Charting the Novel-verse


I read Captain's Logs years ago, spotted the April, Captain Daughter and Captain's Table references, and then completely forgot about it! :alienblush:

Thanks, ToddCam. :techman:
Folks, a few quick questions. Any links, etc., would also be appreciated to take me to the proper areas.

(1) Are the upcoming Typhon Pact books (and are there just four of them?) being released in chronological order, or do they pretty much occur simultaneously post-"Losing The Peace", seeing as they appear (or appear to me from what little I know of them, that is) to each represent a different facet of Trek (i.e. TNG, DS9, et al)?

(2) Is there supposed to be a third Myriad Universes book due out this year? And when? Yes, I realize that is actually two questions...

(3) I do have the excellent "Voyages Of Imagination" book (thick enough to stop a photon torpedo), but would one of you esteemed gentlemen care to provide a link to something that picks up where VoI left off, for those of us who enjoy reading newer Trek fiction but would like to do so in chronological order?

(4) Back to Myriad Universes, I know sales figures aren't really a matter of public knowledge and I don't wanna open THAT particular can of worms, but overall how did the MyriadU books do in comparison to general TrekLit? David Mack managed to publish his MirrorU novella as a full-length novel; are we looking at more o' the same with some of the richness of what I've read in the Myriad Universe books?

(5) Are what I've heard described the upcoming Aventine books the same as the Typhon Pact miniseries? Or am I mistaking one for the other?

Before you collectively gnash your teeth at me for not taking the time to fully read the entirety of this thread, which probably contains most if not all of the answers to the questions I've posed above, I barely had time to merely skim TrekLit this morning for the first time in a few months while getting ready for work. Someone has to work to buy your books to give you your royalties!

You're welcome.
(1) Are the upcoming Typhon Pact books (and are there just four of them?) being released in chronological order, or do they pretty much occur simultaneously post-"Losing The Peace", seeing as they appear (or appear to me from what little I know of them, that is) to each represent a different facet of Trek (i.e. TNG, DS9, et al)?

I gather that they are in roughly chronological order and are not simultaneous, spanning several months overall.

(2) Is there supposed to be a third Myriad Universes book due out this year? And when? Yes, I realize that is actually two questions...

Myriad Universes: Shattered Light is scheduled for December, according to Memory Alpha.

(5) Are what I've heard described the upcoming Aventine books the same as the Typhon Pact miniseries? Or am I mistaking one for the other?

There is only one scheduled book focusing on the Aventine (though not exclusively), and it is part of the Typhon Pact series. Rumors of a series of Aventine books are greatly exaggerated.
(3) I do have the excellent "Voyages Of Imagination" book (thick enough to stop a photon torpedo), but would one of you esteemed gentlemen care to provide a link to something that picks up where VoI left off, for those of us who enjoy reading newer Trek fiction but would like to do so in chronological order?

Memory Beta: is your friend

(4) Back to Myriad Universes, I know sales figures aren't really a matter of public knowledge and I don't wanna open THAT particular can of worms, but overall how did the MyriadU books do in comparison to general TrekLit? David Mack managed to publish his MirrorU novella as a full-length novel; are we looking at more o' the same with some of the richness of what I've read in the Myriad Universe books?

however well they sold, it was well enough for a third to be commissioned. so, pretty well.
Christopher and CaptCalhoun, thanks for the info. I had totally forgotten about Memory Beta.

But would someone like to go into more detail on question #5? Or is that a topic you published authors are able to discuss?
Christopher really said all that is needed to be said-- there is only one Aventine book planned, and it's part of the Star Trek: Typhon Pact mini. There is no Aventine series. The other three Typhon Pact books focus on the Enterprise, DS9, and the Titan respectively.

The Aventine originally appeared, of course, in Destiny and A Singular Destiny.
Whoops, sorry; thanks, Turtletrekker. I meant question #4, regarding how well Myriad Universe did vis-a-vis other TrekLit.
I suspect that's a question you're not going to get an answer to, beyond "well enough to merit working on a third volume before the first two even came out."
I also plan to re-post my lost annotations for Out of the Cocoon in time for the tpb release.
And as promised:

Now with all-new page numbers, and a special bonus retcon!

(Oh, and needless to say, it "spoils" not only my book, but
several others.)

Regarding p.13 - I assume that this was just after they discovered the value of the bead that they received from the Wong family?
I apologize if this has already been asked, but:

Will we ever get the story of the fall of Section 31? As The Good That Men Do told us, we know it did happen, we just don't know how or exactly when.

Does any author want to write that? Are they planning to?
^ Apparently, Martin & Mangels were working on something like that with Marco, but it was delayed due to the run-up to Destiny...and then he was laid off.

No word on future plans.
Well, I have fianlly had a chance to start the Seven Deadly Sins anthology and was happy to find references to both Vanguard and Errand of.. in the Romulan "Pride" story and an appearance of Rom and Leeta's baby Bena from the DS9R in the Ferengi "Greed" story. :techman:

Hopefully, I will find time to finish the book soon.
^ Right. There are actually over 600 Star Trek novels; they've been published since the 60s.
They actually have NOVELS? OMG! I never knew that! They aren't comics, right?

Yeah, real novels with words and no pictures. Just like TV/film Trek, some are terrible, some are mediocre and some are brilliant. If you give them a try, please don't judge all 600 bad if you happen to pick up a crappy one first.
Okay! As you can tell I am definitely a Star Trek newbie. But, OMG! NOVELS! Hmm...I wonder if I can check them out from a library. Does anyone have favorites?