Game ENT Episode Pitch Game

"All My Life" - After being exposed to a deadly virus on Mineevius, the crew of NX-01, except T'Pol, who can only get mildly ill, is declared to have 48 hours to live and is docked at an abandoned station to wait it out. While in quarantine, the crew contemplate their mortality, agonize over regrets, and even become angry at her for being able to tolerate it. She works with Phlox to try to find a cure, but they come to the startling realization that they have been fooled to keep NX-01 from being able to defend against an attack that the government needs to happen.

Next episode: "Courtship Dance"
"All My Life"
The Enterprise encounters what appears to be a 3km long derelict ship on its way to Teller Prime, Archer, T'pol and Trip board the ship via a shuttle pod. Once onboard, they discover an ancient vessel, scans show it is 1500 years old, however, scans also show that the ship was only recently abandoned, roughly 15 years ago.
They discover that the craft is only sublight capable and appears to be a generational ship, accessing the database, upon further searching, they find a life form named Yuria, and that the ship is from the planet Onavis, 500 light years away.
Yuria tells the away team that the ship found a suitable planet to colonize 20 years ago, and that at the time there was 8,000 colonists that settled the planet, and that the ship was going to fast to slow down and they abandoned the ship.
Yuria tells Archer that she, and a handful of other older colonists were to old to make the trip in the settlement ships.
She had no problem with this arrangement because she had spent her whole life on the ship with her people. She regales Archer with some stories via flashback. In the end Archer offers to take her to the planet, but declines. The make sure the ship will survive long enough for Yuria to die of natural causes, and send to Vulcan command to check on the ship after a few years.

Ack! owell, go with her next episode!
"Courtship Dance" - In the 2160s, as Hoshi is putting the final touches on her impending wedding to former MACO Takeshi Kimura, Daniels returns to recruit her for an important mission. Hoshi must court an individual - a protege of Ambassador Skon - that is vital to the Federation surviving into the 23rd century, and specifically win an upcoming Starfleet ballroom dance competition; the event proves to be a critical happy memory for his individual that helps him overcome depressive episodes and encourages him to press through whatever event he faces. Hoshi finds that the individual is a complete polar opposite to her fiancé, and her skills and knowledge from her service aboard Enterprise are rather unless with this individual. He’s more argumentative than a Tellarite, more arrogant than an Andorian, more aggressive than a Klingon, more critical than a Vulcan and more optimistic than a Denobulan. She relies on advice from her bridesmaid, her childhood pen pal Kate Isles, along the crooning abilities of Admiral Archer to win the individual.

Next episode – “Paperclips and Push Pins”
“Paperclips and Push Pins” - NX-01 locates the wreckage of an old ship, the Augustine, that is the subject of many conspiracy theories. While towing the derelict to a starbase for analysis and body burials, they do a preliminary investigation and discuss the theories, wild and realitistic. However, not everybody wants the secrets of the Augustine to be uncovered...and some may go to extreme lengths to prevent it from being known. Including a faction for whom its scuttling might be the first salvo in an unrecognized war. Meanwhile, Tucker questions whether it's the fun of the mystery or the satisfaction of finally solving of it that is better.

Next episode: "Intelligent Life"
"Intelligent Life"
On the planet Nuihiri, Micolla is hunting a large animal when he hears a loud sound of a sonic boom, and looks up and see's a what he thinks is a meteorite coming down overhead. The boom scares off the animals, so he goes to investigate the meteor that landed nearby. When Micolla gets there he doesn't see a rock, he sees a shuttlepod in a large crater, half buried.
Wondering what this strange object is, Micolla looks at the object and finds he can see inside some parts of the wreckage and finds Mayweather, alive, but hurt. Micolla drags Mayweather out and transports him back to his tribe.
The tribial elders wonder where this sky person come from, he's not a god, as he is hurt, but they dress his wounds and take care of him.
On the Enterprise, Archer is searching for Mayweather after coming under attack from a romulan ship that captured Mayweather's shuttle pod, but was damaged. Not knowing where they took him.

Hmm, Maybe Intelligent Life would be a Second Episode to a 2 parter where the Enterprise comes under attack from romulans and Mayweather takes a shuttle pod to scout an asteroid field, and on his way back the romulans discover him, and a battle happens and the pod is taken by the romulans, however there ship is damaged, and Mayweather overloads his impulse engines to break away, and ends up out of control on the Nuihiri planet, where he's taken care of by the Hunter/Gatherer locals till Archer arives, and smooths the First contact out by having them promise not to pass the knowledge down.

Next Episode:

Strange beings start appearing aboard the Enterprise, curious about who they were. They never identify themselves but they are the Iconian survivors. Meanwhile, Hoshi has a date with a Denobulan linguist who used to bully Phlox in primary school, while they are at a space station.

