For the Imperium...

Looks like a Spoonbill

A Romulan ship design request, no hurry at all, if your in the mood :)

Always felt that the BOP from Enterprise was to advanced, could easily see it as a 24th century ship, asking, do you any designs/thoughts for that era of ships? So more primitive, maybe round nacelles, kinda looking like not really more advanced than the NX or so?

A Romulan ship design request, no hurry at all, if your in the mood :)

Always felt that the BOP from Enterprise was to advanced, could easily see it as a 24th century ship, asking, do you any designs/thoughts for that era of ships? So more primitive, maybe round nacelles, kinda looking like not really more advanced than the NX or so?

Hmmmm That is an interesting thought.
I'm working on a 3d scene with the Comet class from Starfleet museum, and wanted to do some battle stuff, but the BOP in Enterprise just seems to "modern" for the Era, in my mind.
Thanks to Atolm for humoring me !
I like it, feels very aggresive. I think I'd remove the forward support and move it (or only have one) at the back though, so that maybe that surface can be used as a staging point for smaller attack craft. I mean, if we're moving away from the 'only impulse' notion (totally a fan of) then we need something else where the Romulans are "known" for. Might as well be the use of attack craft instead of ship-to-ship combat...