Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: 2021 in Review

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Vice Admiral
The final days of the year are winding down, so why not do what the media does and look back over the last 12 months?

Our topic for this contest is 2021 in Review. You may enter any news item or event that happened in 2021. You may also enter any themes or ideas that symbolize or represent the past year. The only restrictions are that your entry must be SFW, and your entry cannot be from a movie, television show, or other media source. (News programs or documentaries are an allowable exception.)

Standard rules apply: your entry must be no larger than 200 x 200 pixels, and 1 MB. Each contestant may enter two avatars. The contest will be open for about a week.

Have fun! :techman:
The attack on the US Capital Building, January 6th, 2021.
^ I hope it goes without saying, but liked in the sense that I'm happy you entered, rather than "liking" all the destruction. (Same goes for liking the Capitol attack image too, of course.)

Entries have been a little slow coming in (I get it, who wants to relive 2021?) so I'll probably leave this open a few more days than originally planned, in case anyone else wants to enter as we come off the holidays.

If anyone wants to enter something commemorating any famous people we lost in 2021, that is fine, as long as the image is not specifically from a movie or TV show they appeared in.

Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party was two years into a minority government. The party was riding high in the polls, largely on the strength of their pandemic response. Trudeau decided to call a snap election, hoping to secure a majority. He framed it as the "most important election since 1945", since the thought was that the winning party would be able to set Canada's post-pandemic direction. It turns out, however, that voters didn't appreciate having an unnecessary pandemic election, and the party's numbers dropped precipitously. Early in the election, it was looking like the Conservative party might actually win. Due to some Conservative campaign missteps, their numbers started to trend downwards, and the Liberals started to rise. When the vote was tallied, the Liberals ended up winning another minority, and the seat counts in Parliament were almost identical to those before the election. Nothing much actually changed.

And the Liberal Party poll numbers returned to pre-election levels shortly thereafter.

I was hoping someone else would enter this next one, but no one has, and I don't want it to go unobserved...


The world lost beloved comedic legend Betty White on the last day of 2021. Her career spanned eight decades, and she broke many barriers, both on-camera and behind the scenes, eventually becoming known as "the First Lady of Television". She passed away at age 99, only a couple weeks shy of her 100th birthday.

Poll should be up sometime tomorrow.