Next Episode: "Liberty for All"
"Portals"- While exploring the remains of an ancient civilization, an Enterprise landing party finds a hallway with a series of doors. Scans show nothing unusual on the other side and several crewmembers walk through only to be transported to other times.
Archer finds himself in North Africa during the Eugenics Wars and in the body of his ancestor Major Carson Archer.
Mayweather is on the SS Horizon in the body of his grandfather, Fredrick D, Mayweather it's first captain,
T'Pol is aboard the T'Plana Hath in the body of T'Maar her grandmother just prior to first contact.
Back on the planet Trip is frantic to find out were his crewmates went. Hoshi is helping him and discovers that the portals contain a technology that reads brain patterns, not unlike the Universal Translator. There are also traces of chroniton particles. Which just might be the last thing Trip wanted to hear. He's relieved when Daniels arrives and explains that the structure they found on the planet is a "jump base" for Temporal agents, who use it to go back in time into their ancestors' lives at pivotal moments in history. They have to get their time tossed crewmates back before they alter the course of history.
Oh boy!
Next Episode-"Liberty for All"
"Liberty for All" - NX-01 is dispatched to Ruathose after the planet's people decide to ally with Earth, with Archer to sign the official documents on behalf of his people. He is disturbed when Hoshi explains that the official document, as translated, states that the Ruathosei are selling themselves into slavery to Earth's people. While Archer balks at signing such an agreement, he is informed that he must, or else they will sell themselves to another more brutal or exploitative race, and their resources and tech will go with it. Tensions mount when the Klingons step up to challenge Earth's claim on them.

Next episode: "Fumbled"
The Enterprise is in orbit of Vitera VI for supplies and recreation, Phlox recommended stopping by the planet as he could get a few new animals for sick bay. Upon going down to the planet Archer and Trip discover that they play a game caled Parrises Squares.
After watching a few games, they decide to try the game as it looks close to Water Polo but on a court.
After a couple of games, Trip makes a block against an opponent and makes them loose the ball, but the whole crowd and other players start yelling and screaming at Trip, latter officials arrest Trip. Archer has to find out why he was arrested.

Next Episode:
"The Death of Captain Archer"
"The Death of Captain Archer"

When Captain Archer accidentally gravely insults the monarch of an alien race during a trade talk, he has to be put to death in a ceremony and put on a show. Phlox uses one of his creatures to simulate death. All kinds of things happen as they create an elaborate day of mourning as the aliens walk around Enterprise until the trade talks is over. Trip gives an awkward speech after a drink and accidentally tells an embarrassing story about Archer. Meanwhile, Archer experiences surreal dreams, as if he was living the lives of other people who lived within his lifetime, in the past.

Next Episode- "The Other Side of the Coin"
"The Other Side of the Coin"
The Enterprise enters the Andeshan system, a Red Dwarf system with 5 planets, 2 of which are inhabitable, though the second one is heavly glaciated. The ship is in orbit of Andeshan IV, this particular planet is remarkable in that it is Class M, but it is tidally locked so only one side faces the sun all the time. The planet is 85% water so with the ocean currents, the night side is still un frozen. However the storms are quite severe and the light from the Red dwarf is dim so even in the sun its as bright as twilight.

Scans indicate life, so T'pol and Archer go down in a shuttle pod to take a closer look, as the storms make scanning limited and transporters inoperable. there main target is the terminator day/night line. Standing on the surface they can see Andeshan V on the horizon, about half the size of a full moon on Earth its so close.
T'Pol tells Archer that she is done with her scans, indicating no animal life, and they get back into the pod before the next set of storms come over, however, they miss timed the storms, and have to stay on the ground for a few more hours. When the storm hits, they discover that there is actually life IN the storms in small animals that ride the winds of the storms around the world, and if they didn't sit out the storm, they would have never discovered them.

Next Episode:
The Guide

Do wish they'd visit more red dwarf systems in Trek, I mean there the most plentiful stars in the galaxy..
"The Guide" - Enterprise becomes trapped in a collapsed pocket of subspace with seemingly no way out. All appears hopeless until a visitor materializes on board and offers to show the crew how to escape. Her offer comes with a price, of course. She can only provide their exit if someone stays behind to help the next ship trapped to escape. And selects T'Pol, owing to her disciplined mind and long life span. Phlox's menagerie begins to die off in the meantime during their imprisonment. T'Pol accepts the deal, but Trip is determined to find another way out. He and Hoshi discover the Guide is a corrupted AI, and together with T'Pol, repair her to safely make their way out. Phlox's menagerie fully recovers in time. T'Pol further investigates and reports the pocket of collapsed subspace was created by a single unidentified particle of matter. The Guide departs Enterprise with gratitude and reassures the crew she will make her way back to her homeworld to serve the needs of its people.

