For the Imperium...

Hello Atolm,
I'll refrain from replying to every post you've made in the Fan Art forum like some fan boy, but I'll just say that I've seen your Trek designs around the net for years and greatly enjoy what you've done. It adheres to the Star Trek aesthetic, but you're not afraid to throw the Roddenberry rules out the window and put the nacelles before the bridge, so to speak.
I hope to build a few of your designs now that I've jumped into this 3d printing thing. I'll post what I've done, but I'm not the quickest builder.
Just wanted to finally reach out and thank you for sharing all the work you've done. I appreciate it!
Hello Atolm,
I'll refrain from replying to every post you've made in the Fan Art forum like some fan boy, but I'll just say that I've seen your Trek designs around the net for years and greatly enjoy what you've done. It adheres to the Star Trek aesthetic, but you're not afraid to throw the Roddenberry rules out the window and put the nacelles before the bridge, so to speak.
I hope to build a few of your designs now that I've jumped into this 3d printing thing. I'll post what I've done, but I'm not the quickest builder.
Just wanted to finally reach out and thank you for sharing all the work you've done. I appreciate it!
Hey thanks mate. That truly means a lot. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, please keep me in the loop :D
V'Horteriv-Class Warbird:

Direct link:
Is the aft hollow? As in: could the back side of the head contain a shuttlebay with free access outside?
Is the aft hollow? As in: could the back side of the head contain a shuttlebay with free access outside?
the Ventral aft is hollow, but the overall shape is analogous to a half bowl/dome. But being a warbird, there is a lot of room to move around within the dome.
T'Rellus-Class Prefect Ship:

Direct Link:

This is a Romulan starship that is given to Prefects who govern whole sectors of the Imperium. If you look closely, you can make out that this ship would look a lot like the Romulan insignia, as there are two spheres, representing Romulus and Remus. I hope to have the time to further develop this concept.