General thoughts?

I didn't say he is weak, but he is weak written. He can be a naive of course, but as a captain he have to go through to space with open eyes. He is responsible from all his crew and ship. He have to be more diplomatic. As a captain of a science ship, he have to be familiar with scientific methods, you know thesis-antithesis-synthesis etc. He could be more cool and intelligent.
Anyway he is my favorite captain, while he is still human.
No I wasn’t saying you said he was I just said I agree with you that I don’t fine him weak
I was just wondering what people thoughts were on Enterprise overall? At the time it was on I was too interested only watching it occasionally. However having since watched it all I found it very enjoyable and far superior to STD. THOUGHTS?

Well, I’m currently on a mega-marathon so for the past few months I’ve been watching almost nothing but Star Trek beginning with TOS.

I’m now on the 17th episode of S1 of ENT and it’s much better than I expected. This is the first time I’ve seen the series so everything is new.

My thoughts:

1. Everything seems grittier and you get the impression that the humans exploring space are pioneers who are a bit out of their league but eager to have new experiences.

2. Lots of weird medical stuff like animal glands and decontamination gel replace the sterile lasers that the doctors in later seasons used, so it feels like you’re taking a trip back into the past when the human explorers had few comforts.

3. However, the food looks amazing. Instead of eating odd-colored food cubes they’re chowing down on Chilean sea bass and prime rib. This show makes me hungry and I’m wondering how they manage to eat so well up in space though I guess it’s all reconstituted molecules (hopefully not poop).

4. I love how the Vulcans are portrayed since I’ve always considered them to be arrogant and insufferable occasionally. While they are a wise and intelligent people, it’s nice to see some of their flaws.

5. The Andorians are fantastic thanks to Jeffrey Combs, who has been a favorite actor of mine for decades.

6. As far as the crew is concerned, I think I like Trip the most so far. He is a bit of a hick but not so much that he seems totally unprofessional. Captain Archer is decent and I used to watch Quantum Leap with my grandparents as a kid so I’m fond of the actor. Malcolm sort of looks like Kane from Alien and that might be intentional. He’s been a good foil to Trip so far. Phlox is weird and slightly creepy but in a good way so he is my second favorite character. T’Pol is ok, though her collagen lips are a little jarring. That was sort of the fashion style back then when this series aired. Hoshi is ok but it seems like the Universal Translator has supplanted her a bit. Mayweather needs more development.

7. The opening music is dumb and I skip past it.

8. The Temporal Cold War doesn’t grab my attention. While I enjoy an occasional time-traveling episode, I wasn’t all that thrilled when they started introducing time cops in Voyager. I hope they don’t make this the focus of the series.
Yeah, the food......with Trip and Malcom, “Shuttle Pod One”.

Rations....just Veal Marsala? How about Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and gravy? Oh yeah, we got that, too.
And Chilean Sea Bass.
Heat each one in maybe a second......

But don’t finish your dinner, get right to the bourbon.

So you can patch a hull breach with dried up mashed potatoes.

That’ll work.

But guess what....I still love the show.

Wonder what temperature they had to shoot in, to see their breath like that....
Yeah, the food......with Trip and Malcom, “Shuttle Pod One”.

Rations....just Veal Marsala? How about Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and gravy? Oh yeah, we got that, too.
And Chilean Sea Bass.
Heat each one in maybe a second......

But don’t finish your dinner, get right to the bourbon.

So you can patch a hull breach with dried up mashed potatoes.

That’ll work.

But guess what....I still love the show.

Wonder what temperature they had to shoot in, to see their breath like that....
Well I think I was only temp I mean they had sealant
Well, I’m currently on a mega-marathon so for the past few months I’ve been watching almost nothing but Star Trek beginning with TOS.

I’m now on the 17th episode of S1 of ENT and it’s much better than I expected. This is the first time I’ve seen the series so everything is new.

My thoughts:

1. Everything seems grittier and you get the impression that the humans exploring space are pioneers who are a bit out of their league but eager to have new experiences.

2. Lots of weird medical stuff like animal glands and decontamination gel replace the sterile lasers that the doctors in later seasons used, so it feels like you’re taking a trip back into the past when the human explorers had few comforts.

3. However, the food looks amazing. Instead of eating odd-colored food cubes they’re chowing down on Chilean sea bass and prime rib. This show makes me hungry and I’m wondering how they manage to eat so well up in space though I guess it’s all reconstituted molecules (hopefully not poop).

