List Only! Last Star Trek Episode You Watched

DS9 "Profit and Loss" on H&I.
I kept thinking that Quark's love interest looked really familiar. She's played by Mary Crosby. Made famous as being the perpetrator from the famous "Who Shot JR" from "Dallas". Who later ends up face down in the pool at Southfork.
TNG: Manhunt, streamed on Netflix.

When you put a Lwaxana Troi story and a Shitty Holodeck story together, utter boredom ensues. Awful, just plain awful.

Oh, let's not forget the frozen fish-people, who looked like Admiral Ackbar's distant cousins.
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TNG-The Nth Degree. My favorite Barclay episode. Barclay's expression when Dr. Crusher tells him he may be the smartest man ever is priceless.
"Meld" - Star Trek: Voyager

It is funny how this show is starting to grow on me more than twenty years after I originally watched it.
DS9 "Blood Oath" on H&I.
The three TOS Klingons return. Kor, Kang, and Koloth.
I always thought Koloth to be a wuss. And I couldn't see these three hanging out together back in the good ole TOS times. a garrison Commander and two starship Captains.
"Extreme Risk" - Star Trek: Voyager

"Where Silence Has Lease" - Star Trek: The Next Generation