Facts About Captain Robau

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Robau is actually present in every frame of the movie. We don't see him in most of the frames because in those he is in a higher plane of existence.
Robau is at warp 10 and is thus occupying every point in the universe simultaniously. Captain Robau has no fear of turning into a lizard, because that would just be silly.
First came the Infinite Improbability Drive.

Then came the Bistromathic Drive.

The ultimate would be the Robau Drive. Which wouldn't need an engine room, or even a spaceship. Just one of Robau's eyebrow movements.
Scientists once tried to calculate Robau's awesomeness but after several years of research and quite a few suicides they declared that it was impossible for both Robau and awareness of Robau's awesomeness to exist in the same universe at the same time.
Each of Robau's scalp follicles has the potential to grow an entire micro-universe of its own.
Robau will un-cancel Caprica by starring in it as God which, for all intents and purposes, is the same thing as starring as himself.
Robau never finishes anything. Because that would imply that there is an end to all his mighty works.
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