4. I love how the Vulcans are portrayed since I’ve always considered them to be arrogant and insufferable occasionally. While they are a wise and intelligent people, it’s nice to see some of their flaws.

5. The Andorians are fantastic thanks to Jeffrey Combs, who has been a favorite actor of mine for decades.

6. As far as the crew is concerned, I think I like Trip the most so far. He is a bit of a hick but not so much that he seems totally unprofessional. Captain Archer is decent and I used to watch Quantum Leap with my grandparents as a kid so I’m fond of the actor. Malcolm sort of looks like Kane from Alien and that might be intentional. He’s been a good foil to Trip so far. Phlox is weird and slightly creepy but in a good way so he is my second favorite character. T’Pol is ok, though her collagen lips are a little jarring. That was sort of the fashion style back then when this series aired. Hoshi is ok but it seems like the Universal Translator has supplanted her a bit. Mayweather needs more development.

7. The opening music is dumb and I skip past it.

8. The Temporal Cold War doesn’t grab my attention. While I enjoy an occasional time-traveling episode, I wasn’t all that thrilled when they started introducing time cops in Voyager. I hope they don’t make this the focus of the series.
Well I guess keep an open mind during season 3. So hate it some love it. Frankly I skip over less episodes then I did during season 1. Also season two is pretty good. Won’t spoil anything but for most the 3rd and 4th seasons are very good. And just FYI, in the third and fourth season they speed up the theme song
Wonder what temperature they had to shoot in, to see their breath like that....

Connor Trinneer once told the producers were obsessed with cold and wanted to see their breath. So the shooting was very uncomfortable. Obviously, Keating and he didn't enjoy to shooting the episode as we do at watching it.

About eating.. I never heard pecan pie before ENT. Well, the several Tex-Mex restaurants which I dinned didn't have it at the menu either. Last week I was at the very large US Supermarket ( for army staff and expats) and bought the ingredients. In two weeks when I at my beloved kitchen again, I'll try to bake my first pecan pie. So wish me luck! :D
Connor Trinneer once told the producers were obsessed with cold and wanted to see their breath. So the shooting was very uncomfortable. Obviously, Keating and he didn't enjoy to shooting the episode as we do at watching it.

About eating.. I never heard pecan pie before ENT. Well, the several Tex-Mex restaurants which I dinned didn't have it at the menu either. Last week I was at the very large US Supermarket ( for army staff and expats) and bought the ingredients. In two weeks when I at my beloved kitchen again, I'll try to bake my first pecan pie. So wish me luck! :D
How did your pie turn out.
I hare to tell for how many years i've been eating pecan pie.i think my first one was christms 1954.

I wish you can eat more pecan pies than you ate until now and have more joy with it. :hugegrin:

A question: What is the subtext when someone hear the word "pecan pie"? I mean it is something about tradition, being southern, having this cultural heritage or being redneck and old-fashioned?
I wish you can eat more pecan pies than you ate until now and have more joy with it. :hugegrin:

A question: What is the subtext when someone hear the word "pecan pie"? I mean it is something about tradition, being southern, having this cultural heritage or being redneck and old-fashioned?
In Mitch's case, it's redneck through and through. :devil:
Enterprise was my first trek.... it will always be special to me.
A question: What is the subtext when someone hear the word "pecan pie"? I mean it is something about tradition, being southern, having this cultural heritage or being redneck and old-fashioned?
For me, pecan pie was a tradition of my Texas upbringing. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we had my grandmother's homemade pecan pie for dessert. Of course I learned how to make it, but Granny's tasted the best. Those were the days. :luvlove:
For me, pecan pie was a tradition of my Texas upbringing. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we had my grandmother's homemade pecan pie for dessert. Of course I learned how to make it, but Granny's tasted the best. Those were the days. :luvlove:
There are a lot of pecan trees in our area and in the fall we would always go out and pick pecans off the ground.
Hey fellow Trekkies,

I was just wondering what people thoughts were on Enterprise overall? At the time it was on I was too interested only watching it occasionally. However having since watched it all I found it very enjoyable and far superior to STD. THOUGHTS?

I found Enterprise very boring - although you have to remember it was at the fag-end of that period of Trek and to me at the time it represented nothing new. I struggled with elements of the first season and never went back. I find it far inferior to Discovery.
For me, pecan pie was a tradition of my Texas upbringing. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we had my grandmother's homemade pecan pie for dessert. Of course I learned how to make it, but Granny's tasted the best. Those were the days. :luvlove:
Pecan pie is the devil, as in I gained about ten pounds over Christmas because of all the pecan pie I ate.
