Donny's Refit Enterprise Interiors (Version 2.0)


Showcase images Table of Contents:
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Bridge (TMP/2271))
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Bridge (TWOK/2285)
U.S.S. Reliant Bridge
U.S.S. Grissom Bridge
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Corridors
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Transporter Room (TMP/2271)
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Transporter Room (TWOK/2285)
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Main Engineering (TMP/2271)
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Main Engineering (TWOK/2285)
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Officer's Lounge (TMP/2271)
U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Officer's Lounge (TWOK/2285)

U.S.S. Enterprise Refit Exterior (TMP/2271)
Starfleet S-10 Travel Pod

Starfleet Phaser (TMP/2271)
Starfleet Phaser (TWOK/2285)

Starfleet Phaser (TSFS/2285)
Starfleet Communicator (TWOK/2285)
Starfleet Tricorder (TMP/2271)
Starfleet Tricorder (TSFS/2285)
Starfleet Environmental Suit (TWOK/2285)

I know I've been pretty quiet lately, but I've actually been working non-stop behind the scenes.

About a month ago, I hit a fatigue wall with my TUC bridge build as I faced creating 30+ unique animated LCARS displays for said bridge. I even started that project because I'd hit fatigue after working nearly a year and a half (or more?) on the latest iteration of my TOS project, with a goal of creating something I could release to the public. However, with CBS shutting down Stage 9 a couple of months back (and what that means for any potential fan-made releases of the sort), and the fact that I was burning myself out with a release mentality, I decided I should return to just working on these projects simply because it brings me joy (and joy to Trekbbs ;)). With the possibility of a release now out the window, it makes sense to dial down and return to doing it for fun. This means jumping around from project to project as my will sees fit, much as I'd done in years past. Wanna spend time in the lived-in, militaristic Enterprise-A of TUC? Go ahead, Donny! Wanna wrap yourself in the garish technicolor aesthetic of the TOS-E? Sure thing! Or revel in the total underrated beauty that was the TMP/TWOK-era Enterprsise? BY ALL MEANS!! (I know that historically I've always done this project-jumping, but since February of 2017 to about August 2018, I'd actually exclusively worked on my TOS project without deviation,)

This brings me to this thread. I'd actually been toying with the idea of revisiting my TWOK-era project for some time now, but was waiting for the motivation to consume me, much like it has now. My original TWOK project was, by the way, one of my very first projects with the Unreal 4 engine, now over 5 years ago. Many of those early sets I'd built were seriously lacking in texture/material quality, accuracy, polish, optimization, customization, and interactivity. I've always also wanted to create the TMP variants of those sets, and quite possibly one day envision what the sets would look like as the newly christened Enterprise-A at the end of The Voyage Home (a stretch goal for now). So now that the motivation is eating me alive, it's time to return.

The aims of this projects are:
1. To create screen-accurate representations of the Reft Enterpise interiors and props as they appeared in the first four TOS movies as if they existed on a real starship, imagined from the era in which the movies were made (1979-1986). Any deviation from screen-accuracy will be noted.
2. To update or completely rebuild (where necessary) my existing Refit Enterprise interiors with enhanced materials, higher-res textures, and optimized lighting, with added bits of interactivity which will be showcased in videos (since the project will most likely never be released, these interactive bits serve to improve my game development programming skills)
3. To build the project with the mindset of swapping materials, lighting schemes, props, etc of the base "Wrath of Khan" interiors so that they can also depict their appearances in "The Motion Picture"
4. Create the Enterprise-A Bridge as seen in "The Voyage Home".
5. (Stretch Goal) Depict interiors other than the bridge as how they may have appeared on the Enterprise-A seen in "The Voyage Home".
6. (Stretch Goal) Create a variant of the bridge as seen in "The Search For Spock", complete with battle damage.
So, I'd decided to start by building the corridors as customizable and tweakable kit pieces, composed of all the different models that make up each segment. I programmed a variety of variables into each different segment so I could tweak things like lighting scheme and panel coverings, or toggle certain elements on or off. This way, I could plop down corridor segments very quickly to build a network of corridors far faster than if I had to place each individual element by hand. I did so keeping in mind that these corridor segments would have to serve as both their greeble and decal-heavy apperance in "The Wrath of Khan", and their more austere appearance in "The Motion Picture".

