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TNG-Brothers. Kudos to Brent Spiner for playing three different characters so convincingly. It's a shame that Rob Bowman didn't direct any Star Treks after this episode; he was one TNG's best directors.
Lethe - DSC

Wow, what an incredibly well-written episode. Profound exploration of Sarek and his relationships. A huge payoff that was absolutely earned. And Jason Isaacs killed it in this episode. So impressed.
Acquisition (ENT) - A decent Ferengi romp, although there being no explanation as to why the crew didn't get basic information on this brand new species they had never seen, that T'pol apparently also didn't know about, and had almost stolen everything from there ship really brings it down. Its like they knew they had to figure out why the Enterprise-D had no real info on the Ferengi, but instead of even giving a BS reason they just ignored it all together, outside of one line about them never wanting to see the ferengi again.

Still, besides that it was better then I had remembered, and Ethan Philips and Jeffrey Coombs are great as Ferengi.
^^ Don't forget Clint Howard. Balock all grown up.

DS9 "The Maquis, Pt 1" on H&I.
Didn't like the fact the all that had to be done to blow up the Cardassian Freighter was to fiddle with the little panel right next to the hatch. Why would any of the engine control systems run through there anyway. Just too convenient.
DS9 "The Maquis. Pt 2" on H&I.
Sisko should have had their last good runabout grab up Hudson and his crew.
ENT "Broken Bow, Pt 1" on H&I.
Always like the butterfly ladies.