Jayru (JSnaith's) 3D Trek


Hi all,

I've been pointed to this forum and I know a few members have questions about some of my old work - namely the Ingram Class project that I spent 12+ years on.

A few years ago I was attacked and hacked. All of my work, all copies of everything (every backup), was destroyed. I actually spent six weeks in hospital as well as a result of the attack. It was devastating. So all the models of the Ingram and the Clarke were lost. Bar one, I built a specific version of the Ingram for a fanfilm group, and they still have it and use it.

At first I didn't think I would have it in me to come back and do any 3D work, but I decided to try and capture what I had done before, so I built my own take on the Excelsior - the USS Horizon NCC-3176, an Oldfield Class starship;


She's pretty much finished, aside from the shuttlebay interiors.

I've also been working on a replacement for the Clarke Class;


This baby still needs some work, and the project is ongoing. Both can be found here, along with there respective shuttles: https://forums.scifi-meshes.com/discussion/10001079/3drestoring-the-lost/p1

Anyways, hi all - feel free to comment here (or on the WIP thread).

More soon!

PS - I normally use the user handle "Jayru" but someone else is using it, so here I will be JSnaith :-)
The Oldfield Class, USS Horizon NCC-3176
24 decks, 507 meters in length;


Some to scale shots with a Connie (305 meters long) -




The Oldfield Class was/is my attempt to rationalise the Excelsior design into something that works - and to bridge the gap between Ent-A and Ent-C

The Horizon is mostly done. I need to re-work the arboretum and build a shuttlebay. But she is mostly done.

The McCaffrey Class USS, Clarke NCC-2661
18 decks, 206 meters long;


Some to scale shots with a Connie (305 meters long) and an Oberth (120 meters long) -




The Clarke is attempt to rationalise a comic book design and rebuild something that was lost -


She's mostly done - needs a self lighting rig and a shuttlebay.

Anyway, that's the state of my attempts to recapture what I lost :-)
Lovely work. Thanks for sharing!

You are all very welcome :-) More on the way

Very sorry to hear about your disasters and subsequent health issues, Jay. Your new work is fantastic as was your old. Very good to see you again.

Nice to see you as well. It was a very humbling experience, but we survived it and endured. Restoring the lost... I have, as of now, rebuilt seven of the 3D Models I lost. I'm trying to balance it out with building new things as well. I think you will like how I solved the TMP shuttle design issue I had back in the day - or maybe you won't, lol.

I can't use Clarke Class anymore because there is now an official Clarke Class and USS Clarke. The latest USS Clarke is numbered as 1661 - hence me jumping to 2661 for this rebuild. As female authors don't get a lot of representation the class is now McCaffrey - named for Anne McCaffrey the first female author to win the big awards for science fiction.

The Oldfield Class is not so well thought out, but was built quickly. I may take another stab at her. But that's for another day.

Anyway, glad to be back.
Shuttles, shuttles, shuttles... I have two types - both fill different roles;

First off we have the shuttle I built for the USS Clarke -





It's heavily based off the design for the TMP shuttle, all I have done is add a few things to make her work in the late TMP era. If you remove the nacelles and impulse engines you are left with a TMP shuttle :-) Don't know what peoples feelings are going to be towards this design. It is growing on me. It's 8.5 meters long.

Then there is is this;





It's based on the TFF shuttle design, but with a more TOS leaning in the back end. I built this for the Horizon. It's a sleek and nice design and has the right feel. It's 9.1 meters long



My question, as such is; is their space in Starfleet for multiple shuttles designs, and could you see both serving side by side (maybe on the same ship)?
all superb, the very first pic my favorite though.

I know absolutely zero about meshes, and love seeing what people come up with.

Thank you - I learnt 3D through trial and error, if you have the chance, give it a go :-)
All great! I really envy the level and clean edges of tiny detail CG affords. :cool:

Something very familiar about this one. ;) I still have that part of Spock's courrier, from... gosh, the late 80's or early 90's. Brain fog. I need to find it, add to my model thread.

Shuttles, shuttles, shuttles... I have two types - both fill different roles;
First off we have the shuttle I built for the USS Clarke -





It's heavily based off the design for the TMP shuttle, all I have done is add a few things to make her work in the late TMP era. If you remove the nacelles and impulse engines you are left with a TMP shuttle :-) Don't know what peoples feelings are going to be towards this design. It is growing on me. It's 8.5 meters long.

I like it.



My question, as such is; is their space in Starfleet for multiple shuttles designs, and could you see both serving side by side (maybe on the same ship)?

Yes. Not really enough variation imo. I ask Starfleet, where are the shuttles for non humanoid shapes, or varying size citizens? Diversity of species means diversity in ways to move them. AmIright?
Welcome back! Nice to see you at it again.

New stuff looks excellent! Glad you came back to 3d work, need anything just ask!
All great! I really envy the level and clean edges of tiny detail CG affords. :cool:
Thank you - I love working in 3D, been learning about weathering recently, so things will look a little less pristine.

Something very familiar about this one. ;) I still have that part of Spock's courrier, from... gosh, the late 80's or early 90's. Brain fog. I need to find it, add to my model thread.
I look forward to seeing it :-) I made the original docking hatch for the Horizon and have been adapting it since. I may have a go at a more modern take on the travel pod - modern as in the movie era, but not as in modern now ;-)

Yes. Not really enough variation imo. I ask Starfleet, where are the shuttles for non humanoid shapes, or varying size citizens? Diversity of species means diversity in ways to move them. AmIright?
You are very right, there would be a variety of shuttles available to not just Starfleet, but in general. The movie era gave us four different shuttle types (not including the travel pod).

I like these shuttles. :mallory: And USS Clarke, I always like the stranger looking ships. :mallory:
Thanks? lol. Yes the Clarke is a little strange looking, and had a strange start. But it's nice to get her back.

Welcome back! Nice to see you at it again.

New stuff looks excellent! Glad you came back to 3d work, need anything just ask!
Thank you. I have to admit I was tempted to ask if any one had a copy of all the renders of the Ingram but... I think I made the right call in not doing that. There is a lot to be said for embracing the past, and a lot to be said for letting things go. I never thought I would have another go at building an Excelsior variant, but I went for it - and I like what I built. I never thought I would have another go at the Clarke... but here we are :-) Better to maybe move forward than back. I can't rebuild what I lost, but I can build something like it. And build it better as well :-)