J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on VOY

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by SPCTRE, Nov 5, 2014.

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  1. { Emilia }

    { Emilia } Cute but deadly Moderator

    Apr 17, 2011
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Oh my god, I hadn't even noticed that gem because I stopped reading about half-way through his post. That is awesome!
  2. hux

    hux Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 25, 2010
    Hard Sassenach in Moist Aberdeen
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Knew what?

    Am I typing in Welsh? Did I not just give you a respectful, considered response?

    You can't just say...."I knew it".....or......"because it is"

    Good grief
  3. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Emilia is posting nude disgusting pictures of naked men!

    There is no decency!


    He's wearing a hat.

    Never mind.
  4. { Emilia }

    { Emilia } Cute but deadly Moderator

    Apr 17, 2011
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    I think my image explained what I thought of your quote. ;)
    It's the typical straw man argument always employed by sexists. Claiming feminists hate sexuality. And claiming men aren't allowed to talk about attraction anymore.

    I am really getting tired of this whole education thing. I thought my previous post explained my point well enough with just one image and three words. Straw men are intellectually lazy.
    I'll let you play some more. ;)
    Günter Grass died today which made me realize I have books to read. You know... books.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
  5. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Books is what they called tv when I was young?
  6. BigJake

    BigJake Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 27, 2013
    No matter where you go, there you are.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    In which case digging in your heels immaturely to avoid admitting an incredibly obvious and basic error ought to be beneath you. And yet, somehow, it isn't.

    I, on the other hand, live in a concrete bunker with a wire mother for company that I stole from a primatology lab, with rats as my only friends and my only food. (It's a long story. Sartre wasn't exactly the highest-paying client and narwhal wrestling isn't exactly paying out like it did in the Golden Age.) But I'm capable of fessing up to a mistake when I've made one. Why aren't you?
  7. hux

    hux Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 25, 2010
    Hard Sassenach in Moist Aberdeen
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on


    Where did I claim feminists hate sexuality or men aren't allowed to talk about attraction. I was talking about the fine line between male sexuality being viewed as natural or being viewed as oppressive and how that line can be crossed without being noticed or can produce unfair accusations. Is the thread about Janeway being sexy sexist for example? Feminists are not one block of identical beings with a shared consensus. There is a myriad of views and opinions. I do not accept your verdict on the joke. Such is life

    But I don't agree there is an error. The verdict that a crude (yet contextual) innuendo based on the premise that a woman is very sexually attractive is sexist is simply flawed. It might be vulgar, possibly not funny, immature, whatever but that is not sexism.

    I'm willing to concede that I might be in a minority here but I find that fact equally baffling.

    A few pages back I posted an innuendo about a young boy coming to give my passage a thorough seeing to. No protest?

    Hang in there dude. I posted about 15 storeys high about seventeen pages back if you didn't catch it
  8. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Hux. Let me ask you this. Would it be okay to make this comment in an office environment about a co-worker? If it's not okay, do you think it should be okay?
  9. hux

    hux Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 25, 2010
    Hard Sassenach in Moist Aberdeen
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    A female colleague = no, of course not

    About a celebrity to a female colleague = yes, quite happily

    If Jeri Ryan was a regular on this board (wouldn't that be nice) then it would certainly cross a line but quite honestly, in this context, I see no real distinction between Ryan or Seven. They both simply represent a very attractive fantasy

    Are we honestly saying that expressions of attraction (even crude ones) towards Ryan/Seven are beyond the pale


    She's dressed in a skin tight cat suit for goodness sake. Her sexiness is a given
  10. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on


    I'm watching the MTV Movie awards.

    Kevin Hart just won the Comedic Genius Award.

    Part of the clipshow proving that he is a comedic genius is a clip from one of his movies where he says "They call me black hammer because "Boom" is the sound my dick makes when it hits the ground"



    Let's kill everyone under thirty and start over again.
  11. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Because people here have met Jeri at conventions and talked to her, there is an illusion of intimacy which holds water and awards her protection from her celebrity status as a public figure.

