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Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: As Above, So Below

Avro Arrow

Vice Admiral
Hi all! The topic for this week's contest is Underground Locations. Think subways, crypts, bunkers, etc. Basically any human-made environment that is set up underground.

Standard avatar contest rules apply: images must be no more than 200 x 200 pixels and 1 MB, and they must be SFW. And although the thread title was also used as the title of a movie, no media images are allowed. (Sorry, no underground temples or tombs visited by Indiana Jones or Lara Croft... unless of course they also exist in real life, in which case a real-life image must be used.) Note that if someone enters a subway station, crypt, etc., you can still enter other examples of that same thing, just please make it a different example, rather than another picture of the exact same one.

Each participant may enter up to three entries. The contest will be open for about a week, although I may extend it due to Easter weekend.

To start us off, here is my first entry:


Toledo Metro Station in Naples, Italy. Its glittery artistry is intended to evoke the feeling that you are underwater, instead of underground. And since the avatar size doesn't really do it justice, here's the full original image for your viewing pleasure:


Have fun! :techman:
are you referring to middle earth can I use a middle earth image?
Middle Earth as in Lord of the Rings? No, sorry, that would be a media image and wouldn't be allowed.

If I'm misinterpreting what you're referring to, let me know!
nope that was middle earth Lord of the Rings area.. :) I will give non-media thoughts for ideas to form..
my first thought was the subterraneans by Kerouac ,.. I am usually thinking I would read this book and would bring my copy when I go to my fiancée’s but I did not this time still the net has my book cover but is this media? @Avro Arrow

this is my book cover I have..

these are other book covers I am considering if it is not media..



idk let me know if I should avatarize one of these mmmm or all three?
my first thought was the subterraneans by Kerouac ,.. I am usually thinking I would read this book and would bring my copy when I go to my fiancée’s but I did not this time still the net has my book cover but is this media? @Avro Arrow

this is my book cover I have..
View attachment 33559

these are other book covers I am considering if it is not media..

View attachment 33558

View attachment 33560

idk let me know if I should avatarize one of these mmmm or all three?

Well, since all the covers seem to be drawn or painted art, I guess they wouldn't really be media images (although they are books, so they are literally images of media :lol: ). But... I don't see where any of them are actually depicting an underground location? :confused:
Hi all! The topic for this week's contest is Underground Locations. Think subways, crypts, bunkers, etc. Basically any human-made environment that is set up*
Does it have to be human-made? There are many subterranean locations that are entirely natural.
^yeah 000 Like this ?

cave pond avatar.jpg

after some digging

from here --
cave pond.jpg

but yeah this is not man made at all but this is here ---

stalagmites and stlactites underground 1.jpg

soooooo ...
entry #1
stalagmites and stalactites underground walkway
stalagmites and stlactites underground 1 avatar.jpg
Does it have to be human-made? There are many subterranean locations that are entirely natural.

Good question. I had originally thought about allowing any underground locations, but decided I wanted to focus specifically on human-made ones. However, I'm certainly willing to be flexible here, so I'm OK with opening it up to include natural locations, in the hopes that it will drive more participation.
Last(-ish) call! I'm planning to put the poll up Thursday evening, so you still have a few days if you would like to enter.

Here are my final two entries:


The PATH in Toronto - a system of both underground tunnels and above-ground walkways connecting downtown office buildings. A lot of the underground space is dedicated to retail, and according to Guinness, it is the largest underground shopping complex in the world.


The Cobble Hill Tunnel in NYC. (Also known as the Atlantic Avenue Tunnel.) According to Guinness, it is the oldest subway tunnel in the world. Completed in 1845, it was closed and sealed in 1861. Over the years, it largely fell out of the public consciousness, until it was eventually rediscovered in 1980.