Here's a graphic pointing out some of the enhancements I've made, compared to my original verison from 2014:
By looking at this comparison shot, you can see that the overall fidelity of the models, textures, and lighting has been improved. The most notable addition is the metal mesh trim that runs along the floor of all corridor segments. This trim was present in the first fhree TOS movies but was removed when the sets were converted for use in TNG. I didn't include it in my earlier attempt, basically because I was too lazy to do so ;). I also added a screen-accurate slightly concave curve to all the light panels near the floor, which I'd left out of my previous build.

And here are the showcase shots of the corridors as they appeared in TWOK (Note that you can click on any of the below images to view them in higher-res on my Flickr page, with some additional shots not showcased below)

Note the Corridor Section Number, and the Corridor Junction Number, which were both present in TWOK and TSFS, but absent in TMP.

Notice beyond the stretch of corridor below, we see a section with four panels and thus implying a higher ceiling. In the film, this section was actually a single "wild wall" that was moved during production to various points where the corridor stage actually ended. This wall also appeared in early episodes of TNG (I'll post reference images in my next post in this thread).

...and my attempt to flesh out what this section might look like had the rest of the walls around this "wild wall" actually been constructed

Here are a few shots of how the corridors looked during "The Motion Picture". Notice the lack of greebles and decals, and the omission of the red alert strips and circular light panels in the bulkheads above (both of these details were not added until TWOK).

This blue lighting scheme was seen on the engineering levels only in TMP:

Here we see Deck 5, as it appeared in TMP, where orange suede paneling was placed over the brushed aluminum, perhaps to give a more comfortable "living quarters deck" appearance. This idea was abandoned post-TMP. Also note that the turbolift decals were beside the door in TMP, rather than directly on the doors in the later films. I have also added a "call button" that wasn't present in TMP, for in-game elevator functionality.

"Who's been holding up the damned elevator?"

In my next post, I'll go over some additional details, with up-close images of some of the details seen in the corridor, and a video of the screen-accurate red-alert tracer effect!
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Here is a video of the corridors, as promised:

Seeing it in motion really brings the brushed aluminum panels to life. About halfway in, I activate "red alert mode", which sounds an alarm and activates the tracer effect of the red alert indicators. The red alert tracers were not present in TMP, but were added for TWOK's production. They were present on the angled section of the concentric corridor segments, and only on one side of the radial corridor segments (In TNG, additional red alert indicators were added to the other side of the radial corridor segments). Near the end of the video, I press a button to call a turbolift, and wait a few seconds for it to arrive. You can actually hear the elevator approach right before the doors open.

Here are some close-up images of some of the greebles and props that adorned the hallways in TWOK

We see fire extinguishers added to the Enterprise sets in both Nick Meyer directed films (TWOK and TUC). There were two types featured in The Wrath of Khan. A simple version, with a red-striped tank and a futuristic nozzle, and a more complex version, which was painted yellow and had a perforated metal plating on the front, two smaller tanks on the back, and a handle mounted on the side. The corridors only featured the red-striped version but I've included shots of the yellow version as well.


Next we have two wall plant-ons. The first is pretty hard to miss, but if you look carefully it was usually situated near one of the radial junction points in TWOK. It featured one of the cargo container labels created by Lee Cole for TMP, in a rare vertical format. The second plant-on was seen in several spots along the corridor, and consisted of a simple black board with text and what appears to be a faux removable panel. Only one of the panel's text is barely legible on screen, and even then I'm not 100% certain. It appears to be "Variable Field Adjust - 45 HR - Crew Closeout". The text I featured on all other panels is pure conjecture.


