Spoilers Lower Decks and The Novelverse

Welp. With the new trailer for LD Season 3, we'll be going back to DS9 c. 2381. Wonder how Shaxs will feel about that. And wonder whether they'll bring in Cirroc Lofton or find some way to bring The Sisko back.
I doubt they're going to handle Sisko's return in Lower Decks.
Just a thought, but the new IDW series where Sisko returns is scheduled to come out in October, which would align fairly well with late season 3 of Lower Decks. So either Sisko won't be mentioned at all in LD and it's just a coincidence, he will be named dropped, as a reference to the comics (or the other way around, yay corporate synergy), or the chaotic option where he will explicitly be mentioned as never having returned, immediately invalidating the new ongoing (or forcing them to mind wipe everyone by the end :D). Or something else, it's 1 am here...
Just a thought, but the new IDW series where Sisko returns is scheduled to come out in October, which would align fairly well with late season 3 of Lower Decks. So either Sisko won't be mentioned at all in LD and it's just a coincidence, he will be named dropped, as a reference to the comics (or the other way around, yay corporate synergy), or the chaotic option where he will explicitly be mentioned as never having returned, immediately invalidating the new ongoing (or forcing them to mind wipe everyone by the end :D). Or something else, it's 1 am here...

It's surely a coincidence. It would hardly be the first time that a new episode contradicted a novel or comic within a short time before or after its release. That's the sort of thing that can't be helped, because of the respective lead times involved.

Anyway, didn't they say the new comic is some sort of multiverse thing? So that could account for any inconsistencies.
Just to build on Christopher's point. A good example of this would be IDW's big trek series, Year Five.
That featured Gary Seven and Aegis heavily and then a few months later that was undone (it can easily be reconciled with some head canon and duct tape, but my point stands) in Picard.
So unlike say the confirmation we've had of Picard writers working with novel writers, I don't see any evidence of that relationship existing between IDW and any of the current writing team on the TV side of Trek. As others have mentioned mind I wouldn't be too surprised if the writers are sympathetic to the novelverse and unless there's some huge announcement of DS9 2: Emissary Boogaloo off the back of the next season of Lower Decks (which there won't be) I'd expect them to just avoid it, keep the status quo of the end of DS9 or joke about it. "Oh so what happened to your father Jake?" "Oh well you see after he left... Wait is that a collection of DS9 plates Boimler?"
So unlike say the confirmation we've had of Picard writers working with novel writers, I don't see any evidence of that relationship existing between IDW and any of the current writing team on the TV side of Trek.

It's important to understand, though, that coordination between the show writers and the novel writers does NOT mean that the shows will remain consistent with the novels. It's just a way of keeping the novels as consistent with the shows as possible. The purpose of the tie-ins is to support and reflect the shows, so you want them to be accurate, to avoid inconsistencies up to the point when the book comes out, if possible. But it's not the canon's job to follow the tie-ins' lead, any more than it's the lead singer's job to follow the backup singers. It's not a symmetrical relationship. It doesn't make the books part of the canon; it's just about making them feel authentic.

I mean, yes, sometimes the relationship means that the makers of the shows become aware of ideas from the books and adopt them, like how Discovery adopted David Mack's names for some of the bridge crew. But that's just about seeing the books as a source of ideas that the shows can do their own thing with. I mean, DSC used the character names from Dave's book, but season 2 directly contradicted its plot.
It's important to understand, though, that coordination between the show writers and the novel writers does NOT mean that the shows will remain consistent with the novels. .
Yes absolutely. My point was rather that regardless of where canon goes in the next year or next decade, the IDW comics are unlikely to provide any kind of insight into what the LDS team are thinking about Sisko and DS9 at all in the same way that the Picard tie-ins did. As you rightly point out, that doesn't make the tie-ins part of the canon and any and all details can be contradicted on-screen, but if you were still going to mine upcoming tie-in media for insight into where TV Trek is at, I wouldn't start with an IDW comic.
So unlike say the confirmation we've had of Picard writers working with novel writers, I don't see any evidence of that relationship existing between IDW and any of the current writing team on the TV side of Trek.
This particular example is flawed. While the Picard writing staff has coordination on Picard novels and comics, the Picard writing staff has no involvement with other Trek novels and comics. Picard season 2 contradicting TOS Year Five comic just means the Picard writing staff were not consulted on the Year Five comic, because why would they? It's a TOS comic and completely separate from Picard.