Facts About Captain Robau

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^I skimmed as far as "200 pages". This thread's on page 504 on my settings. Oops.

But I'm cool with another 439 facts about the Captain.
(Dennis Miller):

Look, I don't wanna go off on a rant here, but to say Captain Robau is awesome is like saying that Helen of Troy was pretty.

I mean, it's an understatement so bland that it reminds me of what happens when you leave the pack of extra sharp chedder cheese open in the refigerator--the taste is all gone, and you might as well be muching on last week's stuffed flounder special! You get more for your tongue's buds that way.

Let's be honest folks, words cannot describe how totally awesome Robau is. All I know is that the size of his awesomeness can only be compared to the amount of physical "enhancement" the Borg apparently did not consider to be irrelevant when they assimilated Annika Hansen into the notorious bombshell who saved the fledging ratings of a certain underrated TV sci-fi and then went on to destroy the political carrer of a poor guy who's only crime was to flirt with her in a stripper joint--after they got married! (Which, BTW, is especially pathetic considering her own innocence, or lack therof, in referring to her most famous assets as her "girls", among other raunchy actions and words. But I digress....)

Back to Robau. Look, I realize that "awesomness" and bada--ery" are abstract concepts which have so far sufficed in describing the qualities of Robau--but let's be honest, folks. No modern word can describe what he's got.

So I say it's about time we invent some new term to sufficiently capture all his "awesomeness", "bada--ery", and whatever else we call it. He's Captain Robau, for pete's sake! I mean, all this time, our respect has been so darn understated, it's like saying Ezri Dax is the cutest girl in the universe. GET ORIGINAL, PEOPLE!!!

'Course...that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. :mallory:
(Dennis Miller):

Look, I don't wanna go off on a rant here, but to say Captain Robau is awesome is like saying that Helen of Troy was pretty.

I mean, it's an understatement so bland that it reminds me of what happens when you leave the pack of extra sharp chedder cheese open in the refigerator--the taste is all gone, and you might as well be muching on last week's stuffed flounder special! You get more for your tongue's buds that way.

Let's be honest folks, words cannot describe how totally awesome Robau is. All I know is that the size of his awesomeness can only be compared to the amount of physical "enhancement" the Borg apparently did not consider to be irrelevant when they assimilated Annika Hansen into the notorious bombshell who saved the fledging ratings of a certain underrated TV sci-fi and then went on to destroy the political carrer of a poor guy who's only crime was to flirt with her in a stripper joint--after they got married! (Which, BTW, is especially pathetic considering her own innocence, or lack therof, in referring to her most famous assets as her "girls", among other raunchy actions and words. But I digress....)

Back to Robau. Look, I realize that "awesomness" and bada--ery" are abstract concepts which have so far sufficed in describing the qualities of Robau--but let's be honest, folks. No modern word can describe what he's got.

So I say it's about time we invent some new term to sufficiently capture all his "awesomeness", "bada--ery", and whatever else we call it. He's Captain Robau, for pete's sake! I mean, all this time, our respect has been so darn understated, it's like saying Ezri Dax is the cutest girl in the universe. GET ORIGINAL, PEOPLE!!!

'Course...that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. :mallory:

I understand your argument that words like "awesome" and "badass" are just too pedestrian and limited to succinctly describe what Robau is and the qualities that define him. However, in my time reading this thread and contemplating The Robau, there is one term which I believe does encompass the entirety of our beloved Captain, and that term is Captain Robau. I mean, Captain Robau is no mundane modern word. It is a summary of all which we know to be true about The One Whom We Worship and a statement of his Oneness and absolute command of all that is. Captain Robau is all that is. I am limited by my mortal language in trying to convey to you all the things that Robau is. Therefore, whenever someone asks us to define Robau using words I believe the best and most accurate response to make without diminishing His Lordship is, "Captain Robau is Captain Robau." For all true believers, this statement is enough.
Captain Robau is so awesome, his great thread keeps bringing down TBBS.

Thus it, and all other threads over 200 posts will soon be closed.

You rule, Captain Richard Robau. You will never, ever be forgotten.


Fact about Captain Robau #7559:
Captain Robau is too badass for the TBBS servers.

You should have read the announcement. It's 8,000 posts or 200 pages.
Just for the heck of it, I'll quote Antony's post from the Announcements forum here:
AntonyF said:
Hi everyone,

Due to some server performance issues, I have asked the moderators to start closing long threads when they reach 200 pages. Then a new thread will be started to continue the discussion.

Assuming 40 posts are seen per page, 200 pages will give 8000 posts per thread - so this will only affect a small minority.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
Truth is, I've been thinking for a while that it was getting closer to being time for wrapping this and a couple of other long-running threads up. "Facts About Captain Robau" has been going since December 2008 - nearly two years; the "Shouting Spock" thread started more than three years ago (though, true, there was a six-month hiatus somewhere in the middle of Page 3); even the relative upstart "Blue Warp Nacelles?" thread has been starting to get a little long in the tooth.

I've left them alone this long because people are still coming to the forum for them and besides, it's not like we've had a great deal of fresh news to talk about. I think that's beginning to change, though, and maybe it's time to begin to let these institutions associated with the last movie go and see what might turn up to take their place for the movie upcoming. Now, I don't mean that anyone should go right out and post something tomorrow, saying "This is going to be the new 'Captain Robau' thread. That isn't the way any of these started, and I don't believe you can intentionally start a thread which is guaranteed to develop the kind of legs these have had. The process is more organic than that, as is perhaps most apparent when you look at the first few pages of the "Blue Warp Nacelles?" thread; the opening post gave absolutely no clue of what was to come, and the person who posted it was probably more surprised than anyone when he saw it happening.

Anyway, there's not going to be an immediate closure of this thread or any of them--there's still some room left--but if board performance dictates that threads which reach X many pages/posts have to close, then that's pretty much the way it's got to be. I have no doubt, however, that sooner or later, something will spring up from an unexpected quarter to take on a life of its own in much the same way these did. I know you guys - you're creative like that. ;)
The mods dared to close down the looong running Facts About Captain Robau thread in the Prime Universe.

Captain Robau simply took his ship, filled with his trusted minions and created the nu-universe erasing the Prime in the process as punishment.
Robau can get high off his own beads of sweat. And the rest of his crew gets the most awesome contact high ever recorded.
Robau wouldn't mind this thread to be closed, as none of the comments, NONE of the comments, have so far been adequate enough to describe him, in his opinion, and his opinion is pure fact.
The mods dared to close down the looong running Facts About Captain Robau thread in the Prime Universe.

Captain Robau simply took his ship, filled with his trusted minions and created the nu-universe erasing the Prime in the process as punishment.
I think you'll find he took his trusted onions, not minions. And yes, those onions earned his trust. I'm not exactly sure how, but they did. In any case, The Robau knows why. And that's good enough for me.
prior to the mods closing the robau thread

robau will close the mod thread

(be nice) the mods think that they are real people, and not just fantasy characters in the robau universe
If Robau is satisfied with a comment before the 8000th post then he might just consider not destroying this universe and making a new one
prior to the mods closing the robau thread

robau will close the mod thread

(be nice) the mods think that they are real people, and not just fantasy characters in the robau universe

So...The One Who Must Not Be Named's deranged hatred of me...is His Awesomeness's idea of keeping me humble.

Robau does not close threads.

He simply transforms them to a higher level and state of being...where they become even MORE badass than before.
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