Latest acquisition!

Therin of Andor

Greetings from Galaxy Bookshop!
We now have in stock for you:
"Star Trek (The Next Generation): The Persistence of Memory".

Woo hoo from Down Under! :bolian:

(Please feel free to post when you see new things on the shelves!)
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Maybe everyone who gets this book should start a new thread announcing they have it...

Well, I figured it might be a useful thread for any new acquisitions, since Rosalind no longer has an "Upcoming titles" thread, and it's always tricky to keep such a thread maintained/current.

Some people are pleased to hear when various titles start arriving in locations across the globe, but it seemed silly to post in the [Spoilers] thread for "The Persistence of Memory" because people who haven't read the book won't go there.

Sorry I darkened your day. :confused:
I think this thread is a good idea. This way we have one place to find out when stuff is starting to appear without a hundred threads cluttering up the board.
I think this thread is a good idea. This way we have one place to find out when stuff is starting to appear without a hundred threads cluttering up the board.

Thank you. As I said, it's pointless putting an "It's out, folks!" message in a thread that people are avoiding due to spoiler warnings.
I think this thread is a good idea. This way we have one place to find out when stuff is starting to appear without a hundred threads cluttering up the board.

Yes, it does make sense. When I first saw the thread, I didn't first twig it was for PoM, I thought it may have been for another Trek publication.

I've personally picked up both the Trek Vault and TNG 365 recently and am awaiting the postie with my copy of PoM.
Well, even though I've got both Brinkmanship and Persistance Of Memory, I think I'll take a detour, since I'm trying to finish up Strangers From The Sky right now, and then I'm planning on, for Star Trek reading anyway, going with either The Buried Age or Into The Nebula, kind of getaway from the one over-arching TNG storyline for a little bit, and get back into a stand-alone TNG story. Plus read a couple of Tom Swift and Hardy Boys books as well.
Maybe everyone who gets this book should start a new thread announcing they have it...

Well, I figured it might be a useful thread for any new acquisitions, since Rosalind no longer has an "Upcoming titles" thread, and it's always tricky to keep such a thread maintained/current.

Some people are pleased to hear when various titles start arriving in locations across the globe, but it seemed silly to post in the [Spoilers] thread for "The Persistence of Memory" because people who haven't read the book won't go there.

Sorry I darkened your day. :confused:

But that's not how you framed the original post. The thread is simply called 'Latest Acquisition' (singular) and no where in the post do you promote it as a place for people to discuss what they've bought...
I think we all agree that one distinct thread per member per purchase might be silly, but we seem to have a couple of folks who think a thread dedicated to purchase activity in general seems worth a try, so I propose we stop bickering about intentions and give it a go ...

Personally I'm not sure if it's not going to overlap too much with the reading thread in practice, but we'll see I guess.
But that's not how you framed the original post. The thread is simply called 'Latest Acquisition' (singular) and no where in the post do you promote it as a place for people to discuss what they've bought...

Well, I did actually sit here pondering what would be a useful, neutral, long-lasting title for the thread that would not be limiting if other people were inspired to add to it. I didn't put the name of the book in the thread title because there were already threads discussing its cover (among other future books) and its spoilerized contents. Frankly, it never occurred to me that I needed to say even more; here's my "Latest acquisition". People adding their own "latest acquisition" seemed an obvious direction people might take.

Pretty embarrassing if I'd said, "Hey everyone, here's a great new idea for a thread, please come and add to it" and no one took up the offer.

So many posts (and PMs) here end up being, "You said way too much" or "You didn't say enough." Sometimes about the same post.

I often post here when a new arrival hits Australia, because people have told me they find it useful to know that a certain book is appearing internationally. This time there wasn't a suitable thread open to share my joy.

I propose we stop bickering about intentions and give it a go...

See now you want to stomp all over other people's joy. ;) :lol:
I like this thread idea. When I get a new Trek book, I'm excited, and, outside of the TrekBBS, there are very few places for me to share that excitement.

