Jayru (JSnaith's) 3D Trek

I'd go for something like the one on the Excelsior instead of the Idea A that looks like a copy from the TMP Enterprise. Or stick with Idea B.
As stated, it's lifted straight off my USS Horizon model, but manages to fit. But yes, something Excelsior like might work.


I love the look of A but the somewhat bare neck is a bit meh looking. You could do both, and make the drive-assembly from B into a workbee bay.
The "Neck" is a work in progress at the moment and is not done (she won't be bare).

Thank you for the feedback. Will have a think about what to do.
More images to help/hinder the discussion -



The Ambassador is a strange one, she sits between two eras, and has aesthetics from both. And no, the neck is still not done ;-)

Comments and thoughts welcome, More later.
And again for more clarity on the two ideas -


Please note, the neck is not done yet.

Comments and thoughts welcome, more much later.
I personally like B - it keeps it in line with what was seen, and without the engine, the neck looks too bare while the back of the saucer looks too crowded. Seeing it come together, though, reminds me of how I loved the Ambassador-class look and wish we'd seen more of it.
The TMP Enterprise-style impulse looks too kitbashed for the ship. If you end up keeping it consider reducing the size of the blue cylindrical module to be more closer in size to that on the TMP Enterprise and Reliant as it makes your ship look small.
I like -A myself…but with an aft torpedo bay where you put the impulse deck on -B.

Later versions could have that omitted in favor of a smaller impulse deck to slide in its place.

Call letter -A the Ambassador itself “as built” and Sternbach’s Ent-C an upgrade.

Probert’s Narendra is more a contemporary of the Galaxy class…launching only a few years before Picard’s ship.

Ent-C I can see rushed to service with the tiny TOS lower sensordome on Garrets’ last mission.

On -A, I see what would become the shuttlebay as a “Ten-backwards” assembly hall…a place ambassadors would actually meet.

Later this “wasted” space becomes a saucer shuttlebay once the impulse deck is relocated.

By the time Galaxy class comes along, shuttlebays are now only on saucers…with Ent-E maybe bringing them back to the secondary hull so each hull has a bay again.
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Also - is the saucer separable? If so, it needs a drive system of some type so..?

Maybe a smaller system on the saucer and the main impulse on the neck?
I think the Ambassador had a rear impulse blocked by the neck—where Ent-D had the aft saucer torpedo tube.

So A is the Ambassador itself..and Ent-C is the -B choice above….maybe with a more narrow secondary hull shuttlebay now that the saucer has one…so in this one class you see how things move towards TNG.
Thank you all for the feedback and comments.

Of the two options I think I lean more towards "B" - as it's more screen accurate. But...

A looks retrograde and B looks too small for the size ship and thus underpowered. I think you need to come up with a C.
An option "C" is an interesting idea, and one that I am thinking on.

More later
Definitely prefer something along the line of version A (B just looks like it's lacking something), but how about lowering them slightly, so that the top lines up with the edge of the saucer rim instead of sitting on top of it?
Definitely prefer something along the line of version A (B just looks like it's lacking something), but how about lowering them slightly, so that the top lines up with the edge of the saucer rim instead of sitting on top of it?
Still thinking about this, will get back to it today. Having a play with some other ideas.

More soon.
That’s my favorite so far because it matches the width of the C deck/shuttlebay. Maybe a horizontal grid under the thin impulse exhaust ports…similar to the 09’ Kelvin but blacked out.

That would give it muscle.
I like that, it blends in much better. I think the larger deflector array dish (?!) was throwing it off a bit.
That’s my favorite so far because it matches the width of the C deck/shuttlebay. Maybe a horizontal grid under the thin impulse exhaust ports…similar to the 09’ Kelvin but blacked out.

That would give it muscle.
Well, a proper build for this ship would have beefier impulse vents. I borrowed this off my Excelsior was to see what peeps thought, rather than build something new outright :techman:

I like that, it blends in much better. I think the larger deflector array dish (?!) was throwing it off a bit.
Impulse Deflection Crystal - but I get what you mean.

Might be getting a new laptop sorted out this week, might not. Fingers crossed that it is this week. I am - not lost without it, but feeling it's loss.

More soon!
Option C - something akin to the Excelsior (for the record, I ripped the impulse deck off my own Excelsior mesh and wiggled it around a bit. I would obviously build something new if this is the direction I go in) -


Comments welcome, more soon

That's the one.
Besides, make this your own. We've seen two or three slight variations of the Ambassador in Star Trek. So why not another one? A 2358 refit?
This is great. It ties it back to the ship before. If you reduce it a little in size and smooth it into the saucer a bit more, it will become its own thing. Reduce the crystal size as well- it disappears entirely on the next generation of ships, right? Then, if you add option B back on, you have 3 impulse drives with 2 for the saucer and one for the rest of the ship- pointing forward to the D.
Thank you, it was driving me nuts! I thought it had something to do with crystals, but Googling just kept leading me back to dylithium!