Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiler-heavy speculation thread

What grade would you give the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Ever-Changing Question)

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The ultimate answer is that there is no clarity. Aside from a few snippets here and there (I think there may have been a reference in Falcon and the Winter Soldier and there definitely was one in Secret Invasion), phases 4 and 5 have been deliberately vague on that point.

The real world answer is they're trying to avoid the question as lead up to the next Avengers event while allowing each set of characters have their own adventures. Unfortunately, that next Avengers event is clearly about to change significantly if the supposed insider information is true about restructuring it.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they still exist, but the big question is who exactly is part of the team now, and which of the new characters will or won't be.
I tried to imagine a hypothetical roster and, well, I don't think there are many full-time members. Definitely Sam Wilson and Ant-Man (and I guess Wasp?). Then? Hulk devoted himself to scientific research. Doctor Strange was never a member. Captain Marvel ditto. Thor is roaming the cosmos. Spider-Man's situation post-spell is unclear. Obviously in the event of some cosmic catastrophe everyone would come together to face it, but it's not the same as being a full-time member.
With Carol and Bruce talking to Wong and Shang-Chi at the end of that movie, I got the idea there is still some degree of working together. Bruce and Carol weren't at the same location together, so perhaps an actual headquarters is no longer a thing. Or they're in the process of rebuilding it.
But The Marvels showed us that atleast Fury and Carol are still working together. I'm pretty sure that when the new roster is shown, it will be Captain Marvel who will lead the new team. Unless the new Captain America movie gives us more insight.
With Carol and Bruce talking to Wong and Shang-Chi at the end of that movie, I got the idea there is still some degree of working together. Bruce and Carol weren't at the same location together, so perhaps an actual headquarters is no longer a thing. Or they're in the process of rebuilding it.
But The Marvels showed us that atleast Fury and Carol are still working together. I'm pretty sure that when the new roster is shown, it will be Captain Marvel who will lead the new team. Unless the new Captain America movie gives us more insight.
It's interesting how few full-time super heroes (compared to their comic book counterparts) the MCU has. And virtually only Daredevil and Spider-man fight "common" crime (well, there was the short stint of Hawkeye as "Ronin" but whatever...)
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It's not really even unusual that we don't know who exactly is a 'full-time' member.

They specifically disbanded the 'official' Avengers (in so far as they even existed in the first place) after Avengers 1, there was a sort-of line-up after AoU but it had already changed off-screen by the time we got to Civil War, and CW left a big question mark as to what exactly Cap's rebels were actually going to do and to what extent if any Iron Man's 'official' Avengers were going to keep going on beyond that. Then IW ended with everything in shambles and no real clue was given as to how exactly the surviving characters were going to operate moving forward until the first act of EG.
It's not really even unusual that we don't know who exactly is a 'full-time' member.

They specifically disbanded the 'official' Avengers (in so far as they even existed in the first place) after Avengers 1, there was a sort-of line-up after AoU but it had already changed off-screen by the time we got to Civil War, and CW left a big question mark as to what exactly Cap's rebels were actually going to do and to what extent if any Iron Man's 'official' Avengers were going to keep going on beyond that. Then IW ended with everything in shambles and no real clue was given as to how exactly the surviving characters were going to operate moving forward until the first act of EG.
I'd also add that there was a spate between CAtWS and AoU where they seemed to be consistently operating; mostly hunting down Hydra cells.

Ironically, the longest stretch of the Avengers (such as they were) being consistently active was probably during the blip. Though that seemed to be mostly just Nat coordinating whoever was left (and not wallowing in self pity in New Asgard.)

It's interesting how few full-time super heroes (compared to their comic book counterparts) the MCU has. And virtually only Daredevil and Spider-man fight "common" crime (well, there was the short stint of Hawkeye as "Ronin" but whatever...)

