New Classic Who Blu-Ray Sets (2021 edition)

Bound to be someone. My knowledge is not exhaustive for guest actors from before I was born. John Levene can cover Pertwee era, not so much the Tom Baker era. Could fudge continuity have have Lalla and John do seasons they weren’t in at a push. Surprised they didn’t try them for a Tardis Tales. But guest stars? Not my era. Bound to be one or two, and a lot of imagination.

Edit: and to stretch it a little further, have Susan tracking her grandfather through time and space on a time-space visualiser, and get Carole Anne Ford in.
I mean, this is exactly the problem. Once you’re scraping the barrel to find someone still capable of appearing on camera, you’ve made a rod for your own back and might not be doing something creatively fulfilling.

Pete is right to manage expectations. Some seasons will inevitably have to take a different approach, and that’s absolutely fine.
The problem with getting Lalla on screen is that she lives in Hong Kong now.

If only someone could invent some kind of machine that is able to transport people long distances in a reasonable period of time.

Like, image if you could get on some kind of machine in Hong Kong, and then maybe fly (for example), very fast, through the air, and arrive in the UK the VERY SAME DAY!

It would be game-changing.
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If only someone could invest some kind of machine that is able to transport people long distances in a reasonable period of time.

Like, image if you could get on some kind of machine in Hong Kong, and then maybe fly (for example), very fast, through the air, and arrive in the UK the VERY SAME DAY!

It would be game-changing.

Or, and hear me out before you poo poo the idea, some kind of way to film something in another country with local people and equipment, then sending that film via some kind of digital format through some kind of world wide network to the country were the studio actually is, hence even doing away with sending people and equipment on those machines that travel long distances you spoke of. :p
Or, and hear me out before you poo poo the idea, some kind of way to film something in another country with local people and equipment, then sending that film via some kind of digital format through some kind of world wide network to the country were the studio actually is, hence even doing away with sending people and equipment on those machines that travel long distances you spoke of. :p

How would we know unless she's been asked? And what does "She lives in Hong Kong" have to do with "She's not interested"?
How do we know she hasn't been asked?

All I'm saying is that yes, it's only a flight away, but it may be that she simply isn't interested so it doesn't matter where she lives.

I believe they banked interview material with her before she left, and she only has one story unreleased anyway, not even as Romana.
Cute jokes aside, the point is that any workaround for the fact that Ward lives in Hong Kong is an additional expense for a low-budget, low-return project— “made for 20 quid and a ham sandwich,” as McTighe joked recently.

That doesn’t mean she won’t make one— maybe she’s filmed something already, maybe they’ll catch her on a visit to the UK— but her living halfway around the world isn’t actually a trivial obstacle for a project like this.
Season 25 is the next season announced so Sylvester McCoy with have all his stories covered.

Some interesting special features particularly Looking For Dursley which features contributions from RTD who knew him and a variation on Behind The Sofa with Sylv and Sophie being joined by a different guest star for each story including Sheila Hancock!

First season I ever saw and a favourite of mine. Great news!
Looks like another sensational set! It's a brilliant season and all the new edits and effects should be wonderful. It's interesting how the McCoy years were so maligned at the time, but are now some of the most-loved series and get some of the best blu-ray releases.
Looks like another sensational set! It's a brilliant season and all the new edits and effects should be wonderful. It's interesting how the McCoy years were so maligned at the time, but are now some of the most-loved series and get some of the best blu-ray releases.

I think it’s because they are (a) pretty tightly written, especially the last two seasons and (b) are very much the template for the modern series, that it makes them much more approachable to modern/younger fans. At the time they probably felt a little alien to the older fans, because they were much bigger on character development.
Truth is, the series has been repeating patterns set here for years since its return (apart from the romance arcs) so seeing some of those things here, when they were a bit fresher, is probably quite a draw.
Just with Ace alone, things like the reveal of Fenric being responsible for her movement through time, and the delving into *her* background — it’s been done since, but not bettered. And the surprise element was real, because it’s not like the infrastructure existed to have people theorise how she ended up on Iceworld, or if someone would be responsible. (I imagine, after the fact Mel was met “out of order” that someone somewhere would have been wondering, but it wasn’t a huge source of discussion that I am aware of — though I came to fanzines and stuff after the show was off air.)

Seasons 25 and 26 are basically the framework for everything that has happened since.