If you had a chance...

At least they didn't put stupid rubber head gear on this monkey like Penny's Monkey from lost in Space.

Anyone feel any older yet?
[offtopic]Isn't there some bit from a con appearance where one of the actors states that that Resolutions monkey got up into the rafters and they had to coax it out with a burger? [/offtopic]

Also would want to be in Good Shepherd. I wouldn't want to die! Or I'd be Ayala.
Don't you find it funny that In voyager the yellow shirts are the ones always getting killed and the red shirts are important and in TOS its the red shirts are getting killed and the yellows are important. Just something i felt like mentioning.

They mentioned it on that episode of DS9 when they went back to TOS time. I wonder if it was done to give the redshirts a break or just because red is a better colour for a Captain.
Don't you find it funny that In voyager the yellow shirts are the ones always getting killed and the red shirts are important and in TOS its the red shirts are getting killed and the yellows are important. Just something i felt like mentioning.

They mentioned it on that episode of DS9 when they went back to TOS time. I wonder if it was done to give the redshirts a break or just because red is a better colour for a Captain.

The out of universe answer is yes.
i would want to be a junior officer on the bridge or in engineering. thats were most of the action takes place when it comes the ship
I think Coda so I could be at Janeway's funeral. Or maybe Tsunkatse as a bystander!!

This was a tough one. There's so many good ones...
I was rewatching season 1 this weekend, when I noticed in "Heroes & Demons" & in "Cathexis", Janeway sporting yet another new hairdo. Something more akin to what Seven would wear 3 years later than the better known Bun of steel or the klingon power pony tail.

Then it struck me.

I'd like to be Janeway's hair stylist.

I'd see her often 1 on 1. I'd let her rant and rave over how the week went, how clueless Harry can be sometimes, how easy it was to keep her figure on Neelix's leola root soup diet, and whether she should she keep or drop that fraternizarion policy among command officers? :drool:

Yep. That's what I'll choose. :lol:
I was rewatching season 1 this weekend, when I noticed in "Heroes & Demons" & in "Cathexis", Janeway sporting yet another new hairdo. Something more akin to what Seven would wear 3 years later than the better known Bun of steel or the klingon power pony tail.

Then it struck me.

I'd like to be Janeway's hair stylist.

I'd see her often 1 on 1. I'd let her rant and rave over how the week went, how clueless Harry can be sometimes, how easy it was to keep her figure on Neelix's leola root soup diet, and whether she should she keep or drop that fraternizarion policy among command officers? :drool:

Yep. That's what I'll choose. :lol:

:lol: Her hairstylist must do her nails, too. Those things are immaculate.
I was rewatching season 1 this weekend, when I noticed in "Heroes & Demons" & in "Cathexis", Janeway sporting yet another new hairdo. Something more akin to what Seven would wear 3 years later than the better known Bun of steel or the klingon power pony tail.

Then it struck me.

I'd like to be Janeway's hair stylist.

I'd see her often 1 on 1. I'd let her rant and rave over how the week went, how clueless Harry can be sometimes, how easy it was to keep her figure on Neelix's leola root soup diet, and whether she should she keep or drop that fraternizarion policy among command officers? :drool:

Yep. That's what I'll choose. :lol:

I think they should have done a scene with Voyager's hairdresser. Voyager was only supposed to be going on a short mission though, so I doubt they brought someone specifically for hair. They must have discovered that someone was good with hair though. I also would have liked to see the cleaning staff, unless Voyager is somehow self cleaning.

I think I'd like to play the giant virus in macrocosm so that I could pounce Janeway and get stabbed.
Voyager was only supposed to be going on a short mission though, so I doubt they brought someone specifically for hair.

Oh, I agree.... that's why I would be a holographic hairdresser in my own holosalon. Plus, I wouldn't have to worry about going on away missions and getting killed, or board posters masquerading as macroviruses and getting killed. (Sure the holocharacters "died" from macroviruses, but that was a "fake" death. ;) )

Imagine all the "extra" personnel you could pack onto a small ship if you just used the holodeck for more than recreation.

Somehow I doubt they'd fly Voyager all the way from Utopia Plantitia(sp?) by Earth all the way to DS9 without fully skocking her, despite whatever mission she's sent on. I would think from "Generations", Starfleet wouldn't continue to make the mistake of Starships leaving dry dock half or non-stocked.
I've always been under the impression that after Voyager rescued Tuvok, they'd be given her next assignment right away. Voyager is too large a ship to be wasted on just chasing the Maquis.

Know what I mean?
I always suspected that, short of the flagship, most ships just had a holoprogram to cut hair. The flagship got a barber to impress the big wigs.
Somehow I doubt they'd fly Voyager all the way from Utopia Plantitia(sp?) by Earth all the way to DS9 without fully skocking her, despite whatever mission she's sent on. I would think from "Generations", Starfleet wouldn't continue to make the mistake of Starships leaving dry dock half or non-stocked.
I've always been under the impression that after Voyager rescued Tuvok, they'd be given her next assignment right away. Voyager is too large a ship to be wasted on just chasing the Maquis.

Know what I mean?

True, it would have made more sense to send something like the Defiant on a mission like that. Was it supposed to be just a mission to test Voyager?

Do they have cleaning staff or do they beam dirt away or something? I would have liked to see more episodes where they showed people with the less exciting jobs. Also no-one was ever in the loo or the shower at an important moment, did Seven even have a shower in the cargo bay?
See, all that ^^ is stuff I wonder about, too. I remember when Firefly came out, I liked it right away, because they showed a toilet and a bathroom sink (in use!) in the very first episode.

I always kinda figured that people just cut each other's hair. In a group that size, I reckon there'd be at least three or four people who like to "do hair" as a hobby. That holodeck barber is a neat idea, though. Maybe that was what people used if they were in a hurry or just didn't get all into their hair. And then maybe during slack times, someone who did hair would have an evening set aside for people to drop by and get their hair done and engage in a big ol' gossip fest.

As for cleaning, I picture them having 24th century versions of the Roomba vac and some kind of automated squirt-and-squeeqe thing for the bathroom fixtures. A starship is probably a naturally clean environment, anyway. I mean, wouldn't it have to be? You dont want dirt clogging up your EPS taps, right? I think the filtration in the air circulation system would screen out practically all of the dust. And it's not like there are people tracking in mud from outside. Aside from people who engage in recreational cooking, kitchen messes would be confined to the mess hall on Voyager and not a problem at all on other ships. Even on Voyager, I'm betting Neelix had some kind of sonic sterilization unit for the dirty dishes. I don't think he used water to wash them. Worf mentioned a laundry thingy on the Enterprise . . . can't recall the exact term for it . . .that sounded like all you had to do was stick your clothes in, maybe push a button.

So I'm guessing unless you're the sort of person who leaves their stuff lying around in random places, your daily cleaning would consist of making your bed and putting away your clean laundry.

Anyway, just so's I'm not totally off topic, as an actress, I'd choose to play the gal that got killed on the bridge in Scientific Method. And if I'm choosing a character, I'd like to be a minor character in either Security or Engineering.
Anyway, just so's I'm not totally off topic, as an actress, I'd choose to play the gal that got killed on the bridge in Scientific Method.

Oh, oh! *raises hand* I bet I know why! :lol:
Now, you are just "acting" dead, right? ;) Or else the rest of the scene will not be as exciting as you expect. :lol:
Actually, it's 50/50 that I would totally fail in that role. I might simply be unable to stop giggling. Alternatively, I would swoon from over-excitement, and while that would obviously lead to a very successful portrayal of a dead woman . . . well, as you said, I wouldn't get much enjoyment from the experience.