Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: Under the Sea

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Vice Admiral
Last time I ran a Misc avatar contest, our topic was things underground, so now it's time to turn our attention to things underwater!

Your entry can be anything that is found underwater: marine life, plants, the ocean floor, shipwrecks, even submarines, if you like!

Standard avatar contest rules apply: images must be no more than 200 x 200 pixels and 1 MB, and they must be SFW. Generally, no media images are allowed, but I will allow entries from news sources and non-fiction documentaries that show real-life things. Each entrant may enter up to three avatars. Please identify what is being shown in your entries. The contest will be open for about a week, but I may extend it if necessary.

Have fun! :techman:
A playful seal

This mandarin fish
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did this from the web without opening the gimp image program.. it is getting better the internet with a lot of things. turtle hunting jellyfish..


and sneaking under the 1 megabyte limit ... turtle eats jellyfish,..

these were two totally different sources for the videos. I think two different hosts but they seem just different points in the film of this turtle and jellyfish.. idk and I have no way to verify yes or no if same film at different times..
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So, first of all, I just want to apologize to everyone. When I picked this topic, I was unaware of the unfolding Titan tragedy. In retrospect, the topic seems in somewhat poor taste. It looks like I posted the contest late in the day of the day it went missing (and as we know now, the passengers were already gone), but the search apparently didn't start until next day on the Monday, and I don't think the search really filtered into my bubble until the Tuesday.

So I basically didn't draw any further attention to the thread after that, and I just sort of left it open and untouched for the week following the release of the final results of the search, out of respect for the victims.

But I suppose we have to wrap this up at some point. So I'm going to call "last call" on this one, with the intention of posting the poll sometime Sunday evening (local time), in roughly 48 hours or less.

Here are my own entries:






Baby octopus

And sorry again for the poor timing on this topic.