Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiler-heavy speculation thread

What grade would you give the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Ever-Changing Question)

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I think in the MCU Asgardians are more 'cosmic beings' than the 'gods' they were sometimes(maybe majority of the time) presented as in the comics.

Well, "god" is a word that has various definitions in various cultures. In polytheistic belief systems, there can be a lot of levels of god below the ultimate creator-of-the-universe kind. Indeed, monotheistic faiths basically just shift the emphasis toward the ultimate creator being that's usually a remote, inchoate figure in polytheism (e.g. Chaos in Hesiod's cosmogony) and reduce the pantheons of multiple deities to lesser ranks of being like angels and demons. As I learned in my history studies, monotheistic faiths emerged when societies became more widely traveled and cosmopolitan, more focused on the global than the local, so the emphasis of their religions shifted toward the global as well, and the panoply of local deities that came together to form polytheistic pantheons were de-emphasized in favor of a single cosmic creator/authority figure.

So it stands to reason that beings like the Asgardians, Greek pantheon, etc. in the MCU could qualify as "gods" by some definition without having to be omnipotent, eternal beings like the kind the word is reserved for in monotheism. Or it could just be a vernacular term for advanced beings that have cosmic powers and are often worshipped as gods by mortal beings, like the Eternals. (In the comics, aren't the gods offspring of the Celestials?)
I remember Odin saying something to that effect in either Thor or Dark World but the later avengers films treat Thor and Valkyrie as gods.
Thor is the so-called god of thunder but I don't think Valkyrie was ever called a god.

In Avengers 1 Black Widow calls Thor & Loki 'basically gods' to which Steve replies that there's only one God.
(In the comics, aren't the gods offspring of the Celestials?)
I don't beleive there is a connection between the Gods and the Celestials in the comics. The Celestials created the Eternals who were sometimes confused with Gods. Giving them names similar to the Gods (Zuras/Zeus Thena/Athena) probably didn't help. :lol: The Gods are extra dimesional mystical beings.
If I recall correctly, The Eternals were not originally intended to be part of Marvel canon. It was Jack Kirby creating his own mythos. The one issue that featured the Hulk on the cover was actually a story about a Hulk robot. They weren't brought into main Marvel canon until they appeared in Thor years later, after the books cancellation.
If I recall correctly, The Eternals were not originally intended to be part of Marvel canon. It was Jack Kirby creating his own mythos. The one issue that featured the Hulk on the cover was actually a story about a Hulk robot. They weren't brought into main Marvel canon until they appeared in Thor years later, after the books cancellation.
That would be correct.
Looks like the physical releases of Loki & Wandavision did well as F&TWS and Moon Knight are next at end of April. No Hawkeye though; maybe saving it for a release date closer to Christmas?

Moon Knight and Falcon say ‘complete first season’ There’s been no official announcement of either series getting more than one season AFAIK.

For comparison the Kenobi blu-ray cover says ‘The Complete Series’
Wasn't the physical release of WandaVision without any discs that had the show actually on it?

No. That came from a collectables company that produces Steelbooks for people people who collect and display them as pieces of art.

Nothing to do with Disney, beyond giving them a licence to create them.
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I don't beleive there is a connection between the Gods and the Celestials in the comics. The Celestials created the Eternals who were sometimes confused with Gods. Giving them names similar to the Gods (Zuras/Zeus Thena/Athena) probably didn't help. :lol: The Gods are extra dimesional mystical beings.

I think the terms "god" and "celestial" can be somewhat used interchangeably. I think the big difference is lowercase c celestial and uppercase C Celestial.

A Celestial is always a celestial being, but not all celestial beings are a Celestial.
Moon Knight and Falcon say ‘complete first season’ There’s been no official announcement of either series getting more than one season AFAIK.

For comparison the Kenobi blu-ray cover says ‘The Complete Series’

True--The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was a one-and-done, with Sam Wilson moving on to headline Cap 4. Still, I'm eager to have TFATWS on physical media.
That design looks ok, probably the best way to do it in live action without going too goofy. Trying to adapt a character with cartoony physical proportions into live action (while not making them a total CG character) can be hard, just look at Hector Hammond in the 2011 Green Lantern film (or, actually, don't :barf2:).
Yeah, that looks pretty good, I think going for the full comic book look could have been a little too goofy. Just look at the reaction MODOK got in Quantumania.