DC Movies - To Infinity and Beyond

Aguaman 2 is tracking as heading for a worse opening than The Marvels. Hope the people who took gleeful delight in tracking that movie's lack of success will be doing the same for this one, in the interest of fairness.
Aguaman 2 is tracking as heading for a worse opening than The Marvels. Hope the people who took gleeful delight in tracking that movie's lack of success will be doing the same for this one, in the interest of fairness.

Well, I really loved Captain Marvel and still need to see The Marvels, but I never found the Aquaman movie interesting at all. The character as portrayed by Momoa, sure. But the first movie was just awful for me personally.
Aquaman 2's numerous troubles (re-shoots, adding then replacing & removing major characters / actors, changing overall narratives written long ago, etc.) were known for well over a year, which had many predicting the sequel would not live up to its predecessor, or crash and burn. Its the final DCEU film, and thanks to all of its problems, I'm not expecting the DCEU to go out on a triumphant note matching the creative zenith for superhero films achieved by other entries in the series (MOS/BVS/WW1/AM1/ZSJL).
Aguaman 2 is tracking as heading for a worse opening than The Marvels. Hope the people who took gleeful delight in tracking that movie's lack of success will be doing the same for this one, in the interest of fairness.
I hope we can get back to talking about the actually movies’ content rather than the box office. And I run the blummin’ box office predictor game!!
Well it looks like Aquaman 2 might be...

*puts on sunglasses*

...dead in the water.

Aguaman 2 is tracking as heading for a worse opening than The Marvels. Hope the people who took gleeful delight in tracking that movie's lack of success will be doing the same for this one, in the interest of fairness.

It is another bomb but due to budget, it is quite difficult to be a bomb as big as The Marvels which is on course to be one of the biggest in history.

Wish is another Disney dud stinking out the Box Office this weekend.
I couldn't care less about box office. The only time I even look at it is when I'm hoping for a sequel to a film series I like. Other than things on this board, I know Barbie and Super Mario made a lot of money this year--and Oppenheimer did well. In this case, I'm hoping for an enjoyable movie, but it has been so long since the first move and my family has no interest in seeing it. For me, the last four DC movies were largely disappointments or mediocre, so I am not really enthusiastic about it. It does come out during our Winter Break, so I might check it out, probably based on what people on this board say about it.
Aquaman potentially bombing is good news. Discovery isn't losing much here because it was one of the projects that was paid for by the previous WB regime. They can pull back on the marketing for this.

Ultimately, DC at Discovery is in a good spot after Aquaman. No more bad leftover projects.

They've got Joker 2 in 2024, which could be a critical darling. And then Superman:Legacy and The Batman II in 2025. All of these have a lot of potential to build up the DC brand if done right. And the HBOMax Penguin series by Matt Reeves, which could be another critical darling.

I have more faith in Zaslav/Gunn and what they could do here, than Feige and his regime under current Disney.
Watched WW84 for the second time this morning, and I still really liked it, and don't quite get why people hate it so much. I still think the way they brought back Steve was weird, and definitely gets creepy when you take into account Diana sleeping with him, but that's not close to enough to ruin the whole movie for me. The most it would do is knock my score down from an A to a B-, or 9 to 8.
Watched WW84 for the second time this morning, and I still really liked it, and don't quite get why people hate it so much.

I wanted to like it, but it disappointed me greatly. Diana was made an unappealing character, cold and isolated from the world because she was still pining for a guy she lost over 65 years ago and couldn’t move on. It’s a very poor look for an icon of female empowerment to have her happiness completely dependent on having a man in her life. That’s like something out of the ’50s, not the ’80s.

The renewed romance with “Steve” — if we can even call him that — doesn’t work either, because most of the business isn’t about their relationship, it’s just about Steve reacting to the modern world. There’s no emotional center to it, just gimmickry. And that’s on top of how incredibly sociopathic the whole storyline is. The fact that Steve is possessing another man’s body isn’t just an incidental plot convenience — they revel in it, gleefully rummaging through this guy’s home and belongings like it’s all some grand adventure. And then they just casually go and steal a jet from the federal government. What??? Isn’t Diana supposed to be the hero?

Max Lord is an underwhelming antagonist too, just a two-bit huckster driven by petty greed and insecurity. One thing I will give the film is that Pedro Pascal is fantastic, giving a much better performance than the script deserves. (Pascal was also in the cast of the terrible unreleased Wonder Woman pilot that David Kelley did in 2011. He doesn’t have much luck with Wonder Woman, does he?)

I like Diana saving the day with a compassionate speech to the world rather than a fight — although Supergirl beat her to it in her first-season finale. And it was nice that she redeemed Max rather than killing him. But I wish they’d let her redeem Barbara too, help her get over that crushing insecurity, one woman to another. As it was, Barbara’s plotline was too much like something out of an ’80s teen comedy, the mousy girl made over into a sexpot, and it had an inconclusive resolution, presumably because WB wanted to keep Cheetah around for sequels or something.

The prologue was terrific, though. Better than the rest of the film.
Good lord. I get why they didn't do the whole previous animated media versions as alternate universes thing, because having a closer look at the animation... I mean, this looks awful. It looks stiff, it looks flat, and it looks uninspiring. Their budget must have been tiny compared to previous outings.