Here's another two wall plant-ons. The first were seen frequently around the corridors, usually in groups of 2 or 5. There were labeled 1-5 and sometimes A or B. Some were accompanied by a small label underneath them. The labels are unclear in the film, but I've used a few of Lee Cole's Safety Labels from the Star Trek: The Motion Picture Sticker Book and I think they fit nicely. The second plant-on is an unknown item, but it reminded me of the small black objects placed around the Enterprise-A sets seen in The Undiscovered Country, which I believe were intended to be intercom speakers. Since that was another Nick Meyer film, I've taken some creative license and modeled them as intercom speakers as well. Actually, when "red alert mode" is activated in-game, the red alert klaxon emits from those objects in 3D space ;)


Next is the corner pipe greeble setup, which we only saw in "The Wrath of Khan". It was placed in the corners of the corridor junctions, in the sickbay scene, and we get our best up-close view of it in the side hallway in the transporter room scene. It was most likely meant to add visual interest to the sets when Nick Meyer needed, but I admit It stands out like a sore thumb. Nevertheless, it's a fun prop and I've included it in my project.


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5. (Stretch Goal) Depict interiors other than the bridge as how they may have appeared on the Enterprise-A seen in "The Voyage Home".

Oh hell yes, I'm so down for this. Rare ships and sets are of interest to me, so I'm particularly keen in seeing a non-grainy version of the white Trek 4 sets... the only time we've seen them (to my knowledge) is good morning america.

Real sad we won't have the ability to tour these ourselves... the WoK sets/bridge/feel is my favorite at least, and I would have loved to feel what it's like to be there. But, this is why we can't have nice things.

Looking forward to seeing what you got Don!

P.S. On the matter of rare sets and things, for you and Rekkert, how do you guys feel about the Trek 3 excelsior bridge?
And lastly, I wanted to provide reference for the "wild" wall I mentioned in the first post.

This wild wall was placed just beyond the corridor whenever we see a shot that would have otherwise looked into the soundstage. We see it in a few places in "The Wrath of Khan", and it was seen at the end of the corridors during the early seasons of TNG. It consisted of four panels, which implied a higher ceiling than the rest of the corridor set. Of course, it had no ceiling or adjoining walls in reality.
Here it is at the end of the radial corridor (in TMP and an earlier scene in TWOK, this wall featured a giant backdrop photograph of an additional stretch of corridor)

And here it is at the end of the concentric corridor set:

And in TNG:

Before I head to bed, here are some work-in-progress shots of my model of the EV suit seen in TMP and TWOK! I've finished the hard surface parts this weekend. I'm going to start on the bodysuit this week. Enjoy!

Wow! I just spent the entire night making these posts. Wanted to get them out before I head home for the holidays. It's good to be back! (Although I was gone for a very short time ;))

The before shots from 2014 were wonderful, but you've made some really noticeable improvements, especially the floor lighting and the brushed metal effect.

I always loved that TMP ''lower decks" lighting and the seventies suede walls. Wasn't it MSGTTE that suggested each deck in the primary hull had a different colour combination?

Looking forward to seeing more!
Fantastic work. I'd love to see you do a TNG version as well at some point.

By the way, I recently watched Ice Pirates and I saw what looked like one of those fire extinguishers in it. Not sure though.
P.S. On the matter of rare sets and things, for you and Rekkert, how do you guys feel about the Trek 3 excelsior bridge?

Ooof. The Excelsior bridge seen in TSFS was one of the worst bridges in Trek history, in my opinion. We got some great stuff out of TSFS (Excelsior, Spacedock, Oberth, Bird of Prey ship models) but the interior sets of the film were either poorly lit, as in the case of the recycled Enterprise interiors, or poorly designed, as was the case with the Excelsior bridge. I've never had a desire to model it. I can't speak for @Rekkert though.

I always loved that TMP ''lower decks" lighting and the seventies suede walls. Wasn't it MSGTTE that suggested each deck in the primary hull had a different colour combination?

Yep! MSGTTE suggets a few colors in the primary hull. It lists as follows:
D Deck: Brown
E Deck: Red (Orange?)
F Deck: Silver
G Deck: White
H Deck: Light Blue
I Deck: Yellow
All secondary hull corridors: Silver

I doubt I'll use this exact scheme when I depict other decks with TMP styling. I actually have already tested other colors of the padding, such as very 70s shades of red, green, blue, and brown, just to see what works best. I'm sure you'll see some shots with different colors somewhere down the line ;)
Can't wait to see it! I adore the design in TMP.

