Definite New Series/Limited Series with Patrick Stewart Returning

Whether it will be a limited series or not, if it will be a foray into the future it will set a possible basis for future shows. After all, TNG was the starting point for DS9 and DS9 for VOY. Tying the unknown to the known seems to work pretty well for Star Trek, as it allows to build on a solid base of already-established material.

Again, knowing what happened post-Romulus destruction would be great - as well as knowing what happened to the Dominion and the Borg.

We can fairly safely assume that the Federation has by now mastered transwarp somewhat, which should allow for broader scope.
That's exactly what this fan wants to see.

I'll probably enjoy it regardless of whether he is called back into duty for exploration and pew pew or it's a static character piece. But I think most people are viewing this as "let's get the band back together again! TNG is back, baybeeeey!" That doesn't look likely.
Don't link it to any previous episode or series. Go completely new that way there are no expectations. Any word as to who has been signed on as writers and/or producers?
Seems like the one TNG-era storyline this show would need to, ahem, engage with would be the Picard/Crusher arc. Follow-ups to that story were created for First Contact and Nemesis, but omitted during rewrites for the former and filmed but axed for the latter. Riker and Troi can be off on the Titan, Worf can be among the Klingons, Geordi can be a captain--but I can't fathom an incisive and meaningful character study of Picard that doesn't address his relationship with Crusher.

I would love to see these two characters play against each other on screen, especially given the more lively way McFadden, in her small screentime during the films, played/was allowed to play her role. I just wouldn't want to see a story that played out a will-they-or-won't they arc after 20 freaking years. Jump us right into a different chapter in Picard's life. Have these two characters be in some kind of stasis, whether that's a relationship or not, and drive us forward from that point. I don't want the Scully/Mulder nonsense of the X-Files reboot, where they rolled the characters' interactions back a couple seasons. That felt intellectually dishonest; I want this show--if nothing else--to treat with sense and kindness the realistic development of its human(oid) participants after two decades of time.

Oh, and I'd love if they reboot the TNG aesthetic into something completely out there and bizarre. It has been 20 years, after all!
Don't link it to any previous episode or series. Go completely new that way there are no expectations. Any word as to who has been signed on as writers and/or producers?

The creative team has already been announced:

"Alongside Kurtzman on the as-yet-untitled Trek series are James Duff (EP on Discovery), Akiva Goldsman (former Discovery producer), author Michael Chabon (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay), and Kirsten Beyer (Discovery writer). Overseeing everything are Stewart, Chabon, and Goldsman serving as executive producers, as well as Kurtzman, Duff, Heather Kadin (from Secret Hideout), Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry (son of Gene Roddenberry and Roddenberry Entertainment President), and Trevor Roth (Roddenberry Entertainment COO)."
Oh, and I'd love if they reboot the TNG aesthetic into something completely out there and bizarre. It has been 20 years, after all!

After doing mid-23rd Century Starfleet, if they appear in this new show that is, I wonder how they'll approach late-24th Century Starfleet?
So here's a thought.

All Good Things' Future is about 25+ years after TNG. I am not expecting that future to influence this new show much, but it is interesting to think about where the other characters may be, presuming they don't appear in the show.


Picard, All Good Things future and Now...


Uniforms 20 years after Nemesis...


LCARS Nemesis and Future...
Commenter Ben Grimm over at BirthMoviesDeath has an interesting theory about what this show could be:

"My guess: Ambassador Picard dealing with the fallout of the explosion of Romulus. Single story, non-episodic, leads to the Romulans joining the Federation (or at least becoming allies) and a hopeful, peaceful future."
they just have to do something like this
I'd like to see Worf as captain of the Enterprise (E or F) as Picard made him XO in the novels and that made sense to me. An older Worf who's experienced and balanced and now the first Klingon to be a captain of the Federation flagship.

I see Riker and Troi in the admiralty, Geordi retired, Crusher either a captain or admiral herself, and Data restored either in B-4's body (use CGI to de-age) or, in a shocking twist, his consciousness in a cloned human body. Spiner could play him at his current age and there'd be a whole new angle on the character.
The Romulans would not join the Federation outright I don't think.

In my head, the "ongoing story" has been the Romulan Empire fractures. There are civil conflicts, as new Romulan colonies form on other planets within Romulan space. Medical problems spread as medicinal treatments no longer exist as they were native to Romulus.

The Federation makes initial steps to reach out to some of the Romulan factions who seem less hostile. Parts of the Federation are trying to infiltrate the other factions, to de-stabilise them. Some in the Federation are against helping, and Section 31 are hedging their bets in case the Romulans turn.

Picard who has had better relations with the Romulans following Nemesis compared to other Starfleet vetrans, is working directly with the President, and suspicious of Starfleet, so holding secret talks to help heal the divisions.
So here's a thought.

All Good Things' Future is about 25+ years after TNG. I am not expecting that future to influence this new show much, but it is interesting to think about where the other characters may be, presuming they don't appear in the show.


Picard, All Good Things future and Now...


Uniforms 20 years after Nemesis...


LCARS Nemesis and Future...
I wouldn't count on seeing those uniforms and graphics.
I'd like to see Worf as captain of the Enterprise (E or F) as Picard made him XO in the novels and that made sense to me. An older Worf who's experienced and balanced and now the first Klingon to be a captain of the Federation flagship.
I'd like to say on behalf of the Trek BBS that it's an honor to have you on the board, Mr. Dorn.
I wouldn't count on seeing those uniforms and graphics.
That is a given. It would be a mistake not to bring in Mike Okuda to define the look of the show, as he is responsible for the TNG/DS9/VOY aesthetic and identity. And all those images were alternate futures. But those are still interesting to look at I think, in the light of where this show is gonna be set.