David Mack announces new Trek work on "Facebook"


As of this posting, David Mack's Facebook status reads...

Just signed contracts for my next four STAR TREK novels. Boo-yah. :-)

And in the comments added...

The first of the four is my next VANGUARD novel, STORMING HEAVEN. The next three are a new trilogy, as yet untitled.

I'll share details as soon as I get the green light from Simon & Schuster.

And most importantly...

Like Charlie Sheen says, I'm a winner, and I'm tired of pretending that I'm not winning every day, tired of pretending that I'm not a rock star from Mars. Or maybe I'm just drunk. ... Hang on-- yeah, I think that's it. I'm drunk. Which is almost as good.

Awesome sauce!
Looking forward to the new trilogy, but I hope it does not focus on the Enterrpise crew, I find them boring now. I hope the crews of the Aventine, Titan and DS9/Robinson are involved.
I hope the crews of the Aventine, Titan and DS9/Robinson are involved.

Cue someone screaming "Crossovers! Again? Ewww!"

yeah I suppose another crossover is too soon after Destiny, I would be happy with the Aventine being in all 3 or the crew of DS9 being in all 3. But the thought of 3 books with the Enterprise crew does put me off. I found them so boring in Paths of Disharmony that I could not wait to get the book over and done with.
David R. George III has announced on Facebook that he is now contracted for two more Star Trek novels, too, so I guess the schedule for 2012/early 2013 is slowly beginning to take shape.
I cannot wait to see what shows up next year.

Looks like The Knife is slowly bending The Force to his Will.

He will bring balance to the Star Trek universe...but only because he upset the balance in the first place :D
Oh FUCK yes.

I mean seriously people.

Four more books by Mack and two more by DRG3? I'll read ANYTHING they EVER write. I know DRG3 got shat on a bit for his choices with Sisko, but I loved Beasts as much as anything else of his.

This kicks ass. I'm pumped.
I'm about half way thru reading Harbinger and enjoying it, so maybe I'll be caught up by the time the new vanguard novel comes out!
I wonder if these are all really on the schedule for next year. 5 Trek novels by the same person in the same calendar year... it has to have been a while since that's happened, if ever.