Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: Bad Luck Blues

Avro Arrow

Vice Admiral
Our theme for this week is bad luck. Your entry can be either:
  • a sign, symbol, activity, etc. commonly thought to be unlucky or cause bad luck, OR
  • somebody experiencing some form of bad luck.
Standard avatar contest rules apply: your entry may be no larger than 200 x 200 pixels and 1 MB. No media (movie, television, etc.) images please, and all images MUST be SFW. Each entrant may enter two avatars, and the contest will be open for about a week.

If you choose to enter a picture showing someone experiencing some bad luck, the bad luck can be minor, as in my first entry:


All set to watch the eclipse! ... oh.

Or a little more... intense, as in my second entry:


Someone really picked a bad place to park!!

And yes, I know the timing would have been perfect if I had launched this one on Friday the 13th last week, but as my (bad) luck would have it, I didn't think of it till this week.

Have fun! :techman:
I remembered this photo I took of someones Lollipop that was on the ground --- yeah what a memory this photo was from november 22 2011 --- hehe --- so then I was tasked with the where is that photo stored --- I looked at google photos about 100,000 or more photos of mine no luck--- then I look at flicker again 101,000 photos there back from when they transferred my yahoo photos over,..OH and iphotos is at about 80,000 photos yeah I have to pay them to keep that alive ,.. iphotos was my best hope --- but facebook came thru. impossible to find as I did not know when the heck I took that photo so last resort I look thru the facebook photos --- I knew it was before 2013 but yeah endless photos :(. then there it is in the set of photos I'm scrolling thru --- yeah the perfect bad luck --- I lost a lollipop --- I don't even remember ever having these shoes but yeah they are my feet and shoes .. :)

sad lollipop avatar.jpg
sad lollipop lost to bad luck.

unlucky lollipop 1.jpg
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Last call! I'm looking to put the poll up in around 18 - 20 hours, so if you'd like to enter, now's the time!