko to get revenge for all the terrible things Buntaro did to her as well as her ending his life, in a gory specacular way.

But what the show actually did - with her being ice cold towards him, refusing his wish to commit suicide together and be together inafterlife or whatever, was way, way better.

Instead of a typical revenge arc, this it fit her character and her whole story arc much better.