How is/isn't Discovery Star Trek?

Supposedly Amazon Prime has a feature that you bundle together channels of your interest. I have not researched more but CBS All Access is, um, accessible through that as well.
Meh. It irritates me a touch how dismissive people can be about costs as if they are nothing. I have the money it's not me that is missing out, though it costs more than this ten dollar amount figure for Netflix each month. I have a cap on my GB usage and past that it costs heaps. Certainly wouldn't be binge watching at ten dollars per extra GB. F*ck that :razz:

Times have changed - simple as that. Star Trek Discovery is designer Trek now. It is on a platform with others of its ilk.
Meh. It irritates me a touch how dismissive people can be about costs as if they are nothing.
Fair point, but it is also irritating that some how times changing some how is supposed to exclude Trek. It's been a number of years and I have heard so much clamoring for new Trek. But, still the same Trek as it has always been.

There seems to be no healthy in between. :shrug:
Fair point, but it is also irritating that some how times changing some how is supposed to exclude Trek. It's been a number of years and I have heard so much clamoring for new Trek. But, still the same Trek as it has always been.

There seems to be no healthy in between. :shrug:
I wouldn't be surprised if eventually Discovery will make it to 'regular' broadcast. It might be a wee time from now but that would carry on the tradition of Star Trek viewing. It has even more life in its re-runs.
Fair point, but it is also irritating that some how times changing some how is supposed to exclude Trek. It's been a number of years and I have heard so much clamoring for new Trek. But, still the same Trek as it has always been.

There seems to be no healthy in between. :shrug:

And it’s not just that the times have changed in so far as how we obtain content (Rabbit ears —-> cable —-> streaming) but also how we consume media as well. People binge watch series these days. Services drop entire seasons at once, instead of putting them out one episode a week.

Personally I don’t have any issue with Discovery being exclusive to a streaming platform, it’s 2018 for goodness sake. What I didn’t/don’t like about CBS all-access is how it delivers Discovery, you know, as if it were an actual broadcast TV series: one episode a week with a fucking mid-season break. That was what was annoyIng to me, as I wanted the entire season in a one shot drop.
All of those aired completely free in the UK shortly after the US broadcast. We *aren't* getting Dsicovery on anything but Netflix here, it's the first one that requires payment.

And being so subpar compared to literally any of those shows, that's ridiculous.
The first episode required payment, apart from the Neflix subs?
The first episode required payment, apart from the Neflix subs?
I think @Kemaiku means it's the first Star Trek to require payment (over and above the TV licence) to watch it eventually - earlier series aired at some point on terrestrial TV, albeit often years after US broadcast.
I think @Kemaiku means it's the first Star Trek to require payment (over and above the TV licence) to watch it eventually - earlier series aired at some point on terrestrial TV, albeit often years after US broadcast.
I recall I got cable just to watch TNG back in the late 80's
I think @Kemaiku means it's the first Star Trek to require payment (over and above the TV licence) to watch it eventually - earlier series aired at some point on terrestrial TV, albeit often years after US broadcast.

TNG started 3 years behind the US, DS9 and Voyager started months later at best. We had switched to Sky by the time Enterprise aired, so we got to see it near enough right after the US. Anyone with a Sky subscription here gets American shows within weeks, days or hours of the US.

Even Freeview has some of those channels. But yeah, Discovery is Netflix only and it looks like that isn't changing anytime soon.
Well Ds9 started on terrestrial in the UK 28/9/95, after a US airdate of Jan 93, and Voyager started on the BBC in late August 96, after a US premiere in Jan 95, which is quite a delay I'd say. With Discovery we are getting them same day. The only way to get this sort of quick turnaround before for Trek was Sky, which is much more expensive than Netflix.
TNG started 3 years behind the US, DS9 and Voyager started months later at best. We had switched to Sky by the time Enterprise aired, so we got to see it near enough right after the US. Anyone with a Sky subscription here gets American shows within weeks, days or hours of the US.

Even Freeview has some of those channels. But yeah, Discovery is Netflix only and it looks like that isn't changing anytime soon.

Wait. I'm confused, sorry. So you saw those shows on Sky which, according to you, required a subscription, which means you paid to watch them.
I have very basic cable. ABC, CBS, NBC, that kind of crap. Tacked onto my Internet service. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother with it. Sometimes, once in a blue moon, I'll watch TV the "old-fashioned" way. But it's almost never. I watch everything on Netflix...

... or for whatever's not on Netflix, I watch through Amazon. Or, in Discovery's case, on CBS All Access. The regular ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX type of sitting down and watching on a given night like clockwork is dead to me; and has been for a long time.

So spending $6.99 isn't an issue for me. I just wish Discovery was on Netflix only so more people in the US would seek it out without the catch of "Oh, and if you pay $6.99 for CBS All Access..." That's it. Otherwise, that you have to pay to see it is no issue to me.

Discovery on CBS Proper would suck. It would be one-and-done episodes designed to appeal to 70-year-olds. Sorry, but no thanks. It would actually be what some bashers on here like to pretend it is.
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