Cyfa's art challenges and other bits & bobs

@Cyfa, that finished piece is just awesome on so many levels! All those details! It‘s breathtaking. I honestly think this turned out perfect. I love finding stuff in there, like Nog and Jake way in the background, the Trill symbionts in the water, Dr. T‘Ana in her box … I love this!
This is one of my favorite art pieces in years. Rings special.

What’s are the black shuttle, the parked little red shuttle, and that parked alien ship from?
Hey, that's really awesome. :mallory::techman:
- Thank you, Santaman! :D

That's fantastic on so many levels, @Cyfa. I'd be far too intimidated to attempt anything with that amount of detail, I'm in awe! :cool:
- Funny you should say that, but I did find it intimidating right up until the last few minutes (adding the distant windows and lights). I could scarcely believe what I'd let myself in for! :lol: Thank you, Starscape

that finished piece is just awesome on so many levels! All those details! It‘s breathtaking. I honestly think this turned out perfect. I love finding stuff in there, like Nog and Jake way in the background, the Trill symbionts in the water, Dr. T‘Ana in her box … I love this!
- Thank you, Michael :D Despite the mini-strop and the intimidation of it, I did find myself enjoying doing parts of it. I kind of wish now that I had gone with a bigger size (this one is A3) to fit more in - But then I wouldn't have finished it until the end of next month! :rommie:

Bruh... Like, holy shit, that's awesome. So much stuff going on!
- Thanks, Borgman :bolian: And as I said to Michael, I wish I'd included more, now.

great stuff as always cyfa.....but I cannot spot a tribble.....
- Aaaaarrrrgh! How could I forget to include a Tribble?!? Um... I mean, of course there's a Tribble - you just haven't found it yet, gazomg :rommie:

This is one of my favorite art pieces in years. Rings special.
What’s are the black shuttle, the parked little red shuttle, and that parked alien ship from?
- Ah, thank you, Arpy :)
The black shuttle is the Kellogg Shuttle (there're some great 'photos' at the Sci-Fi Air Show), the little red one was going to be the yellow transport from DIS: "Scavengers", but I forgot what I was doing and coloured it in red - d'oh! And I have no clue what the alien ship is, but I've loved it ever since I first saw it on the pre-publication cover of the Discovery: Designing Starships book (I suspect it's a Vulcan ship concept, but I'm not sure - I don't have the book, so I don't know if it features inside - if anyone knows, please let me know :)).
Only spacedock was big enough for your canvas. No Enterprise at all….but this is all that is best in Star Trek….
Disaster has struck!

Okay, so that may be a bit overdramatic... I've just finished sewing a couple of bits of gold ribbon around the cuffs of a cheapo red long-sleeved T-shirt for part of my piece for the Hallowe'en Creepy Cosplay challenge. I went to put it on so I could pin on the narrower gold ribbon for the shoulder yoke and...

... can't get my hands through the sleeve cuffs anymore!!! :wah:

Drat! Now I'm going to have to unpick it all and do it in a different way.

I hope everyone else who's taking part is having better luck than me?
The Starfleet-branded speedo :guffaw:
- In hindsight, perhaps I should have had the SF delta pointing off to the right...?

It could be a communicator. I’d want one “under the sea.”
- I hope the Universal Translator can cope with "glub burble glub!"? ;)

OMG! That's amazing! You really copy the style quite well!
- Thank you! The beluga's were pretty easy compared to Rutherford - Either one of them took a bite out of his left (our right) side, or I seem to have scooped a substantial chunk out myself. Ah, well :)
(I hope you don't mind me quoting this here? I didn't want to clutter the LD Ep 10 thread up with any more of my self-indulgences)
I'm a little behind with my entry for this month's Creepy Cosplay Art Challenge, but should get it all finished, the scene set up and photographed on Thursday. Here's where I'm up to so far:


This is my completely made up and very basic uniform top based on an old long-sleeved t-shirt that was languishing in a drawer. To keep it as simple* as possible I just sewed on gold ribbon for the shoulder yoke and cuffs. I flipped this photo which is why the Starfleet badge is the wrong way around, but the final photo won't be taken in a mirror so it'll look right, then.


And here's a snippet of the props I'm going to use in the scene.

* I say "simple", but sewing the ribbon on to stretchy fabric was a bit of a bugger - for my nowhere-near-expert skill level, anyway :rommie:
Thanks, @Santaman :D

The weather played ball (for a change) so I was able to go out into the garden with my props & tripod and set up the Hallowe'en scene. Here is one of the photos from the many, many that I took (this one's from the first batch - before I realised it would probably look better from a higher angle):

I've now got to go through the others to find the least objectionable and prettify - I mean, spookify it some more for the challenge.
That's awesome, @Cyfa! Where the hell do you come up with ideas like that?! Great job on the uniform top and the Conspiracy aliens! Coincidentally my wife and I are rewatching TNG right now and just the day before yesterday we actually watched Conspiracy. My wife, who didn't remember the episode, asked if it was a Halloween episode. :lol:

I think I might have missed the significance of the tombstones. Whose names are those? Sorry, I feel so dense about them.
Ah, thank you, @Michael :D
The idea stemmed from one I had some time back involving a plush Xenomorph chestburster (that an ex-boyfriend gave me a long time ago) bursting out of a Trill in a horrible take on the Trill symbionts (the chestburster lays across the top of the comfy chair in my home-office, so it's always on show meaning that idea is often at the forefront of my mind).
I originally planned to do that idea set in a Trill graveyard, so I made some gravestones of other Trill. I chose the hosts of the Cyl symbiont (from the Litverse), including Neema Cyl - Audrid Dax's daughter - but remembered Cyl and Dax's connection to the "Conspiracy" parasites (from "Sins of the Mother" in the Lives of Dax anthology - one of my very favourite Trek books) and thought it would be much better to use them rather than the chestburster (and I didn't want to rip my top open!). So, I changed some of the names on the gravestones to other Trill characters involved in the Litverse's return of the parasites storyline (from the DS9 post-season 7 novels, or "relaunch"): Audrid (Dax's fourth host), Jayvin Vod (Audrid's husband and Neema's father), Taulin (Cyl's host in the mid-late 24th century, and a Watcher for the parasites), and Verjyl (a host for the Gard symbiont who identified and captured Joran Dax, and became the first Gard Watcher). In the scene, I 'play' a future host of Cyl having succumbed to the parasites.

I suppose, unless one is au fait with DS9's continuation in the novels, those names may be rather obscure ;) And now I feel the need to rewatch "Conspiracy"! I think it's a great episode to watch at Hallowe'en because it's so creepy and chilling, so I'm with your wife on this one :rommie:
Thanks, @Santaman :D

The weather played ball (for a change) so I was able to go out into the garden with my props & tripod and set up the Hallowe'en scene. Here is one of the photos from the many, many that I took (this one's from the first batch - before I realised it would probably look better from a higher angle):

I've now got to go through the others to find the least objectionable and prettify - I mean, spookify it some more for the challenge.

Wow, fantastic! It's all come together incredibly well, @Cyfa. Have you added some sutble folding to those parasites or it just shading, there definitely appears to be a 3d quality to them. :)