I recently went on a bit of an Amazon binge and ordered
  • That Which Divides
  • Brinkmanship
  • Immortal Coil
  • Ongoing Omnibus 1

and will soon order Persistance of Memory, and the second Ongoing omnibus, assuming I like the first (which I think I will).

They've been delayed by Hurricane Sandy, but once they arrive, productivity is going to drop to, oh, about nil.

So excited...
Well, my books came late Thursday, already flew through Brinkmanship, now I'm either going to start Immortal Coil, or the comic omnibus.

One very happy Trekkie over here right now.
Oooh, is it really that time of the month already?

Last night I was notified that "Silent Weapons" ("Cold Equations #2") by David Mack had just arrived Down Under!

My to-read pile is getting taller.

A few days ago, my "Haynes' Klingon Bird-of-Prey Owner's Workshop Manual" arrived from Amazon. Looks like fun - is it getting pilloried like the previous Haynes did? (Can't say I've sought out online feedback/reviews; the last one was savaged by the techie fans.) I had a terrible time finding the previous USS Enterprise manual when it was first published and eventually ordered from Amazon. (Of course, shortly after mine turned up, it began turning up in a few stores.) Hence this time, I ordered online way in advance - and it turned up in Galaxy a few weeks ago.

Oh, and the third compilation of IDW's "Star Trek Ongoing" is out - and has a very welcome introduction by David Gerrold. The best thing about the DC trades of yore were the all-new celebrity intros. So glad to see the return and hope it resets a trend. Only two two-parter reprints; I kinda wish we were getting three two-parters per trade issue. These omnibuses do seem rather slim.
A few days ago, my "Haynes' Klingon Bird-of-Prey Owner's Workshop Manual" arrived from Amazon. Looks like fun - is it getting pilloried like the previous Haynes did? (Can't say I've sought out online feedback/reviews; the last one was savaged by the techie fans.) I had a terrible time finding the previous USS Enterprise manual when it was first published and eventually ordered from Amazon. (Of course, shortly after mine turned up, it began turning up in a few stores.) Hence this time, I ordered online way in advance - and it turned up in Galaxy a few weeks ago.

I'm not a "techie", but for what it's worth I thought the Klingon Haynes manual was rather good; I found it more interesting than the Enterprise manual. That's probably because there was more original material; the Enterprise manual was probably very interesting to casual fans, but for those with a more in-depth interest in the Trek universe it didn't really offer anything new. The Klingon one, though, has lots of original information; many of the diagrams of the internal components and ship's systems are new, there's exploration of Klingon torpedo types and how the wing works compared to the more traditional warp nacelles; there's even discussion that's relevant to the wider Trek 'verse and not just Klingons, like the explanation of docking procedures. Oh, and Martok himself writes the foreword. :) I'd recommend it.
Got the first two Cold Equations books at Barnes and Noble yesterday. Finished them both in just over a day. Great stuff. My "reviews," such as they are, are posted in the respective threads. (Btw: Silent Weapons is officially the best Trek novel yet in my books. Just saying.)

I did indeed read through Immortal Coil and the Ongoing Vol. 1 omnibus. Enjoyed them both, particularly the former. I think I will eventually pick up Ongoing Vol. 2, though I have some stuff coming up IRL that will preclude that for the time being.

Went ahead today and finally put Star Trek: Federation: The First 150 Years on pre-order on Amazon, just as the price was starting to creep up again. Pretty darn excited about that one! (Even if it isn't consistent with the novelverse. Honestly, the Romulan War novels were so underwhelming... but I digress.)

Can't wait for The Body Electric to come out at the end of December.

After that, I fear I'm going to go through a dry spell... the TOS novels sound cool, but I'm not sure I'll be willing to invest the time/money in them. (With the closing of Borders, I'm more reliant on Amazon, which ends up being more expensive, because I don't get to use coupons. You may call that being cheap; I prefer "frugality.") Oh well, time to catch up on old TrekLit. Used book stores, here I come!
I managed to pick up Star Trek: The Complete Unauthorized History while passing through Edmonton last weekend. There aren't too many to be had, and this was the only copy at the Indigo store in South Edmonton Common. It's much larger than I expected, and the content seems pretty terrific!