Giving STO Another Try

It is possible that they once planned to stretch it out for two more episodes. Now that the future of STO may be uncertain under new ownership (Embracer/Deca), they likely spliced it together into one single large episode, which will be it until the dust settles and they can figure out what happens next. If true, I would much prefer this scenario, to at least get closure with the story, as opposed to have it end without a proper finale.
The Wolf 359 mission was fun, the tie in with the Wolf 359 project to revamp the memorial was a cool nod. I do wish they'd implement a system at the end of the mission where you are eventually destroyed by the cube though.
The last 2 days have been great for grinding elite tfos because they were totally bugged, which mean't win or fail, you got the full rewards, and now i am sitting with a pile of elite crafting gear that was selling for 30 million each a week ago. Lol
When the Borg Queen in VOY Unimatrix goes, "We'll see you soon, Harry," maybe she was talking about the Borg King.
It is possible that they once planned to stretch it out for two more episodes. Now that the future of STO may be uncertain under new ownership (Embracer/Deca), they likely spliced it together into one single large episode, which will be it until the dust settles and they can figure out what happens next. If true, I would much prefer this scenario, to at least get closure with the story, as opposed to have it end without a proper finale.

It was way too long.

I miss the older releases with smaller missions spaced over a several week period. That single mission could have been chopped into like three separate missions and milked the anticipation longer.
Well, yes, that's the ideal scenario, but they're clearly hedging their bets right now, in anticipation of a possible downsizing. Very much hoping they survive this turmoil.
I think at some point Embracer will be forced to sell of STO, as i don't think they can stop the domino effect of what is happening to them, and just this week they laid off about 100 Eidos staff and cancelled that new Deus EX game.......
Oooff…. That’s not good. The timing is really bad for this, with the whole Paramount purchase thing going on in parallel. A single game is probably not high on their radar right now. Maybe Microsoft or EA can determine if it would be a profitable enough property to step up. It would actually be kind of cool if Microsoft bought it, as they own Activision, a big Trek license holder back in the day. It’s all very fuzzy right now. In any case, it would be profoundly tragic if they scuttled the whole thing.
I think at some point Embracer will be forced to sell of STO, as i don't think they can stop the domino effect of what is happening to them, and just this week they laid off about 100 Eidos staff and cancelled that new Deus EX game.......
they're not going to sell off an asset that is providing them with an active cashflow. The staff being laid off and games that are being cancelled are from studios and IPs that are now costing them more money than they bring in. Unless another studio over offers for Cryptic studios, Embracer won't just sell it. They put the game in maintenance mode (and if you look at the last few patches, it already is) - and the only thing that's going to be 'new' is a lockbox ship from one of the 4 Star Trek series that Paramount+ will be streaming over the next 18 months.
Well their gamble to open up elite tfo's to random pugs seems to have paid it seems to be the most popular thing now, as you almost instantly get into one, and apart from the odd snooty elite player proclaiming they won't help noobs, i think these elite pugs have been the most i have seen people use the chat window to talk to each other, even when they fail everyone seems to take it all in good nature, and a little side effect also of these elites is how i ended up finding out that even my lowest toon seems to be able to contribute to elite ground with some success, even when i never really bother with all the ground tfos.......funny how things work out....ok so back to the insane fact i can now grind 8000 dil a day over many toons with that 2400 dil reward for a elite tfo, than over same time period i was grinding only 8000 on one too running normal tfos with that 480 dil
I think at some point Embracer will be forced to sell of STO, as i don't think they can stop the domino effect of what is happening to them, and just this week they laid off about 100 Eidos staff and cancelled that new Deus EX game.......

STO apparently makes a decent amount of money, and the team is super small at this point.

It likely won't die, but there's a good chance it goes into glorified maintenance mode, with a couple of people left to design a ship occasionally or some such.
Seems there's still gonna be some kind of narrative work being done on STO in the future:



Found over on STO reddit.
I hope it'll end up giving people the option to get powerful ships and weapons quickly (like a god mode or give all), so they can experience all the stories without spending hours in drawn-out slow battles. I'd like to kinda skip those, end them quickly, to move on with the story, instead of shooting and evading 90% of the time until either my ship explodes or the next step is finally unlocked :D
I hope it'll end up giving people the option to get powerful ships and weapons quickly (like a god mode or give all), so they can experience all the stories without spending hours in drawn-out slow battles. I'd like to kinda skip those, end them quickly, to move on with the story, instead of shooting and evading 90% of the time until either my ship explodes or the next step is finally unlocked :D

Ironically by skipping parts of the game you have not only missed out on much needed xp to level your toon up, but also in game ship and ground gear that would make your ship and toon very powerful indeed, point in question, there are two missions that give you romulan ground armour and kit, that would give you a boost of 30% just by crouching, plus if you had a plasma weapon it would also boost that by 20%, then you got another mission that gives you a ship console and a omni trilithium weapon that boosts all your ships weapons fire cycles by 10%, and i use both these rewards on my main toon to run elites random by skipping you would have actually made later missions almost impossible to as your toon levels up, so to mission rewards, so you need to replay them to get that higher at least on your first run through you never want to skip as yoy get accolades for doing the stories, and some of these also comes with passive boosts. ;)
I went to play again this past weekend, and I noticed there is no option to start in the ENT era. That’s a possibility being left out.
I went to play again this past weekend, and I noticed there is no option to start in the ENT era. That’s a possibility being left out.

Doubt will get that. ENT gets less love than the other Trek shows. There is ENT stuff in the game, and the Temporal Agent arc has quite a bit of ENT-related stuff going on, but as for like an ENT-origin? Unlikely. We already have three Starfleet origins... don't see them doing an ENT version.