I don't know if it's one of your goals to produce a fully worked up shuttle bay/cargo complex, complete with TMP shuttles and workbee trains, but I for one would love to see that.
Lots of little details I never saw before (including the fact that the black box near the turbolift on the bridge was an intercom), incredible stuff!

Regarding the Excelsior NX bridge, I don't like it very much, I wish they had the budget to make it closer to the awesome concept art.
Ooof. The Excelsior bridge seen in TSFS was one of the worst bridges in Trek history, in my opinion. We got some great stuff out of TSFS (Excelsior, Spacedock, Oberth, Bird of Prey ship models) but the interior sets of the film were either poorly lit, as in the case of the recycled Enterprise interiors, or poorly designed, as was the case with the Excelsior bridge. I've never had a desire to model it. I can't speak for @Rekkert though.

Regarding the Excelsior NX bridge, I don't like it very much, I wish they had the budget to make it closer to the awesome concept art.

Not surprised to hear that from you guys, I only wondered if you'd look at that bridge and see a canvas for improvement. If I had more practice modeling sets, I'd try to take that one on. I also like it because it's about as under-exposed as the NX permutation prototypes on the Excelsior itself.

I also liked to believe the interface used on the consoles was the first generation implementation of whatever technology ended up becoming the Okudagrams/LCARS.

It’s actually why I’ve started modeling the EV suits already ;)

Oh please tell me you're going to model the interior of the Motion Picture wedge shuttle! I have a couple of pictures I think came from a toy prototype, but I can't remember where I found them... still the best shot to the interior I've found in my own research for TMP stuff.
Not surprised to hear that from you guys, I only wondered if you'd look at that bridge and see a canvas for improvement. If I had more practice modeling sets, I'd try to take that one on. I also like it because it's about as under-exposed as the NX permutation prototypes on the Excelsior itself.
Yeah, if I ever tackled it, I'd like to do a idealized or a heavily re-imagined version (perhaps more akin to the concept @Rekkert posted)

Oh please tell me you're going to model the interior of the Motion Picture wedge shuttle! I have a couple of pictures I think came from a toy prototype, but I can't remember where I found them... still the best shot to the interior I've found in my own research for TMP stuff.
I plan on it! I'll probably start with modeling the Travel Pod and it's interior first (and god knows how long that will take) as a test bed for what I'll do with the shuttle. But I've always LOVED the wedge shuttle and have always wondered myself what the interior would look like. I bet it will have a couple of EV suit lockers for sure though ;)
My hero. ;)

I assumed that was for the airlock from TMP. "A truster suit has been reported meesing."

It is, but those wedge shuttles (SW-7s?) have a pressurized airlock enclosure built into the back tube. For this reason they must have EV suits of their own so shuttle occupants could go EVA to repair the shuttle, or something. Which they probably did for the events of the Kobyashi Maru novel, which describes scotty going EVA to fix the shuttle.

I think the wedge shuttles are, hmm, the only shuttle we see in Trek to have a pressurized compartment like this. Likely TNG shuttles make do with force fields, since that feels like a TNG thing to do.
My hero. ;)

I assumed that was for the airlock from TMP. "A truster suit has been reported meesing."
I mean, it's for that too! I dunno what I'll start with after finishing up the EV suit. My instincts tell me to first update my existing bridge and make sure it works well for a TMP/TVH build, but I'm also leaning towards tackling the docking ports/shuttlebay/cargo bay, as I've never done those and it sounds like a lot of fun!
Donny, how did you do the lighting in the corridors? It looks fantastic.
I lit it as naturally as possible, using Unreal Engine 4's new "rectangular lights", which emit light from a rectanglular plane rather than a single point. These light planes are placed just behind the geometry of the light panels and the dimensions of the rectangular planes roughly match the dimensions of the light panels. All these lights are set to static and have a low attenuation and intensity, and are computed when doing a static light build (If all of those lights were set to dynamic, framerate would take a HUGE dive). The overhead circular lights are dynamic spotlights. That's actually about it. In my lightmass settings, I have tweaked variables as well to get better results. Not sure how detailed you want me to get, but my general rule of thumb is to light as naturally as possible.