I, er, don't really like season 24? I appreciated it more this time around when I rewatched it, but I definitely am not one of its ardent fans. I loathe Delta and the Bannermen and am continually astonished how much love it continues to get.
I have, however, finally grown fond of Dragonfire. Not a masterpiece but its a very effective and nice entry. The real beginning of the Cartmel era for me.
"Dragonfire" is the most traditional story of the season, and feels confidently made. There was a technicality that forced the cliffhanger to be moved to that infamous one.
"Paradise Towers" is too simplified, considering it has 4 episodes plus extra footage left on the cutting room floor, but has the makings of a rather good story. It's a little too camp that's typical of season 24 (thank Michael Grade for the tone of the show at that point, Colin's era was deemed "too violent" and they demanded it be made more lighthearted. And considering the themes of season 24's stories, they really had to camp it up...)
"Time and the Rani" is a mess, originally meant for Colin Baker and went through a few rewrites to adjust to changing conditions behind the scenes, but it's oddly enjoyable despite it all - and has a few interesting themes running through the mess. The ending is unexpectedly but positively dour as Ikona pretty much condemns his entire species to extinction and such. Pip and Jane often put in subtle little themes into their Doctor Who stories and that one is the biggie.
It baffles me as well, how "Delta and the Bannermen" is so loved. The incidental music riffing on the 50s is actually quite good, McCoy and Henderson cearly shine in their roles (both of which get some truly terrific moments), but for a story that should have been played straight, a lot of it is played for ridiculous laughs... or lacks any substance... and the level of logic gaffes is astounding. The obvious example is "New queen bee is made by giving any ol' worker bee some queen bee food so
obvs. a human eating alien Chimeron food will turn human into alien Chimeron to repopulate the species with."
Gag me with a spoon (which is what the human would do before going to the hospital due to the alien food poisoning and pretty much killing him like how you don't feed a dog chocolate)

Okay, that might work for anyone young enough who hasn't attended any grade school biology classes, but that's about it. Stubby Kaye deserved much better too... If Henderson didn't play it straight it would have been far worse...