Hey, I never noticed that before....

Broadcast order makes for some weird happenings
Balance of Terror- Angela is about to marry Tomilinson, who dies
Next episode
Shore Leave-She's already canoodling with Rodriguez
By stardate, it's been ~1300 stardates (~1.3 years or ~16 months) since she got back into the dating pool. This seems more logical.
Broadcast order makes for some weird happenings
Balance of Terror- Angela is about to marry Tomilinson, who dies
Next episode
Shore Leave-She's already canoodling with Rodriguez

That's a great point. It's worse than having Charlie X come right before WNMHGB, with both shows built on the same exact peril.

Broadcast order hurts the show in year 1. Production order is much better.
Honey Nut SiskOs
Honey Bunches of Odos
Frosted Frakes
Nerys' Puffs
Wil Wheaties
Apple Jakes
Jean-Lucky Charms
Risa Crispies
Keiko Puffs
Cinnamon Tosk Crunch
Gorn Flakes
Special Kes
Raisin Brunt
Boo Harry
Fruity Tribbles
Shranded Wheat
CapTAIN Crunch
Honey Dax
Morn Pops
All Shran
Golden Garaks

Don’t forget Quarker Oats.
It goes by very quickly, but Spock reacts very…emotionally when he and Kirk are reunited with McCoy in COTEOF. Or am I imagining it?
It just occurred to me that McCoy and Chapel both appreciate the value of old medical wisdom, even as they make use of the latest technology; her with her interest in archaeological medicine, and him recognizing the relevancy of tech-less examination techniques. ("The machine is capable of almost anything but I'll still put my trust in a healthy set of tonsils.")
That you came up with this list is both hilarious and terrifying.

My wife and I were just thinking of STAR TREK themed cheeses, and this is what we came up with so far...

Benjamin Swissko
Colby Jake
Montgomery Jack
Q so Blanco
Vic Fontainea
Shakaar Cheddar
In "Patterns of Force," Kirk and Spock are experts on Nazi uniforms and ranks.

Really? Paritcularly since the Nazi insignia (particulary that of the SS) were largely distinct from those of other military forces, this would be like two current U.S. military officers traveling through time and showing seamless familiarity with British insignia in use in about 1680. Possible? I suppose. Likely? No. Especially for an alien.
In "Patterns of Force," Kirk and Spock are experts on Nazi uniforms and ranks.

Really? Paritcularly since the Nazi insignia (particulary that of the SS) were largely distinct from those of other military forces, this would be like two current U.S. military officers traveling through time and showing seamless familiarity with British insignia in use in about 1680. Possible? I suppose. Likely? No. Especially for an alien.

Well, I get the impression that they have both studied history, so..