List Only! Last Star Trek Episode You Watched

TAS The Counter-Clock Incident. Been watching a lot of the TAS recently (not in order though). I think it's nearly as good as TOS. The Counter-Clock Incident is not the best example though.
TAS is more than just a children's cartoon, that's for sure. I think that having so many TOS alum involved in the production helped to raise it up quite a bit.
Trek night on H&I:
TOS "Whom Gods Destroy"
Still say that Spock should have immediately stunned both Kirks.
TNG "Elementary, My Dear Data"
Always funny that Data hands the drawing of the Enterprise to Geordi upside down. So that Geordi flips it rightside up for the camera.
DS9 "Armageddon Game"
The premise is stupid. If you truly want to get rid of any dangerous or hazardous materials. Put them in a capsule and shoot them into your sun. Where they will be vaporized. Guaranteed. Always. Wouldn't take a genius to figure that out.
ENT "Affliction"
Trip transfers to the Columbia. Where Seth McFarlane smarts off to him.
VOY : Relativity

That would make a good two part episode: the pre-Caretaker days. Like the Vulcan Hello, it would give us a good swimm into those no spoken stories.
The last episode of Discovery

I also am up to whatever episode is after Birthright in my TNG rewatch. I think Frame of Mind is coming up soon but I'm not sure.
TOS: City on the Edge of Forever

This show's very sweet and it's got a lot of heart, but it does seem to drag on, a bit. It's kind of boring, for being so revered in TREKKIE circles and everything. Edith is a hotty, as is her accent. But I don't buy her as the (would-have-been) solution to World War II ... I'm sorry. In the show itself, she's not shown to be on any kind of trajectory other than running a halfway house. Yes, she waxes philosophical with Kirk about what the future could be and we see her making boring speeches to bums, but, uh ... that's about it. It's a shame she "had" to get hit by a Mack truck, I liked her ... I really did. I'm just not sold on her being otherwise destined to $ave the World.
TOS "Let This be Your Last Battlefield" on H&I.
Would really like to know the intent of the line Kirk says about Sheron being in the Southernmost part of the Galaxy. Was it once part of the 'Galactic Confederacy'?
TNG "The Outrageous Okuna" on H&I.
A Han Solo wannbe. They should have cut the ridiculous B story of Data and Joe Piscopo as the no name comic. And had more of the luscious transporter chief played by a young Terri Hatcher.
DS9 "Whispers" on H&I.
Good as a first time viewing but once the surprise is known, we're just waiting for the reveal.
ENT "Divergence" on H&I.
Part Two of "Affliction"
Why would you have components that could shoot out flames on the bridge during a battle?
"Choose Your Pain" - Star Trek: Discovery

"The Vengeance Factor" - Star Trek: The Next Generation
TNG-Future Imperfect. Riker wakes up in sickbay with 16 years of memory gone. Apparently Michael Piller bought the story from a writer based on that basic story premise.
TOS: Assignment: Earth, streamed on Netflix.

Not a great episode, but I still love it.

The wiring inside the panel that Seven was tampering with looked pretty flimsy, especially since it was in a Saturn V rocket and not a doorbell.

This was the third of four trips back to the 20th century for Kirk and Spock. Did Kirk feel
a little sad being back in New York again so soon after losing Edith? And if Seven turned out to be malevolent and did actually start WW3 instead of preventing it, couldn't we just jump back a few hours and stop him? We're already back in time anyway, so..
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