I imagine Frank Castle has been keeping himself busy too. Strange is basically always on duty as is Black Panther. The Guardians of the Galaxy seem to be full-timers and a little less like just mercenaries since taking over Knowhere. Carol seems to have been a no-life 24/7 hero for going on three decades. Kamala is still new, but I imagine she's about as active as she can get away with (just try and stop her!) Kate is similarly doing her thing in New York. Thor seems to be still adventuring even as a single dad, if that counts. (Indeed he only ever really stopped during the blip. He's been pretty active "adventuring" for 1500 years or so.)

So I'd say there's more than it seems. It's just a lot of the major ones are either at least semi-retired, or seem to go off-grid for extended periods.
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As for the current Avengers team, from the real world perspective, I've been kind of assuming they were waiting to see which of the new characters took off before establishing who would be on the team.
If I had to guess, I would say that the most likely members right now would be Hulk, Capt. America, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, and Wasp. I can't remember, but I think didn't Hawkeye seem to more or less retired from superheroing and focusing on his family instead. From The Marvels it seems like Carole is spending most of her time off in space, so I really only see her showing up to help out in major Thanos level crisis. She'll probably show up to help in one of the next two Avengers movies, but I don't see her being with them all the time. We already know that Winter Soldier is going to be one of the Thunderbolts, and I can't see him being on both teams.

As for new editions the only one that really seem definitely to me at this point is Shang-Chi since we saw him meeting Hulk and Capt. Marvel in his movie. I could maybe see Shuri joining since she already worked with them in Infinity War, but I'm not as sure about her as Shang-Chi. She-Hulk is big question mark, she has the close the connection to Hulk, so she has an easy in, but her show didn't do well enough to get a second season so I doubt Marvel is going to be anxious to use her again. Moon Knight and the Eternals were also failures, and they don't have any connections to the team, so I don't see them joining either. Yelena is going to be a Thunderbolt too, so that probably rules, so that probably rules out Avengers for her too.
Speaking of Yelena, do we know yet if she's going to use a super hero code name? She's been both Black & White Widow in the comics, and I could see either of those working in the MCU. Black to take over for Natasha, or White as a sign of respect for her.
As for the current Avengers team, from the real world perspective, I've been kind of assuming they were waiting to see which of the new characters took off before establishing who would be on the team.
If I had to guess, I would say that the most likely members right now would be Hulk, Capt. America, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, and Wasp. I can't remember, but I think didn't Hawkeye seem to more or less retired from superheroing and focusing on his family instead. From The Marvels it seems like Carole is spending most of her time off in space, so I really only see her showing up to help out in major Thanos level crisis. She'll probably show up to help in one of the next two Avengers movies, but I don't see her being with them all the time. We already know that Winter Soldier is going to be one of the Thunderbolts, and I can't see him being on both teams.

As for new editions the only one that really seem definitely to me at this point is Shang-Chi since we saw him meeting Hulk and Capt. Marvel in his movie. I could maybe see Shuri joining since she already worked with them in Infinity War, but I'm not as sure about her as Shang-Chi. She-Hulk is big question mark, she has the close the connection to Hulk, so she has an easy in, but her show didn't do well enough to get a second season so I doubt Marvel is going to be anxious to use her again. Moon Knight and the Eternals were also failures, and they don't have any connections to the team, so I don't see them joining either. Yelena is going to be a Thunderbolt too, so that probably rules, so that probably rules out Avengers for her too.
Speaking of Yelena, do we know yet if she's going to use a super hero code name? She's been both Black & White Widow in the comics, and I could see either of those working in the MCU. Black to take over for Natasha, or White as a sign of respect for her.

Wasn't Moon Knight the second or third most watched D+ Marvel series? And it was reasonably highly rated by audiences and actually got a number of emmy nominations. Also, She-hulk's second season is almost certainly more an issue of budget than viewership. The character is just too expensive/labor intensive for television cgi budgets - which is why even with the massive budget they had, they still couldn't get her to look good consistently from one episode to the next. That's actually more likely a reason for the character to show up in the movies where her screen-time is more limited by default instead of getting a second season than it is to just drop her entirely. Though I'm not sure her style would really fit an Avengers movie. Maybe She-Hulk meets Deadpool would be a better idea. (Though I assume both of them will be in Secret Wars, regardless.)

