Great Fan-made Strange New Worlds Credits

Random thought; maybe Boyce is a holdover from April's crew, and his contemporary/friend.

Pike is a holdover from April's crew, as his canonical background has him as April's XO from 2245 to 2250. Which also means Pike was likely at the launch of the Enterprise herself. Pike, likely stepping in following April's promotion, probably kept much of the same crew going forward and only rotated them out upon request or advancement. It's conceivable for any number of characters to go from April's crew to Pike's.

Of course, Boyce wouldn't have been the CMO at the time. That was April's wife.
When did it ever say anything about Pike being April's XO? This is new info to me. I thought the only canonical reference to April was on TAS, and I don't remember them going into details like that? Sorry for the mistake.
When did it ever say anything about Pike being April's XO? This is new info to me. I thought the only canonical reference to April was on TAS, and I don't remember them going into details like that? Sorry for the mistake.

It's mentioned on this okudagram from "Brother". I misremembered and it doesn't actually say when he served as April's XO on the Enterprise. Could've been the full five years. Could've been just the month prior to his promotion. Could've been a week back in '46 when George Kirk caught the flu.

April's name has appeared in Discovery twice now.