For All Mankind Trailer - Apple TV- SPOILER

Suprising conclussions (Dani lives, so does Ed and Sam and Miles...)
So happy for North Korean Astronaut to be reunited with his partner.
That Aleida hug to Margo, Margo's talk about role reversal vs her and Von Braun and her and Aleida.

Was right on OG blackmarket barkeeper helping to save Miles and Aleida/Margo teaming up to save "space exploration".
But i was wrong too: for example Home Alone NASA guy is still alive.

Fun season overall - really enjoyed it for the most part.
just ignore the obvious speed plot holes (Margo center stage with all eyes on her, Aleida at the console - and Margo saying "it was me" whatever) - it's science "fiction" and and alternate reality to moon/mars boot ;)

Wishlist for Season 5
  • I'd love another season or two or three.
  • Would be awesome if the look from Mars outwards - leaving Earth behind mostly or completely - story and characterwise.
  • But I'd love to see more Will Tyler (so back into space? or NASA leader) and Aleida (NASA Helios leader or go to Mars with the family to work and live from there)
  • Ed, Dani to be written out "peacefully" - no drama.
  • more Kelly Baldwin
  • Dev continue to play 4D chess, thinking in leaps rather that steps
  • Kelly and Co to disover extra terrestrial life on Mars (or elsewhere)
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But i was wrong too: for example Home Alone NASA guy is still alive.

Though I suspect off camera there will be pressure for his resignation following the leaks about the treatment of Miles and co and in the clips at the start of season 5 there will be a new NASA chief administrator.

Eli was good guy and I think a capable administrator but between bad information (the refinery plant explosion being attributed to terrorists, not people by-passing safety systems) and the speed/pressure of things some bad decisions were made - not always by him but it's politics and a scapegoat will be needed.
TVLine has a Q&A with the showrunners about the fourth season, the season finale and what could be ahead in a fifth season. Beware spoilers for all of season four.


It's good that they realized you have to move on at a certain point where a characters' story is done and there is no more meat to it. Too often i have seen shows unwilling to make that step, to let go of a popular character/actor and the show as a whole suffers. Fortunately they didn't kill any of them off so they can give them a proper sendoff instead of doing it offscreen so there's that but the stage is set to move on with characters like Aleida, Kelly, possibly Dale and maybe some minor characters whose role could be expanded ( i really liked the CO who replaced Ed when he screwed up, he seems like a good straightshooter).

Personally the next big thing is discovering alien (basic) life on Mars or somewhere else ( nothing fancy, some aminoacids or one/multi cell organisms) and i feel they laid the groundwork for it with Kelly this season. They don't have to use it but it is there should they decide to.

I hope Apple shifts into gear and announces a season 5 soon, it seems to be one of their more popular shows so let's continue.
Fortunately they didn't kill any of them off so they can give them a proper sendoff instead of doing it offscreen so there's that but the stage is set to move on with characters like Aleida, Kelly, possibly Dale and maybe some minor characters whose role could be expanded ( i really liked the CO who replaced Ed when he screwed up, he seems like a good straightshooter).
I would add Sam to that list. I want to see so much more of her.
I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off when that guy collecting rocks to send home fell off the ledge then slid down the hill.
That season was okay. Pacing sucked.. could have done it in 5 episodes not 10.

Also wish they went further on the time skip.. could show the asteroid but zoom over to jupiter and show a rover on Europa or Ganymede where they landed.. or even ceres..

2 sesons on the moon, 2 seasons on mars.. move on to the next one..
That season was okay. Pacing sucked.. could have done it in 5 episodes not 10.

Also wish they went further on the time skip.. could show the asteroid but zoom over to jupiter and show a rover on Europa or Ganymede where they landed.. or even ceres..

2 sesons on the moon, 2 seasons on mars.. move on to the next one..

It seems the seasons alternate between GETTING SOMEWHERE and BEING SOMEWHERE, so the next season will be about getting somewhere - we've done an asteroid season, so am leaving towards a "Grand Tour" season as a step towards the starship that Moore has mooted in interviews they've considered for the finale

Move the plot between Dev, Dale, Kelly etc on Mars, Aleida and Will on Earth and the crew of the "Grand Tour" ship
I'm so happy Dani survived!!!

i don't understand why in that particular scene, so many people (especially non techies) would want to move to Mars at this early stage of exploration.
I think other people wanted to be with their family members too.

logs would easily show who entered and uploaded the code but we already know that the writers occasionally ignore basic realism when it runs counter to the story they want to tell.
I think Margo was claiming she wrote the code and Aleida just entered it as written.