    But really, it's not 1972 anymore.

    If you don't know that what you are about to say at work will get you fired, then you deserve to be fired.

    Know your audience.
  12. Robert Maxwell

    Robert Maxwell memelord Premium Member

    Jun 12, 2001
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    hux's heteronormativity makes gay baby Jesus cry.

    Also, it's weird that some people can't distinguish sexual attraction from making gross comments. I mean, I feel sexual attraction just fine--and how!--but I manage to refrain from being all "yo babe wanna hop on my weiner?" with every "H2D" human female I encounter. Weird.

    I'll just point out that guys claiming they can't control their biological urges lends credence to the mythical feminist's "all men are rapists" motto. Which is it, fellas? Do we need to start pumping you full of antiandrogens so you won't be a threat to women everywhere? Or can you fucking control yourselves?

    It's quite sad that a thread originally about Jeri Ryan facing a hostile work environment has itself produced an environment that Ryan herself would no doubt find appalling. Great work, high fives all around, point missed by, I dunno, a parsec or two. hux and his BFF get an extra cookie for this one.
  13. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Is this a dig at crippled people? As a cripple, I certainly hope it isn't.
  14. Manticore

    Manticore Manticore, A moment ago Account Deleted

    Mar 1, 2004
    I hate sand.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    And this is what's wrong. Even ignoring the sexism apparent, it's still horribly wrong to say disgusting stuff like that about anyone.

    And what about the effects that comments like this have on the comfort level on women on this forum? It's not just the effect on Ms. Ryan that's in question.

    Expressions of attraction? Hell no. It is perfectly fine to express your attraction to anyone. I happen to find Jewel Staite, Nikki Clyne, Nicole DeBoer, and Jennifer Lawrence all attractive. Hell, it's even permissible to compliment a fellow poster as long as it's done tastefully - and I have done so on occasion.

    Being crude? Yes. This is always wrong.

    Which doesn't excuse the comments, FFS. There are ways to express attraction without sounding like one is immature even for a 13-year-old.

    Given the typos apparent in hux's posts an the fact that their location is Aberdeen, I think we can take it on faith that they meant "crisps".
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
  15. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    Random list of people I am attracted to...


    Queen Victoria.

    Nathan Fillion.

    Any one driving a Maserati Ghibli.

    Jessica Williams.

  16. teacake

    teacake Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jan 20, 2007
    inside teacake
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

  17. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    We can divide him up down the middle.

    Left and right, or top and bottom?
  18. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    I appreciate the comment, but since he seems to think himself adept at providing defense to his own remarks, I'd rather hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Thanks though.
  19. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    What sort of moron defends a typo?

    "It was a Freudian typo, obviously what my subconscious wanted to say, and snuck it out through my finger tips when I wasn't paying complete attention."

    That's the sort of dimwitted #### who finds the image of Jesus ont he front of a cheese fried toastie, and decides that this is communication from the creator of the universe.

    Crisps = Potato chips.
  20. Akiraprise

    Akiraprise To Ꝏ & Somewhere..! Moderator

    Mar 4, 2004
    Hell's North Pole
    Re: J. Ryan Speaks About Her ‘Intentionally Unpleasant’ Experiences on

    No, that line is not crossed unless the actor is a member of our site. People say rude and crass things about celebrities all of the time online. Nature of the beast unfortunately. There's no rule to say people can only post complimentary things about actors.

    Nice hux. This thread went way off topic, that much is true.

    This nets you a warning for flaming. Even though you edited the imbecile part out...

    This thread is a flaming train wreck of 3 pages of off topic "sexist" talk. I think we're done. The rule of thumb I go by is if a thread or comment is "Safe for Work." Meaning if your average office boss or your young kid was reading over your shoulders would he or she have an issue with what's on screen. Sometimes I'm too lax as I take a more laissez-faire stance on modding. Jokes about riding a guys staff and other stuff like that isn't going to fly. Not in a general forum like this anyway. I tried the friendly route and it went on deaf ears apparently.
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