Model Box Homage (STO ships & Photoshop)


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Made these in photoshop to resemble the old model boxes but in desktop (4K) aspect ratio.



Hello @SimpleLogic Loving your fake covers. Still struggling to like this ship design but if they put it out as a real model I'd probably want to build it. Oh, who am I kidding, I'd want to build them all. lol

I have this model here.

I bought it back in the 90's soon after the film came out. I started building it back then but did not finish it until during the pandemic.

Unfortunately, over the decades I somehow lost the original box, so it is currently sharing a box with another Klingon ship box. If it is ok with you I'd like to print it out as a cover of a new box I will fashion just for it.

Photos of it, and some others, and the wild story to share about that ships adventures will be on model building kit thread soon.

And I want to let you know your art is going to be working hard as my wallpapers and or screensavers for years to come! Thank you. /gush lol
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Hello @SimpleLogic Loving your fake covers. Still struggling to like this ship design but if they put it out as a real model I'd probably want to build it. Oh, who am I kidding, I'd want to build them all. lol

I have this model here.

I bought it back in the 90's soon after the film came out. I started building it back then but did not finish it until during the pandemic.

Unfortunately, over the decades I somehow lost the original box, so it is currently sharing a box with another Klingon ship box. If it is ok with you I'd like to print it out as a cover of a new box I will fashion just for it.

Photos of it, and some others, and the wild story to share about that ships adventures will be on model building kit thread soon.

And I want to let you know your art is going to be working hard as my wallpapers and or screensavers for years to come! Thank you. /gush lol

I don't mind as long as I see a pic of it :). But you know the "covers" have info about the game ships rather than the models, so If you are OK with that. A few still have the Over ___" long quote because a friend of mine who did a few of these models too we share an inside joke about how it was such a selling point.

Edit: oh and these are made for 4K desktop aspect ratio so they won't be the same size as the real boxes.
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Get on it Round2 ;)
Those last 12 was round 2 lol. I've done 24 so far it all started from that 3 piece Warbird/BoP/Marauder set. At this point more would have to be more custom ones. Probably gonna take a little break from it though for now so it doesn't get too boring and repetitive.
I don't mind as long as I see a pic of it :).

Sure thing! Thank you. I'll add it here when finished. Till then the ship spotlight is almost ready to go...

But you know the "covers" have info about the game ships rather than the models, so If you are OK with that.

That's fine. Text details aren't paramount. The logo, ship image and the space background are similar enough for me. Very familiar looking, matching my fractured memories of the original box.

Thanx again!
Good stuff. Though we need some love for the original AMT boxes as well!

Sorry for the late reply I get on a period of not being on here much. I might try those I think a lot of them were basically portrait pics if I recall, maybe I could make those into tablet wallpapers.