Also, I want the Thunderbolts to be a huge success and carry forward the cool concept of the Thunderbolts comics, but as things currently stand we really don't even know that the Thunderbolts will actually continue to exist at all after the film. It could be a one and done team leaving everyone on it open to show up somewhere else later on.
I don't see MK as fantastic Avenger material, either (though you could easily have made the exact same argument about Dr. Strange, Ant-man, Hulk or even Iron Man based just on their original appearances), I just don't see how he qualifies as off-limits because he was 'a failure'. That seems a pretty clear case of conflating internet whining with the actual overall reception.
Moon Knight, from a narrative point of view, seems to me to be more interested in his own things, that is, threats of a supernatural nature. I don't see him fighting alien invaders.

You could say the same about Dr. Strange or Shang-Chi, though, or about the other mystical/supernatural characters who have been Avengers in the comics. That's kind of the Avengers' deal, as much as it's the Justice League's deal over in the Distinguished Competition -- characters of disparate genres and styles getting mashed together when they normally wouldn't.
You could say the same about Dr. Strange or Shang-Chi, though, or about the other mystical/supernatural characters who have been Avengers in the comics. That's kind of the Avengers' deal, as much as it's the Justice League's deal over in the Distinguished Competition -- characters of disparate genres and styles getting mashed together when they normally wouldn't.
Well obviously if a Thanos level threat came everyone would unite to face it. I intended to formally be a full-time Avenger like Hawkeye or Wanda and Vision were (the latter two even lived in Avengers HQ).

I don't see Moon Knight clocking in and following orders...
Wasn't Moon Knight the second or third most watched D+ Marvel series? And it was reasonably highly rated by audiences and actually got a number of emmy nominations. Also, She-hulk's second season is almost certainly more an issue of budget than viewership. The character is just too expensive/labor intensive for television cgi budgets - which is why even with the massive budget they had, they still couldn't get her to look good consistently from one episode to the next. That's actually more likely a reason for the character to show up in the movies where her screen-time is more limited by default instead of getting a second season than it is to just drop her entirely. Though I'm not sure her style would really fit an Avengers movie. Maybe She-Hulk meets Deadpool would be a better idea. (Though I assume both of them will be in Secret Wars, regardless.)
Oh, I was under the impression from the way people talked about Moon Knight and She-Hulk that barely anybody watched them, and that I was one of a very, very small number of people who liked them.
Also, I want the Thunderbolts to be a huge success and carry forward the cool concept of the Thunderbolts comics, but as things currently stand we really don't even know that the Thunderbolts will actually continue to exist at all after the film. It could be a one and done team leaving everyone on it open to show up somewhere else later on.
Yeah, I guess if the team doesn't stick together after their first movie that could open up it's members to be Avengers.
, I just don't see how he qualifies as off-limits because he was 'a failure'. That seems a pretty clear case of conflating internet whining with the actual overall reception.
I had just assumed that from a real world perspective they were only going to put characters from popular movies/shows on the team.
It's already out there, if you look hard enough on YouTube - and that AI and HDR remastering got as much out of a low-res VHS rip as it did is astounding. But the original film itself went the way of Batgirl and Coyote vs. Acme long lonnnggggg ago.
Moon Knight was great, partially at least because it was fairly standalone from the Avengers stuff.
It was also a very new take on the MCU, with a very confused protagonist and a compelling story.

Sure it drifted in part from the comics but what hasn't?

I'd love a Season 2, I'm sure it's in the pipeline but it's gotta be a lot better than Loki S2.

For future MCU films, I assume we're going to see an X-Men; based on the tag scene from The Marvels (an excellent movie, by the way). I imagine the next TV project will see Ms. Marvel with Kate Bishop (hopefully)