Do you like ENT or not,why?

Interesting. Could you expand on that? I think he was the only thing/character that held the show together.

First two seasons, he acted a little too "aww gosh tourist" for something that was that big of an endeavor. I know part of it was writing and direction, but I was unimpressed with what made it to the screen for Archer.
Well, in a very real sense, they are tourists out there. One of the things I liked the most about season 1 was it really brought a sense of wonder and joy of exploration by Archer and the crew... something that was missing from the franchise for several years at that point.
I found Archer petulant at times and borderline racist at other times. I would have expected him to be more in the mold of Kirk given the time in which the show was set and his mission, but instead he came across as somewhat even more passive than Picard earlier on.

IIRC I got a bit of a sense that TPTB were making an effort to make Archer appear to be right/sympathetic in situations where he wasn't, as well.

"A Night in Sickbay" kind of takes all of Archer's worst attributes (except his placidity I suppose) and dials them up to 11.
Well, in a very real sense, they are tourists out there.

I think one of the things that sealed it for me was the episode "Strange New World". An episode that I happen to be fond of, but...

The carelessness Archer showed for his crew in his hurry to get to the planet, could have easily been fixed with a re-write. A leader is supposed to care for their people. Not expose them to needless danger.
The carelessness Archer showed for his crew in his hurry to get to the planet, could have easily been fixed with a re-write. A leader is supposed to care for their people. Not expose them to needless danger.
That was basically the whole theme of early ENT.

T'Pol being correct in being proactive and cautious, and Archer overruling her and choosing to be overzealous and careless, exposing his crew to danger in the process.
I just rewatched "The Council" and I loved the space battle at the end of that, not just the spectacle but how it built up to it and the moving parts in it. I love the weapon being this prize in the middle being fought over, something they did before in "Future Tense" and the scale was really cool too.
I would have expected him to be more in the mold of Kirk given the time in which the show was set and his mission, but instead he came across as somewhat even more passive than Picard earlier on.
Kirk was able to have that attitude because he was commanding a Constitution Class Starship. The Flagship of the the Fleet. That position is going to give anybody in the that era a little bit of swagger.

The NX-01 was most definitely not the toughest kid on the block. Archer had to be somewhat passive.
I love the show and its a top 3 trek show along with TNG and SNW.

Often baffles me the reception some people give it as the whole concept of a more basic time when warp was starting and they were finding it all out.

When you couple that with the criminally underrated characters Archer, T'Pol, Phlox and Trip as well as it being a lot of first encounters with certain alien species.

It is a brilliant show.
I have to rewatch this show. My old locker partner from high school in the 90s loves it. He binged it during lockdown.

I watched the Center Seat episode about it last night. And I can honestly say that I liked the theme song when it came out. I looked it up to buy it. And I didn’t like the third season. And I didn’t like the finale. But I do think it hit its stride in season 4. It took a while, but if you watch old TNG, the first couple of seasons aren’t all that good.

Too bad the show didn’t have more time.