Spoilers My main suspects for the anomaly.

The Sphere Builders were just a plot device. They are not going to be the reason for the anomaly.
As much as I enjoy Disco, they always stick the landing and come up with the lamest ending. That in mind, I think after the last episode, we'll discover that the anomaly with be created by the doctor's experiment getting out of control.

Actually their endings seem to raise more questions than they answer (Season 2 was more of a mess than Season 3, but overall more enjoyable).

The Red Angel suit could've been future Temporal Cold War tech commandeered and modified by S31 in the 23rd century

Su'Kal may have been deliberately engineered attempt of being a Guild Navigator.
Now that we have new clues as to who did it, let's come up with a new list.

The latest ep stated that the creators of the DMA crossed the Galactic Barrier, so that narrows the perpetrators to be either an existing Extra-galactic Alien species or a new one that is created for DISCO.

Any thoughts on whom it might be?
I do think that whoever did this, it is NOT meant as a weapon...

‪‪I’ve been thinking this as well since last week, because of a comment made Olatunde Osunsanmi *right* before last week’s episode went up and we learned the DMA wasn’t a natural phenomenon.

I mentioned it in the General Disco thread.

It may be tipping their hand a bit and be referring to the DMA, if it’s a conscious being, or the result of something being done by a species or society far, far away, or on another dimensional plane, maybe trying to open a wormhole to escape danger/a disaster themselves, creating the Anomaly as a side effect?

His specific comment about how both sides see the other as “wrong, or evil” made me think of the DMA, because so far ‪‪I wouldn’t think any conflict between humanoid beings this season resembles that, but everyone we’ve seen does see the DMA as a chaotic force of destruction, and are treating it as an evil phenomenon. And reasonably so, it’s been massively and profoundly destructive on a terrifying scale.

Osunsanmi’s comments seemed to indicate that the makers of the DMA don’t necessarily have a hostile intent. They could just feel justified in what they’re doing, but it’s also possible, as you said, that it isn’t an intentional weapon from the outside perspective of the DMA’s creators.
Osunsanmi’s comments seemed to indicate that the makers of the DMA don’t necessarily have a hostile intent. They could just feel justified in what they’re doing, but it’s also possible, as you said, that it isn’t an intentional weapon from the outside perspective of the DMA’s creators.
That's one of the reasons I'm currently betting on a connection to the whale probe. It didn't seem to have any malicious intent, its power just overwhelmed everything in its path.
its power just overwhelmed everything in its path.
While the "Whale Probe" was undoubtedly powerful, it wasn't its actual power supply that was causing the problem.

It was the signal it was broadcasting in its attempt to get a response from the Earth's whale population which had become extinct.

And upon arriving at Earth and not finding any surviving whales, it began to disrupt the worlds atmosphere in what I assumed was too return it to an environment in which whales could once again thrive.

Also, it was never stated that the Probe came from outside the Galactic Barrier.
While the "Whale Probe" was undoubtedly powerful, it wasn't its actual power supply that was causing the problem.

It was the signal it was broadcasting in its attempt to get a response from the Earth's whale population which had become extinct.

And upon arriving at Earth and not finding any surviving whales, it began to disrupt the worlds atmosphere in what I assumed was too return it to an environment in which whales could once again thrive.

Also, it was never stated that the Probe came from outside the Galactic Barrier.
All true, but that was 900 years prior to this and we know nothing of its origins. There's no reason it couldn't have come from outside the galaxy and its builders could have even more advanced technology than when last seen.
My new hypothesis:

The galactic barrier actually exists in part to keep out what lurks between the galaxies. The DMA is related to this - an artifact or ship of a dark-matter based life. That doesn't mean it's hostile by design, but it's so alien it doesn't even understand that stars and planets exist - let alone life on them.
My new hypothesis:

The galactic barrier actually exists in part to keep out what lurks between the galaxies. The DMA is related to this - an artifact or ship of a dark-matter based life. That doesn't mean it's hostile by design, but it's so alien it doesn't even understand that stars and planets exist - let alone life on them.
Heh, interesting.
That opens up a whole new idea of just who then created the Galactic Barrier if it is not naturally occurring.
I would enjoy exploring that more. I know @Greg Cox had touched on this in one of his novels so not canon, but I just love the idea of this barrier being placed for a reason previously unknown. Perhaps by the Preservers.
Seems above their level. They like to Preserve endangered societies but don’t act on a large scale. Their tech is faulty deflectors. :)