Next episode - "Deck Zero"
"Deck Zero"- While conducting routine maintenance, Trip finds an unknown compartment buried deep in the ship. The equipment inside is of Vulcan origin. Archer is shocked at this discovery and confronts T'Pol. T'Pol confirms that in the past Vulcans have installed "Observation Centers" for Vulcan Observers assigned to ships from planets Vulcan have "uplifted". Trip notes it's more than a Observation Center it's effectively an Auxiliary Bridge. T'Pol calmly and coolly explains that was so the Observer could effectively take over the ship if needed. Archer's shock turns to anger and instructs Trip to rip the equipment out.
In his quarters Archer pours over his father's notes about the ship trying to figure out how the Vulcans slipped this "Observation Center" past him. He sends message to Forrest and Soval. Soval informs Archer that he was unaware the center being installed and assumes it was the work of the Ministry of Security, Archer's investigation reveals that Henry Archer himself agreed to centers installation as a way to get the MoS's support for the Warp 5 program.
When the Enterprise is attacked and the bridge is disabled, the Observation Center comes into play and is key in fooling the attacking ship into thinking the Enterprise is actually a Vulcan ship.

Next Episode- "Synchronicity"
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Hoshi is fascinated with the communication approach of an alien race, whose syntax changes with the number of speakers speaking at the same time.

Mean while, Trip comes up with a way to make the hum of the warp core match up with the warp speed and the urgency of the mission.

Next Episode: "The Case"
"The Case" - Just before a ship's destruction, it transmits its logs remotely and beams over a mysterious container onto NX-01, which is promptly placed in quarantine. While Hoshi and T'Pol comb the ship's logs for clues as to why it failed, Tucker and Reed treat the container like an explosive/bioweapon until they determine it's physically safe to open. When they become locked out of ship's systems, the ship begins to navigate a course towards the next nearest ship, with the goal of handing off the container like a relay, at which point NX-01 will destruct and the new ship will do the same, so NX-01 must frantically get ships in the area of their path out of the way so it can't happen. Their only hope is to trick the device into thinking a stationary object is NX-01, so that it can't move and the ship can survive.

Next episode: "Formations"
"Formations"- In the aftermath of the Romulan War the Klingon Empire, once an ally, has begun aggressive and expansionistic moves into what was once Romulan territory. To this end the Enterprise and Shran's ship the Kumari Alfe are sent to the S'ul system as a show of force.
On Vulcan, Trip and T'Pol are taking the next step in their relationship, the M'zah a bonding ceremony. Present for the ceremony are Trip's parents Lydia-Rose and Charles "Deuce" Tucker, II. The Tuckers are brash, bold, boisterous and to the Vulcans' chagrin huggers.
On Earth, Hoshi has been recruited by Ambassador Soval and Minister Samuels to use her language expertise to draft a proposal to formalize and expand the Coalition of Planets into a more permanent organization.

Next Episode-
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No Next Episode.. So..
"The City of Silence"
The Enterprise orbits planet Unus V, scans indicated that the system was inhabited, and being farther than the Vulcan maps have charted, this would be a whole new species that will be contacted. They do have warp travel, barely Warp 2, so T'Pol has given the green light for first contact. However, there is a problem, the ship has been by the system for the past 2 weeks, cataloging the transmissions and language of the planet, the problem is, the intelligent life forms on the planet are deaf and mute. They do have a sign language, in addition to subtle ques of lights in there faces. Archer is chomping at the bit to go down to the planet, but Hoshi is still having problems translating there language, Will Hoshi be able to learn the language and initiate first contact?

Next Episode:
"The Invasion of Derdonna"
"The Invasion of Derdonna" - Phlox returns from a medical conference with a new species of fungus which is able to cure Angtherean Fever, a disease which renders its sufferers unable to digest food. He is happily cultivating specimens of the fungus, derdonna, in sickbay as the Enterprise passes by an unexplored nebula. Discharges from within the cloud affect the growth cycle of the fungus and it begins growing at an exponential rate, sending out strangling vines from every surface where its spores landed. Systems are affected shipwide, and life on the Enterprise comes to a standstill as many crewmen are lashed immobile to bulkheads. Porthos frees Archer where a promise of endless cheese is delivered.

Meanwhile, Travis is devastated to learn a cargo ship he traveled on was lost with all hands. He has withdrawn from his shipmates to protect his feelings until challenged to find a solution alongside them to the derdonna problem invading the ship.

Following the crisis, Phlox shares a bowl of derdonna stew with Travis.

Next episode - "Sinking Feeling"
"Sinking Feeling"
The Enterprise is in orbit of planetoid in the Strora 41M nebula. There are no life signs that T'Pol can detect, however, that's not the reason there in the nebula, there searching for a source of dilithium to mine. The Sol system doesn't have a dependable source, and Earth has been relying on the Vulcans for the crystal, something Archer wants to remedy. Scans indicate a decent vein not far from the surface. T"pol and Trip take a shuttle pod to the surface to further study, when suddenly, there is an electrical surge from the planet, and the power goes out in the pod, and on the ship. The ships orbit will degrade and impact the planetoid in 8 hours, however, the shuttle pod has less time, 45 minutes to impact. Can Trip get the pods engines working in time? and can Archer and Lt. Cmd Kelby get the Enterprise up and running to save themselves and the shuttle pod in time?

Next Episode:
The Circle of Atpod