Poll Dune Part 2 (2024) Spoiler/Rating Thread


  • A+

    Votes: 18 35.3%
  • A

    Votes: 19 37.3%
  • A-

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 2 3.9%
  • B

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 3.9%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Dune Part 2 (2024) premieres Feb 12, 2024 in Paris.

Advanced screenings Feb 25, 2024

"Midnight Screenings" March 1, 2024

Opening March 2, 2024

Streaming Release: Spring 2024

Pre-Release Trekbbs Thread

Rotten Tomatoes:

Tomatometer: 95%
Audience Score: 95%


Metascore: 79
User Score: 8.9/10


User Score: 9.1/10
Ranked #30 on IMDB top 250 Movies of All Time (Not unusual for a new movie to jump onto this list, then drop off)

Part One Review Thread (Rated "A" with 33.8% of the votes)

Soundtrack: https://lnk.to/Dune_PartTwo
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Apparently they're having Mr Beast surprise Dune Imperium tournament players with screenings.
You know that for a fact or is that a theory?

Do I know it for a fact? No, I haven't seen the movie yet. But like you said, the only other role you could think of for her is already taken. Who else could she be playing, Jamis's widow? Plus, imagine that voice coming out of a knife-wielding two-year-old girl dressed like a nun... :evil:
It's fact, she's Alia. They accidentally announced then recalled the press items releasing it. Since the first screening people have been talking about it, I accidentally saw some of them.

I saw some that said she's actually in it as Alia, that the movie does a time jump and shows some of Messiah - but that may just be people misunderstanding a vision, like what happened with the early reviews of Part 1 talking about Jessica and Paul's telepathy.
I am tempted to see this one in the theater to see if the scope makes a difference. I know I'm in the extreme minority but I thought the first part was handsomely mounted and all but all the creative choices just felt very predictable and staid. I guess ironically you could state it was very dry.
I am tempted to see this one in the theater to see if the scope makes a difference. I know I'm in the extreme minority but I thought the first part was handsomely mounted and all but all the creative choices just felt very predictable and staid. I guess ironically you could state it was very dry.

When the first one came out I watched it twice in IMAX and once on a normal screen and found the different aspect ratios made a noticable difference to the movie. To the point I've not bought the blue ray waiting for the IMAX ratio release. The movie in the "normal" aspect ratio is still fine, but I noticed some jarring cuts, pans, and tilts to include the same story information that is just on screen in the IMAX cut. The most noticeable was in Thopter piloting scenes.
Looking waaay forward to this.

Rewatched part one the other night as a primer, and was reminded that this is a must-see in a big theater with a bigger sound system. I remember in the theater, feeling the sound of the ornithopters in every bone and pore of my body. Rewatching it on TV was completely underwhelming.

So like with part 1, I'll probably revisit part 2 in the theater a couple of times. Solo no doubt, as this is the sort of movie my wife won't touch with a ten foot pole.
So yeah, just came back and i saw it.

Personally i love it but as i already said in the other thread book purists/fanatics will probably hate it.

Even though it's the Spoiler thread i'll still spoiler code it for now until the majority had a chance to see it but i figure we will have much to talk about ;)

Basic stuff first - go see it in a proper theater, seriously! I've seen the scene of Paul making his first worm ride on Youtube and while it is the same of course the effect in the theater with a massive screen and sound system is so much more. The desert is just so beautifully shot in the movie that i feel the urge to visit one of our deserts just for the experience

On to some specifics in short since i have to go to bed now.

The movie departs massively from the book. Basic plot points are still there - Paul becomes a Fremen, gains their trust and leads them in a campaign against the Harkonnen oppression. Chani and him fall in love, Jessica becomes the Reverend Mother etc until Paul deposes the Emperor. That's about it, everything in between is completely changed or rather parts that the book doesn't go into too much detail are completely rewritten or expanded upon by Villeneuve (for example there is an expanded scene where Paul basically takes control of the Fremen after he becomes the Kwisatz Haderach by using the legend and his new powers of clairvoyance to fire up the worship if his person to new heights).

Basically he concentrated on religious fanaticism, which is a core element of the book and the series as a whole, and makes it the center of the movie. He puts Paul and Jessica at vast odds, so much that one could regard Jessica as a manipulative villain and it depends on your viewpoint if you see her like this ( she's gone full Bene Gesserit in this movie). Once Paul fully embraces the fake legend of the Lisan al Ghaib it also drives a massive wedge between Chani and him because for the entirety of the movie she fights against the more fundamentalist direction many Fremen have because she realizes it's a planted legend to control the Fremen. Once Paul uses it though AND takes Irulan as his official bride it's over for them for the moment. The movie ends onon a quasi cliffhanger and obviously leads into Messiah, which will piss off the general audience who may not have expected yet another cliffhanger.

I am really curious how Dune fans will receive the movie because of the differences to the book and look forward to discussing this.