If Mr. Sulu ever come to SNW, how to make him Interesting

I think perhaps that if you want to expand on colorful guest characters that have been floating around all over, having it be someone like Mudd makes more sense than an individual nobody in Starfleet has apparently met before Kirk and crew do (unless there's a good reason to keep it secret (classified, or a character with many aliases/have it not generally known, not necessarily intentionally secret).

I also think characters like Mudd, i.e. space criminals with fingers in many pies, are generally more agreeable inclusions than every main character we'll someday meet turning up everywhere for no good reason.
. . . who is probably at least an executive officer somewhere, if not a captain.

We don't really know what his rank was, although precedent is that Enterprise's navigator at the time is a Lieutenant... Amin, Ortegas, and Sulu were all Lt's.

I doubt Jose would be a Captain from Lieutenant in 5 years. Commander, possibly although I think it's more likely he's a Lt. Commander somewhere. Or a casualty of the Klingon War...
How about, someone we once saw in an old Trek series cashed out, retired and went on to marry and go back to school or start a business or any of the million other things that young service people most often do after twenty years?

You know, as opposed to a geriatric pile-up of corset and toupee-wearing folks all holding captain's rank while doing the same jobs they did as lieutenants and serving together on a single vessel forever.
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How about, someone we once saw in an old Trek series cashed out, retired and went on to marry and go back to school or start a business or any of the million other things that young service people most often do after twenty years?

You know, as opposed to a geriatric pile-up of corset and toupee-wearing folks all holding captain's rank while doing the same jobs they did as lieutenants and serving together on a single vessel forever.

What is the point of starting a business in a cashless world? There is no even currency in the universe? Opening a charity center to share the food to the neighbors, like what Sisko did is different to opening a Starbuck, who is fully money orientated.
That's totally not what Sisko did. The people on Earth who Sisko was serving were not remotely in need, ergo it did not involve charity in any of the generally-understood senses of the word.

But giving food for free means charity. Because it doesn't involve money / any payment system. You sacrifice your work, food, etc to somebody else without any compensation. In my place, they call it charity. But don't use your English dictionary for it. Because my country is not an English speaking country.

The people on Earth who Sisko was serving were in need. They were hungry, so they need to eat. And they got the food from the Sisko for free. Without any compensation. But if you think that they're poor, well, yes. They're poor. They don't have any money with them, as it is a cashless world, so they're poor.

Yes, there are some canteens who give the food to the employees of an Enterprise for free. As a part of the Enterprise policy to ensure the well being of their employees. But there is no indication that the Sisko do that as a part of the Government policy or other service. So they're doing their service for charity.

It is also not a treat. Because the guests come to the Sisko for food. Not to visit the house owner for hospitality. Plus, the Sisko canteen is a job, so it can't be a treat. but more of charity.
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But giving food for free means charity. Because it doesn't involve money / any payment system. You sacrifice your work, food, etc to somebody else without any compensation. In my place, they call it charity. But don't use your English dictionary for it. Because my country is not an English speaking country.

The people on Earth who Sisko was serving were in need. They were hungry, so they need to eat. And they got the food from the Sisko for free. Without any compensation. But if you think that they're poor, well, yes. They're poor. They don't have any money with them, as it is a cashless world, so they're poor.

Yes, there are some canteens who give the food to the employees of an Enterprise for free. As a part of the Enterprise policy to ensure the well being of their employees. But there is no indication that the Sisko do that as a part of the Government policy or other service. So they're doing their service for charity.

It is also not a treat. Because the guests come to the Sisko for food. Not to visit the house owner for hospitality. Plus, the Sisko canteen is a job, so it can't be a treat. but more of charity.
A trillionaire throwing a neighborhood party every night for a few dozen other trillionaires doesn't fit any definition of charity I'm familiar with. When there's no scarcity, there's no sacrifice.

Being a chef is Joseph Sisko's passion. It's his pleasure to serve his food, that literally none of the patrons remotely need not to go hungry.

This is so far off-topic, I don't even know how we got here. If there's anything left to discuss, we can take it back up in the next "Does the Federation Use Money?" thread.
What is the point of starting a business in a cashless world? There is no even currency in the universe? Opening a charity center to share the food to the neighbors, like what Sisko did is different to opening a Starbuck, who is fully money orientated.

They get paid in the 23rd century. People start businesses to get rich. See: Star Trek TOS.
TOS Sulu was very interesting if you bundle together his best bits. He was enthusiastic, intelligent, competent, and good at thinking on his feet. He was also very athletic.

I am half hoping that if they introduce more of the TOS crew, it will be as a transition to a PHASE II post TMP series.
Sulu will be interesting by virtue of being the most interesting of the two Asian guys in the whole franchise, with Harry Kim being the competition :guffaw:
Harry Kim isn't even the running to be interesting XD XD.

I wonder if they'll make Sulu straight as TOS, gay as the numovies, or go the impossible route: bi.

Or just never mention it.
What is the point of starting a business in a cashless world? There is no even currency in the universe?

There has to be money in the 23rd Century Federation, Cyrano Jones was trying to sell Tribbles on K-7.

Even in TNG the Federation as 'credits' they offer them to buy the Barzan Wormhole.

The DS9 Starfleet crew paid for drinks at Quark's somehow.


In my head canon it's earth maybe some other planets that got rid of currency, not the entire Federation.
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Federation credits are probably like the EU. And Starfleet probably has a fund for its members to use when currency is needed.

Boimler killing it on DS9 and then giving up his winnings cause it was useless to him is hilarious.