Ever like a show but...


Red Shirt
hate the main character?

I've been watching episodes of Fraiser lately and realised that I really hate Fraiser Crane (as much as one can hate a TV character) but despite that I still really like the show because of all the other great characters.
I'm piling on the Buffy train too.

I'll also add Bones (though that entire show has been appallingly bad the past 2 or 3 seasons anyway).
No, not on a long term basis. If I hate the main character I just can't watch it since as the main character they get the most storylines/screen time. That would just be too irritating for me to sit through every week.
Not a tv show* but while I like the movie, I'd really love to see Ferris Bueller get his comeuppance, preferably by being punched in the face.

*I know there was a lame TV version of it, but you know what I mean
No, not on a long term basis. If I hate the main character I just can't watch it since as the main character they get the most storylines/screen time. That would just be too irritating for me to sit through every week.
Aye, life's too short for that, and I've steered clear of Buffy for just that reason.

Closest example I can think of is I found Mandy Hampton extremely annoying in season one of The West Wing... but that annoyance, happily, was short-lived. :p
It's not that odd if it's an ensemble show. I know lots of people who hate Jack in Lost, for example. My brother just mentioned Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother as another example.
When I've seen it, I've been pretty much okay with Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Doesn't change the fact that I consider the main cop character to be a jerk who goes out of his way to push his limits. I mean--what's his shtick? Walking into a house, and moving things around while talking with the occupants? Isn't that kind of "illegal search and seizure"?

For the record--I really like and admire Dr. Frasier Crane. I recently took a Cheers personality quiz, and scored as him. ;)
I don't know, I hated every single character in Oz, but that was the point, wasn't it? And it's not as if people watched House because they liked House, right?
Lily, on HIMYM, ruins the show for me. Made more so by the fact she's based on a real person.
Another vote for Bones here. Brennan's socially awkward, pop culturally retarded schtick was interesting the first few seasons, but it's worn thin over time. Fortunately the other characters are more interesting.
Add me to the Buffy list. Also not a huge fan of Ted from How I Met Your Mother, but I like everyone else on that show.
Buffy. That's not to say I hated her, but she was pretty much my least favourite character on the show.

Blake in Blakes 7, again its not so much hate,Ijust never found him that interesting back in the day. I probably appreciate the character a lot more these days (basically he's a scary fanatic when you look at it) but again he's one of my least favourite characters.