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Ways that SNW actually improved TOS

The times we have seen TOS in modern times (DS-9, ENT) I think the ship and tech looked pretty good still. No big floaty air monitor holograms and let's put a light strip on everything sets, but I like the cleaner, less distracting look to things...
Can we call them modern times anymore?

Certainly DS9 being 30 years ago (ish) and Ent being at the advent of "slightly better than SD" TV would put them many generations back in terms of AV tech?

I don't think they looked bad but the show's overall aesthetic when you rewatch doesn't make it stand out to me as being out of sync
I'm fine with DIS, LD, PIC, PRO, SNW, and even S31. Not because I liked them all; PIC was a slog and I kept bogging down in DIS. But because they sought to be themselves. Unlike VOY, which tried to be TNG Lite, or ENT, which refused to be the prequel it was trying to be.
ENTERPRISE gets a bum rap as far as I'm concerned.
It was hogtied from the get go by the silly story demands from the people that held the pursestrings and by the fact that Berman wasn't willing to let go of the TNG Era thinking.

Considering those handicaps, what we actually got was pretty good.
(till the finale, THAT was a Royal Fukup)
ENTERPRISE gets a bum rap as far as I'm concerned.
It was hogtied from the get go by the silly story demands from the people that held the pursestrings and by the fact that Berman wasn't willing to let go of the TNG Era thinking.
Exactly. From the presence of working transporters to the adoption of the same phasers and photon torpedoes the other Treks used, it wasn't a prequel. It was same s***, but with jumpsuits instead of pajamas.
Exactly. From the presence of working transporters to the adoption of the same phasers and photon torpedoes the other Treks used, it wasn't a prequel. It was same s***, but with jumpsuits instead of pajamas.
So you're saying it's Star Trek? Come on, TNG's tech was pretty much TOS tech. FIRE PHASERS ! RAISE SHIELDS! FOUR TO BEAM UP! FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOES! SENSORS SHOW!
That's what it was, but not what a prequel should have been.
Says who. I actually enjoyed seeing the early versions regular Starfleet tech come into play.

The NX-01 didn't launch with Photon Torpedoes, it had Spatial Torpedoes. Didn't have phasers either, it had Phase Cannons, which weere new technology when they finally installed them. I maybe wish they stuck with the plasma weapons a little longer, but Phas(ers) are just ingrained into Star Trek.

I also love the crew weariness of using the transporter. You can understand why people might be a little afraid to have their molecules scrambled, so we got shuttlepods and actually having to land on an alien planet.

Enterprise gets top marks from me for showing the development and early stages of things that are quintessentially Star Trek.
Why not? If the future is the "same" why not the past. Trek has touchstones.
But it would be better if some of those touchstones either didn't exist or (better yet) were awesome new technologies that we didn't have. Have the Enterprise crew caught off-balance when a Klingon boarding party materialize on their bridge. Have the ship shaken to its core when a photon torpedo that's five times more powerful than its ordnance clobbers it. If you have to use it, use it to show that it's a dangerous ocean we're swimming in.
But it would be better if some of those touchstones either didn't exist or (better yet) were awesome new technologies that we didn't have. Have the Enterprise crew caught off-balance when a Klingon boarding party materialize on their bridge. Have the ship shaken to its core when a photon torpedo that's five times more powerful than its ordnance clobbers it. If you have to use it, use it to show that it's a dangerous ocean we're swimming in.
IIRC, they were often outpowered by those they met. Almost all the TrekTech was presented as new. Especially phase weapons and transporters. No shields or tractor beams on the NX-01.
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