Facts About Captain Robau

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Nobody kneels before Robau. They get down on their bellies and crawl around like the comparatively worthless slugs that they are.
Robau doesn't get married because no woman alive in the entire universe could handle his badassness. Either physical. Or otherwise.
The Big Headthing in Star Trek V would ask Robau's permission to merge with the Kelvin and would apologize for his deficiencies if Robau doubed him.
the atom bomb was made to kill Robau; when they found it was clearly ineffective they just turned around and used it on japan.
The Big Headthing in Star Trek V would ask Robau's permission to merge with the Kelvin and would apologize for his deficiencies if Robau doubed him.

The Kelvin? But what does Robau need with a starship? ;)

Robau will forgive the impertinence of that question since it was asked at the mystical time of 4:20, Eastern.

As I have not yet felt the wrath of Robau, I can only conclude he was amused rather than enraged by my comment. Thank Go-er, Robau.
The Disposal Units ran night and day, we were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taugh us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, and to smash those metal motherf@#kers into junk. He turned it around, he brought us back from the brink. His name is Robau, Richard Robau.
Robau can actually host his own show on the Discovery channel for more than a month without dying. Pretty badass these days.
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