Facts About Captain Robau

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^And they still had to dumb them down in order for the bridge crew to see them because his true vital signs are too badass and would cause them to have seizures.
Robau has decreed that this outrage must be severely punished.
Okay, let's not be trolling people in other forums with Captain Robau; for one thing, I don't think the Captain would approve. I was put in the position once of having to say something when people in other forums were getting pressured to "join the sombrero cult" and I'll say something similar here:

If you want to carry on the Cult of Robau in this thread (and, to a lesser degree, in the forum at large,) that's one thing, but if people don't want to play, then they should be afforded the opportunity not to play. Yes, doubleoh may have reacted a bit strongly to a Robau thread bomb--even over-reacted--but for Mr. Laser Beam to throw it back in his face in the manner displayed here and here was equally bad form (pretending it was about the fact that you posted in the Robau thread was too obviously "missing" the point, and telling him further not to come to this forum was completely out of line, and the second post was worse) and I'd prefer to neither see nor hear about anything like this happening again.

Any comments on this matter may be taken to PM. You may now resume your cult activity, but with consideration toward to your fellow posters (because the Captain would want it that way. :) )
i really don't get this. it makes no sense.

In early 2008, Faran Tahir, known to be playing the role of "Federation Captain" in the eleventh Star Trek movie, stated in an interview that his character was "totally badass". This was the first fact about Captain Robau. We since learned from a promotional website that Robau was born in Cuba and raised in the Middle-East. This thread began that December.

I'm a little hazy on how we got from there to here, but here we are.

All I know is that when Skywalker said:
Skywalker said:
-The Neutral Zone doesn't exist to protect the Federation from the Romulans, it exists to protect the Romulans from Captain Robau.
I was hooked.
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