Having found life on Mars, Kelly Baldwin or her son begins the search for life in the seas of Europa.
I definitely think we'll need to see more of Kelly and her now-teenage son.
You have a natural progression, you have the explorer that wants to be first, explore, set up the first colony.

Next you have the colonization and exploitation of the particular place. That will take those who are more risk takers, Oil rig
workers, fishermen, etc. that have a high risk, high reward. Those are the Helios roughnecks that were the grunt workers.

Now the class divide was a bit much, yes you would have the Ed's of Mars that would be like him, saying Your On Mars!! Thats fine for him, but now your at the level of people doing it for MONEY$$ The Ed's may look down upon them, but them being there for the Money reason is just as good as his so called Noble cause. There both there doing the work, living in the danger. (Not like Ed wasn't getting paid Admirals Pay himself)

But at this stage, you would get less explorer's ( there out to the next unknown place) and more workers, and at this stage, a worker should be in charge since there setting up the place for permanent occupation. You would still have your science types like Kelly, but mostly roughnecks.

But honestly hope the next season isn't set on Mars. Sure , still have Ed being geriatric there, maybe show a bigger happy valley, Hell maybe a Dome city. But most of the action happening further out.. The Asteroid belt, but better would be Jupiter and its moons. Showing Tech like a Magnetic shield to protect the ship from the hellish radiation from Jupiter.

As for Goldilocks.. I wouldn't have set it in a mars or earth orbit.. For Mars you would have to get the iridium out of that gravity well to get it to Earth. And at Earth, you might have sabotage and have it fall on Earth. For me Have it in an orbit in between Earth and Mars.
Now the class divide was a bit much, yes you would have the Ed's of Mars that would be like him, saying Your On Mars!! Thats fine for him, but now your at the level of people doing it for MONEY$$ The Ed's may look down upon them, but them being there for the Money reason is just as good as his so called Noble cause. There both there doing the work, living in the danger. (Not like Ed wasn't getting paid Admirals Pay himself)

My take is that Ed being from a US Navy career background looks on Helios workers as sand crabs (USN slang for:A sideways-walking, scavenging beach creature. Refers to a civilian Naval contractor or civil service). Most Navy sailors do not trust sand crabs to do the job they are hired to do. Usually, in my experience, for good reason. Sand Crab is a derogatory term.
My take is that Ed being from a US Navy career background looks on Helios workers as sand crabs (USN slang for:A sideways-walking, scavenging beach creature. Refers to a civilian Naval contractor or civil service). Most Navy sailors do not trust sand crabs to do the job they are hired to do. Usually, in my experience, for good reason. Sand Crab is a derogatory term.

Oh I agree, having been military, we do look down abit at civilian contractors, but what was in the series was below the bar, not even acknowledging the problems there having, basically saying Suck it Up, your on Mars.. Helios itself wasn't any better, changing there bonus's, overcharging for items etc. Made a strike all but inevitable.
Oh I agree, having been military, we do look down abit at civilian contractors, but what was in the series was below the bar, not even acknowledging the problems there having, basically saying Suck it Up, your on Mars.. Helios itself wasn't any better, changing there bonus's, overcharging for items etc. Made a strike all but inevitable.
Portraying a labour movement and strike in even a partially sympathetic way in a dramatic production practically demands an “inevitable” motive.
I'm so happy Dani survived!!!

I think other people wanted to be with their family members too.

I think Margo was claiming she wrote the code and Aleida just entered it as written.

I definitely think we'll need to see more of Kelly and her now-teenage son.
As long as the teenage son doesn't have a storyline replicating The Space Between Us.
Was there anything woke about season 3? I am struggling to think of anything.
There were all the coming out plotlines with Will and Ellen, that could be what they’re thinking of.

Using the term properly, probably the best candidate overall would be when Dani confronted Ed in season two about how her not having had a command despite having all the experience was making it look like NASA had a glass ceiling, but that was set in the ‘80s, before discrimination was defeated now and forever and talking about it now risks bringing it back to life, so probably no one cared.